Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 861: The Great Devil


"Great, are you okay with Shiyin?"

After Mocun Liangshou wiped out the enemy, he hurriedly searched for the traces of Xuecun Shiyin in the ruins, but when he started looking, Xuecun Shiyin used the barrier to get himself out.

"I'm fine, did you burst out that power just now?"

Xuecun Shiyin felt that the aura of the two monsters had disappeared. Thinking of her feeling the incomparable power in the ruins, she looked at Mocun Yoshimori seriously.

"Well, I saw that you were beaten into the ruins by the monster, and I couldn't help but get angry, and that unknown powerful force burst out directly."

"It's just that now that power seems to disappear, but it doesn't seem to disappear again. It feels so strange, I..."

As Mocun Ryoshou said that his body softened, as if he was about to fall, Xuecun Shiyin quickly helped him to Mocun.

"Ryoshou, what's the matter with you?" Xuecun Shiyin couldn't help worrying when seeing Mocun Liangshou's pale face.

"I seem to lose strength!" Mo Cun Liangshou said weakly.

"Are you off? Then I will take you to rest now!"

"No, I don't have time to rest. Dad hasn't found, Shi,,, Shi Yin, what are you doing?"

What else did Mocun Liangshou want to say, suddenly Xuecun Shiyin directly forcibly carried Mocun Liangshou on his back.

"You are so weak, can I rest assured you, Uncle Xiu Shi is in a state of anxiety, there is no way, I can only go to Uncle Xiu Shi with your back." Xuecun Shiyin said seriously.

"Yes,,, but,,,"

"It's nothing, if it wasn't for you to wipe out the two monsters, do we want to investigate them one by one." Xuecun Toshione said with a big sister's head.

"I don't want it either. Who would let them fly you out, I can't bear it..." Mocun Ryoshou said, his voice became quieter.

"Kill it, kill it. The big deal is to catch other monsters and ask, you hold me tight, otherwise I can't cast the spell." Xuecun Shiyin's face turned red.

"Good, good."

Mocun Liangshou was very embarrassed at the moment. He even asked a woman to carry him, but in anxious to find his father, he had to be at the mercy of Xuecun Shiyin.

When Yukun Tokiko, who was fighting with monsters, saw his granddaughter carry Mocun Ryoshou, his brows wrinkled slightly, and looked at Mocun Shigashi who was also fighting against monsters with dissatisfaction.

Fanshou Mocun also saw the eyes of the old enemy, but what he can say is not his business, it is the younger generation's business.

"Excessive, is this really coming to me? Although it's a childhood sweetheart, how about dispersing dog food like this?" Huang Jianzhi looked at the happy Mocun Liangshou with a bitter expression.

"White Marsh, I thought you had completely transformed into a monster. I didn't expect that you were still a human being. Transforming yourself into this ghostly appearance is the result of your experiment on Lisa."

The battle between Shiranuma and Hirasuke Matsudo was also over. Without the influence of outsiders, Shiranuma was defeated just like the original.

When Hirasuke Matsudo learned from Kagami that Shiranuma was still a human, his expression became incredulous, which was completely different from what he thought.

Shiranuma lay flat on the ground and did not respond to Matsudo Hirasuke's questions, but calmly looked at the ceiling, as if he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Tell me, why do you want to catch Xiushi, because Xiushi is the son-in-law of the enchanter family, or because he was a former student of mine." Matsudo Hirasuke suddenly thought of something and quickly asked.

Shiranuma still didn't respond, as if he was waiting for death.

"Tell me, where did you hide Shushi?" Matsudo Hirasuke asked in a magnified tone.

"He has been taken away by the Demon God's Association." Shiranuma said casually.

"What, the demon **** will?" Matsudo Heisuke's expression instantly became serious.

"Yes, the Mocun Xiu History you were looking for has been taken away by our Demon God Society, I can prove it." At this time, Huang Jianzhi appeared and said with a mask.

"It's you, you are the messenger that the demon **** will send to treat the princess, please hurry up and treat the princess, the princess will not last long." The moment Bai Maru saw the clown mask man, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"When it's time to save, I will save it naturally, but it's not the time yet." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"You are a member of the Demon God Society, why do you want to take away Xiu Shi?" Matsudo Heisuke asked solemnly.

"Talking about what to do in history, I think you should continue Lisa, Lisa, I think she is a selfish scum,"

"Shut up, I don't allow you to comment on Lisa that way." Matsudo Heisuke can't listen to others saying bad things about Lisa, no matter what.

"I'm not wrong, Shiranuma lying at your feet didn't do anything wrong. Lisa was too selfish to let everything,"

"See you in Kaga, kill him for me."

Matsudo Heisuke no longer cares whether the clown mask man in front of him is a member of the Demon God Society, anyone who slumps Lisa will die.

"See you in Kaga, didn't you hear what I said, I asked you to kill him, why are you standing up!" Matsudo Heisuke waited for a long time without seeing Kaga to see him, and became impatient.

"No, I can't do it. Once I do it, I will die."

Seeing his body trembling ceaselessly, Kaga's life instinct kept reminding him that not to mention that he would die if he moved his hands, and he might be frightened if he only moved his thoughts.

"What, aren't you the only big demon in hell? You have the power of a battle at the big monster level. Is he stronger than the big monster." Matsudo Heisuke looked at the man in the clown mask incredulously.

"Don't rush him, even if you trade with him in advance to let him sell, he will refuse to trade with you. As for the reason, because the big devil will also be afraid of death."

"Speaking of that, um, it's about Lisa. If I told you that the Holy Lord has the ability to resurrect the dead, what will happen to you." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"What, this is true, the Holy Lord of the Demon God Society really has the ability to resurrect the dead?" Matsudo Hirasuke asked excitedly in an instant.

When Kaga saw this demon, he was also taken aback by Huang Jianzhi's words. He had lived for so long, and he had never heard of that existence that could resurrect the dead.

But after hearing the existence that made him feel infinitely dangerous, he had to wonder whether the Holy Lord could really resurrect the dead. Even Baizhao, who was lying on the ground, looked at Huang Jianzhi with special eyes.

"Of course it is true. The Holy Lord can realize any wish, including the resurrection of the dead, but the Holy Lord will not easily realize the wishes of others." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"How can I make the Holy Lord fulfill my wish?" Matsudo Hirasuke asked nervously.

"As long as you have a great contributor to the Demon God, you must be a member of the Demon God Association." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"What are the requirements to join the Demon God's Association?"

"You didn't want to join the Demon God Club just to say you join, but you are an individual. As long as you can find the headquarters of the Demon God Club, I can recommend you to join the Demon God Club." Huang Jianzhi smiled.


Matsudo Hirasuke looked at Huang Jianzhi seriously.

"I don't need to lie to you."

"Okay, I'll look for it now, and Kaga will see us go."

Matsudo Heisuke learned that the Holy Lord had the ability to resurrect the dead, so he still had time to take care of other things, so he directly asked Kagajian to take him away to find the headquarters of the Demon God Society. ..

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