Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 860: Real world

"Shiyin, there are too many houses here, and we are too slow to check them one by one. That **** is also the high-rise of Heimong Building. He must know the exact location of my dad."

"We forced out the position of dad from his mouth, it's better than we check one by one, and the injury on your hand..."

Ryoshou Mocun reproached himself to see the wound that had been bandaged in Yukumura Tokin's hand, as if it was his fault that Yukumura's injury was injured.

"Well, then we will work together to grab him and say."

Xuecun Shiyin took a look at the dense surrounding houses, and knew that the investigation was too slow, so he hesitated for a while and agreed to Mocun's suggestion.

"Just now, I thought who was looking at me. It was you, what? This is my revenge."

Huo Hei felt a different sense of gaze, and when he turned around, he saw the two of Mocun Ryoshou not far away. With a wicked smile on his faces, he jumped to Mocun Ryoshou and the others.

"Where did you catch my father?" Mocun Liangshou asked angrily at the jumping Huo Hei.

"You said we arrested your father? Did this happen?" Huo Hei suddenly asked a little bit. He didn't know about it.

"You are still pretending to be confused. It is your Heimonglou who captured my father. Now tell me where you hide my father."

Mocun Ryoshou didn't believe that Huo Hei would not know it, thinking that his father might be treated unfairly in Heimonglou, he asked anxiously.

"Oh, so you meant that human being, that human being is now in misfortune, and many of our monsters are very hostile to your enchantment master."

"But their strength is too weak, and they can't deal with you. I heard that the captured humans have something to do with your enchantment master."

"They are all excited to entertain your father, tusk, now your father is afraid..."

Huo Hei's ignorance didn't mean that he couldn't lie. He couldn't help getting excited when he saw Mocun's angry expression gradually gritted his teeth.

"I'm going to kill you, knot,,,"

When Mocun Liangshou heard this, his emotions were completely out of control. He knew that many monsters were indeed hostile to their enchantment master, and he heard the monsters transfer their hatred to his father.

Thinking of how Dad's body is similar to ordinary people except for his healing ability, how can ordinary people's body resist the damage of monsters.

Now he was very angry. He didn't dare to think about his father's situation. The only thing he thought of was to catch the monster in front of him and ask him where he was.


"This is your enchantment, it's too weak."

Huo Hei saw that Mocun Liangshou was deliberately stimulated by him, and his emotions became excited. This was what he wanted.

Seeing the enchantment that suddenly entrapped him, he didn't hesitate to rely on his combat instincts, and with a direct wave of the sharp blade, the enchantment was cut open by the sharp blade like a thin piece of paper.

Huo Hei, who opened the barrier, didn't stop his movements, and flashed to attack Mocun Yoshimori. When Mocun Ryoshou saw the enemy attack, he didn't even want to directly protect himself with the despair.




The sound of the sharp blade slashing on the barrier was endless, and the excited and crazy evil smile on Huo Hei's face was not hidden.

Huo Hei didn't care when a sharp blade was cut off by the border, because no matter how many sharp blades he cut off, he could create more sharp blades that kept slashing towards Mocun Liangshou's border.

"The strength is gradually increasing, and the strength and sharpness of the blade are also increasing. How can this be possible."

Mocun Ryoshou looked at the fiery black that kept slashing towards him in disbelief. The enemy was constantly getting stronger. The dazzling slashing made him dare not be distracted at all, because if he was distracted, he might be distracted. The fire black is cut in half with the extremis.

"A hard enough tortoise shell, you really have the right to be hacked to death by me." Huo Hei saw Mocun Ryoshou's firm determination, and he was even more excited.


"Forget, there is a little girl, it seems you care about her, right?"

Huo Hei flashed away at the moment when Xuecun Shiyin launched an attack. He squinted at Xuecun Shiyin. He directly changed the target and attacked Xuecun Shiyin.

"Asshole, I forbid you to touch her."

When Mocun Liangshou saw the enemy attacking Xuecun Shiyin unexpectedly, a stronger force surged out of his heart, and the Barrier became larger and more rounded.

The whole person instantly appeared in front of Xuecun Shiyin to block Huo Hei's attack, and even directly knocked Huo He away.


Huo Hei, which flew out, knocked down several houses directly.

"Hahaha, that's how it feels, boy, she turned out to be your fate, let me cut her off."

Huo Hei was rushed away by the sawdust surrounding him with a demon energy, and the whole person looked at Mocun Yoshimori even more evilly. Although he suffered a lot of injuries, his demon energy was even more solidified.

"You won't have this chance, bastard." Mocun Liangshou took the initiative to attack Huo Hei.

"good chance,,,"


At this moment, Zuo Jin, who was hiding in the corner, saw the opportunity for a sneak attack, and immediately stepped out to attack Xuecun Shiyin.

Xuecun Shiyin also felt movement behind her, and immediately wanted to use Dejie to protect herself, but as soon as Dejie was used, she was not stabilized, and she was beaten out by Zuo Jin.


Xuecun Shiyin knocked down a house not far away and was buried in the rubble.

"Time tone,,,"

Mocun Liangshou saw that Xuecun Shiyin was buried in the ruins, violently opened the fiery entanglement, and came to the edge of the ruins and shouted nervously.

"Boy, go down and accompany the girl."

Zuo Jin appeared directly behind Mocun Liangshou, and gathered a strong demon-like punch to hit the back of Mocun Liangshou's head.


Just when Zuo Jin was about to hit the back of Mocun Liangshou's head, the surrounding space seemed to be forbidden for an instant, and an invisible wave erupted from Mocun Liangshou's body.

A pure, mysterious and mighty enchantment appeared, it was a larger, more rounded and mysterious enchantment than the absolute realm. Zuo Jin was instantly evaporated by this mysterious enchantment.

"As expected to be the protagonist, the real world above the barren world has appeared, yes, the first outbreak has kept the consciousness clearer than the original." Huang Jianzhi said while watching the play in another space invisibly.

"This,,, this huge and incomparable force turned out to be Xiao Liang's burst out."

Mocun Fanshou and their attention were also attracted by the infinite power coming from a distance. Turning their heads to see that Mocun Yoshishou had burst out, they were all in an incredible state.

"You go to die for me, too."

Mocun Ryoshou, who was in a state of semi-out of control, saw Huo Hei, and the anger in his heart broke out again, and directly flashed to Huo Hei with the newly emerged power.


"What a profound power, you really are the same person as me..."

Huo Hei saw Mocun Ryoshou appearing in front of him, he didn't even think about cutting it up with the sharp blade, but the sharp blade evaporated as soon as it touched the real world.

Huo Hei wanted to get out, but it was too late, the real world was too fast, his whole person was enveloped in the real world, and he collapsed and died within a few seconds. ..

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