"I don't understand, you are a member of the Demon God Society, why do you want to lead your family to attack the Heimong Tower? What good will it do for you?" At this time, Lan Fei asked without understanding.

"It's no good, it's just for fun." Huang Jianzhi replied with a smile.

"For fun? Isn't there your close relatives among the enchantment masters, isn't your Holy Master wanting to accept Heimonglou as his subordinates."

"You let your close relatives fight Heimong Tower, what do you want to do, even if you don't care about your close relative being injured, then you don't worry that your Holy Lord will blame you for consuming Heimong Tower's troops."

Zi Yuan couldn't figure out what Huang Jianzhi wanted to do in planning the current situation, and it would not benefit him at all.

"As for my dear relatives, I am not worried about their situation at all. As for the strength of the Heimong Tower, the demon gods will completely look down on these mobs."

"It's too weak to be used in a place where you don't need it. Your abilities are still useful to the Demon God Society, so you understand." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Is this your holy lord's meaning or yours personally?" Zi Yuan asked with squinting eyes.

"Don't you understand, I am the Holy Lord, and everything that the demon **** will do is what I mean." Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at the two Lan Fei.

When Zi Yuan and Lan Fei heard Huang Jianzhi say his holy lord, they both looked at Huang Jianzhi with dull eyes, how could they not believe that he was the high holy lord.

"Don't doubt, I really am the holy master of the Demon God Society. What I do depends on my mood. Give me an answer. Are you interested in joining the Demon God Society?" Huang Jianzhi asked calmly.

"It turns out that you are the Holy Lord, so everything makes sense, no wonder I always felt something was wrong before."

"What are the benefits of joining the Demon God, what will happen if you don't join the Demon God?" After Zi Yuan knew that Huang Jianzhi was the Holy Master of the Demon God, his eyes were full of intense interest.

"Heimang Tower is dispensable to you, you just lack a place to stay. No accident, the Heimong Tower will no longer exist after today."

"The Demon God Society was created by me anyway, and you naturally know the benefits of joining in."

"If you don't join, for unnecessary trouble, I can only bear to raise my hand and slap to death the small spider in front of me." Huang Jianzhi said calmly, as if he was talking about unnecessary things. .

Of course, Ziyuan knew that the little spider Huang Jianzhi was referring to was referring to her, and she did not doubt whether Huang Jianzhi could shoot her to death, because her spider induction had told her that Huang Jianzhi was dead in the endless abyss.

"There is a better source, of course I am willing to join, Holy Lord, Ziyuan is willing to listen to your instructions." Ziyuan knelt on one knee to express surrender.

After seeing Zi Yuan surrender, Huang Jianzhi turned his head to look at Lan Fei, the meaning of his eyes was very clear: She surrendered, what about you?

"I want to join too, but I can't betray Heimonglou. I have Baimaru bugs in my mind." Lan Fei said with a sigh.

For her who wants freedom, which organization she joins is a cage, the demon **** will be just a stronger cage.

"It's not easy, it's just a bug."

Huang Jianzhi snapped his fingers, and the worm in Lan Fei's brain disappeared instantly, and he didn't know where Huang Jianzhi moved to.

"It's gone, it's that simple!"

Of course, Lan Fei felt that the worm that had made her helpless disappeared, and was even more amazed at the means of the Holy Master.

"Lan Fei is willing to join the Demon God's Association and serve the Holy Lord." Lan Fei was also hesitating about something, directly expressing surrender.

"Lan Fei, I know that you desire freedom in your heart, but joining the Demon God Club does not mean that you have lost your freedom. At least I will not use insects to control you like Shiranuma."

"It should be said that all the monsters in the Demon God Society, I did not use special means to control them to work for me, and even I don't care if they are loyal to me, because it is unnecessary."

"Do you know why, because I am too strong. You will have a certain degree of freedom. Every monster in the Demon God Society is the same, but my order is absolute and cannot be questioned." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Really, will the demon **** not restrict my actions?" Lan Fei asked excitedly.

Zi Yuan's expression on the side was also quite surprised. She thought that joining the Demon God would be controlled by the Holy Master with special means. She didn't expect that the Demon God would be dispensable to the Holy Master. This Holy Master's heart is really big.

"Of course, but at the moment I have to tease my two sons. The demon **** will act in a low-key manner, not when it is high-key."

"Xue Nu, you first take them back to the headquarters of the Demon God Association, they are no longer needed here." Huang Jianzhi summoned the Xue Nu to come out and say.

"Yes, Holy Lord."

The moment Zi Yuan and Lan Fei saw Xue Nv appearing, their eyes condensed slightly. It was another big monster, how many big monsters were there in the Demon God Society.

Xue Nu didn't care about Lan Fei and the others' eyes, she went out of the portal and took Lan Fei and the others back to the headquarters of the Demon God Association.

"It's time to join in the fun next." Huang Jianzhi muttered unscrupulously, and disappeared in the next second.

"Bai, what are you thinking about?" The princess couldn't help but asked curiously when she saw Bai Niu's solemn expression.

"Princess, I have lost my sense of the worm in Lan Fei. If Lan Fei is dead, the worm should send a signal back to me at the last moment, but no, as if the worm was taken away by someone using special means."

"But how is it possible? The worms are all living creatures. When they feel danger, they will go deep into their minds."

"If it doesn't work, they will directly eat the host's brain, but the bugs in Lan Fei's body are so strange." Shiranuma said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Don't worry about Lan Fei, why haven't repelled the enemy after so long." Yaohu Ji said dissatisfiedly when he heard the movement outside.

"Princess, wait a moment, I will now destroy the attacking enemy."

Shiranuma also felt that the insects he controlled were constantly dying, and he had to take Mocun Fushou and the others seriously.

"The smell is,,, he didn't even die, and he found it here."

Not long after Shirazu left the princess's room, he was attracted by the movement of another place and had to turn around and go to another place.

"I found you, Shiranuma, this is what you got from Lisa's experiment. You don't deserve Lisa's love," Matsudo Hirasuke yelled at Shiranuma angrily.

"You tell me this when you come here?" Shiranuma looked at Matsudo Hirasuke complicatedly.

"No, I'm here to kill you, Kaga Ken killed him for me." Matsudo Hirasuke said to the weird woman behind him.


"Asshole, it's him..."

Ryoshou Mocun, who was looking for his father, suddenly saw the fiery blackness on the roof not far away, and his anger instantly burned when he thought of the wound on Toshione's hand.

"Liangcun, our task is to find your father, and he will let Grandpa Fanshou deal with them." Xuecun Shiyin said next to him. ..

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