Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 862: Power behind

"Now I'm leaving, I'm really impatient. Bai Niu, you better get up and take care of your princess." Huang Jianzhi healed Bai Niu's injuries casually.

"What exactly does the demon **** want to do, when can you go to treat the princess?"

Seeing that all the injuries on his body recovered instantly, Shiranuma believed that the man in front of the clown mask really had the ability to heal the princess.

Seeing that the man in the clown mask turned around and was about to leave, he couldn't help but ask all kinds of questions.

"You don't need to know too much. Let's play with the enchantment master family. Don't worry, no matter what the final result is, you and Princess Ji will have nothing to do. After all, you are already a member of the Demon God Society." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi disappear, Bai Niu clenched his fist slightly, feeling quite dissatisfied with the behavior of the Demon God Society, but thinking of the princess's situation, he had no choice but to compromise.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Worried about the situation of the princess, Bai Niu hurried to the princess's room, seeing the princess pale and breathing weakly. He quickly helped the princess and asked nervously.

"I may be unable to hold on anymore, Bai, carry me out for a walk."

Although Fox Ji was full of expectations for the demon **** before, she knew her own situation, her life origin was nearly exhausted, and her soul and spirit gradually spread.

She naturally knows this situation after she has lived for a long time, and there is no cure in the world. The previous expectation of Wu Sen Land and the Demon God Society was also the psychology of the dying people seeking medical treatment indiscriminately.

Now that there is not much time left, she also wants to drive. She doesn't think about anything anymore, just wanting Shiranuma to accompany herself to stroll around in her last time.

"Princess, don't give up, the demon **** will really have the ability to heal the princess. Please bear with me, princess."

Shiranuma knew that the clown mask man was absolutely capable of healing the princess, and he didn't want the princess to just give up like this.

"Bai, it's okay, it's enough for you to give me so much, now I don't want anything, I just want to go for a walk."

Fox Ji looked at Shiranuma expectantly, and didn't care what Shiranuma said.

"Okay, princess, I will carry you out for a walk now."

Seeing the pleading look in the princess's eyes, Bai Maru knew he couldn't refuse the look, so he took the princess on his back and walked outside.

"It's too noisy over there, Bai, let me go to a quieter place."

Fox Ji glanced at the battlefield, and quickly closed her gaze back. Winning or losing on the battlefield is no longer important. Now she just wants to spend her last moments quietly.

Baimao has disappeared in large numbers from the insects that control the monsters. He already knows that their Black Mansions are ruining, but he is not in the mood to take care of it. At the moment, he only hopes that the clown mask man will quickly take care of the princess.

"Xiaoliang, the monsters in Heimonglou are almost wiped out by us, can you still find your father?"

Fanshou Mocun killed Xiaoyu Xiaoxi, and he couldn't help but shouted when he saw his grandson in the distance had not found Huang Jianzhi.

"Grandpa, I can't find it, as if Dad is not here at all."

Mocun Liangshou recovered a lot of strength and had already gotten off Xuecun Shiyin's back. After searching for so long without his father's shadow, he became more and more anxious.

"Damn it, where did Heimong Lou hide my son-in-law!"

Mo Cun Fanshou has attacked Heimong Tower for so long, and he has not seen the slightest shadow of his son-in-law, and he is extremely anxious in his heart.

Monsters like cannibalism. I haven’t found them for so long. I’m afraid...

"Grandpa, look over there. It seems to be the princess and the commander of the Heimonglou." Mocun Zhengliang saw that Bai Zuo was walking towards the back mountain with the princess on his back, and he immediately pointed to them.

"They must know the whereabouts of Xiusi, Xiaozheng, what is left in Heimonglou are small fish and shrimps now, they will leave it to your night walker to solve it."

"We will go to the owner of Heimonglou for a while. Her breath has become very weak. We should be able to catch them and ask about the whereabouts of Xiushi."

As Mocun Shimori said, Mocun Masomo did not hesitate to let his night walkers solve the remaining monsters, and followed his grandfather to jump back to the mountain.

"My strength is almost exhausted, there is still a little time left for this alien world to collapse, Bai, you can leave here." Fox Ji felt almost done, and she was about to let Bai Maru leave.

"Princess, it used to be beautiful here, but it's a pity that I can't see it anymore." Shiranuma didn't seem to hear the princess's words, scanning the bare back mountain, couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, it used to be a sea of ​​golden flowers, but,,, we can still see it."

Fox Ji used her last power, and the entire back mountain was covered with a sea of ​​golden flowers, and Bai Niu smiled and carried the princess on her back and continued to walk in the sea of ​​flowers.

When Mocun Fanshou and the others saw the golden sea of ​​flowers spreading towards them, they quickly used the enchantment to stand high in the sky, but they couldn't see anything unusual, so they continued to catch up and approach the princess and them.

"Tell me, where is my father hidden by you?" After Mocun Fanshou and the others surrounded Shiranuma and the princess, Mocun Liangshou couldn't wait to ask.

"The power of the concubine body has been used up, and the edge of the Heiman Building has begun to collapse, and it is spreading over."

"You don't want to be swallowed and leave as soon as possible. Baimao, you can also leave me and leave here." Fox Ji said weakly.

Naturally, Bai Maru didn't put the princess off his back, and Mo Cunfan and the others also saw the edge of the Heimong Tower collapsing continuously.

"Tell me, where did you hide Xiu History? Is Xiu History in Heimong Tower?" Mo Cun Fanshou was anxious, he knew how terrible the alien world collapsed, and it would be over once it was swallowed.

"Didn't you say that no matter what the final result is, you will keep us okay. Now that the princess is like this, why haven't you shown up yet." At this moment, Shiranu suddenly shouted to the surroundings.

Shiranuma's actions made Mo Cunfan guard their surroundings vigilantly, but the surroundings were quiet and there was no movement, as if Shiranuma was doing useless work.

"who are you talking to,,,"

When Yukumura Shiko saw that Shiranuma was not talking to them, she realized that things were not as simple as they thought.

"Why haven't you shown up yet? We arrested the person you let us arrest. Now when it's your turn to fulfill your promise, you are gone."

"Could it be that your demon gods are all liars." Shiranuma saw that there was no movement in the surroundings, and he continued to shout to the surrounding without giving up.

"What, the Demon God Society, you mean the one who really took the Xiu Shi, not your Black Mansions but the Demon God Society..."

After Mocun Fanshou and the others got this result, their expressions became extremely complicated, and they still knew the mystery and power of the Demon God Society.

It is almost impossible to fight against the Demon God Society with their current strength. Now that the history is in the hands of the Demon God Society, saving people from the hands of the Demon God Society is probably impossible. ..

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