Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 914: electric shock

"Sister, we used to have a small fight with the Yiqi Dao League, but now it seems that the Yiqi Dao League is hardened to destroy us."

"The most terrifying thing is not the power, but the human heart. With the power of our Tushan, we are probably no match for them." Tu Shan Rongrong also said with a solemn expression.

"Sister, what should we do?" Tu Shan Yaya asked anxiously.

"The overall strength of the Yiqi Dao League is already stronger than Tu Shan. If we fight the Yiqi Dao League head-on, we may only lose."

"But it is impossible for us to leave Tushan to avoid the edge of human beings. After all, the tree of affliction is the belief of our fox-monster clan. We cannot give the tree of affliction to humans, so..." Tu Shan Honghong's attitude is already very clear. .

"Sister, I have sent the little demon to the southern country, Beishan,..., the demon clan forces for help. But I think the probability of them helping us is extremely low."

"Maybe they won't help us, they also want to take advantage of the fire or fish in troubled waters, sister, we have to be psychologically prepared." Tu Shan Rongrong said gravely in his thoughts.

"What the **** did Dongfang Yuechu eat? He didn't mean to join the Yiqi Dao League to get along with the demons."

"This is the so-called harmony. I think he is Tu Shan's traitor, the white-eyed wolf." Tu Shan Yaya thought of Dongfang Yuechu, always wanting to bite.

"Second sister, maybe he is trying to change the mind of the Yiqi Dao League at this moment, maybe he hasn't gotten to the top of the Yiqi Dao League, and he can't have much say in the Yiqi Dao League."

Tu Shan Rongrong knew that her sister was only short-lived, and they knew Dongfang Yuechu as a person, how could he be sorry for Tu Shan.

"Don't mention him in the future, he is no longer from Tu Shan." Tu Shan Honghong said calmly.

"Sister, I heard that in this attack on Tushan, apart from many long-standing masters, there are also the leader of the Yiqi Dao League and the strongest Daoist soldier, the king and the rich."

"Sister, I have an idea. My sister's individual strength should be much stronger than them."

"Sister, if you catch the leader of the Yiqidao League and use the leader of the Yiqidao League to force them back, Tu Shan will not be saved." Tu Shan Yaya suddenly had such a thought.

"Second elder sister, although elder sister's individual strength is very strong, the people of Yiqi Dao League will not be stupid enough to fight with elder sister one-on-one."

"The advantage of human beings is group fights. In the face of group fights, even if the older sister is strong, they will be exhausted."

"It's almost impossible to capture the leader of the First Qi Dao League from among them. Besides, the leader of the First Qi Dao League is not weak. It is so easy to grab." Tu Shan Rongrong said, shaking his head.

"My sister may not be able to do it alone. If there is someone with the same strength as my sister to help my sister, it may be successful." Tu Shan Yaya said.

"We Tushan does have someone who is comparable to my sister, but he is human, and his hope of helping us is very low." Tu Shan Rongrong thought of Huang Jianzhi.

"That old bastard? Huh, it's strange that he will help us. With my understanding of him, he is definitely the first person to run away in this situation." Tu Shan Yaya said dissatisfiedly.

"I will go to him. If he is willing to help, maybe we will get out of this crisis."

Tu Shan Rongrong pondered for a moment, and he was about to seek help from Huang Jianzhi. Tu Shan Honghong believed in the wisdom of the third sister and followed Rongrong to the love tree.

Tu Shan Yaya saw that this was the proposal of the third sister. She was not willful, enduring all kinds of dissatisfaction with Huang Jianzhi, and followed her sister to find Huang Jianzhi.

"Damn it, I knew that in this situation, he was definitely the first person to escape, and I had a glimmer of hope in my heart."

When the three of Tu Shan Honghong came under the giant tree of misery, and saw that Huang Jianzhi had disappeared from the giant tree of misery, Tu Shan Yaya always felt that Tu Shan had raised another white-eyed wolf.

"From what I know about him, it is impossible for him to leave here." Tu Shanrong Rong couldn't believe that Huang Jianzhi left like this.

"Yes, with his idiosyncratic character, he will never leave like this. He is avoiding us, he doesn't mean to help us." Tu Shan Yaya gritted her teeth and said.

"Let's go back. It is better to beg for ourselves. Tu Shan does not need help from outsiders." Tu Shan Honghong also thought that Huang Jianzhi was avoiding them, and left with a cold lift.

"Huh, as expected, human beings are untrustworthy." Tu Shan Yaya scanned the miserable giant tree but did not see Huang Jianzhi's figure, and left with her sister with a cold stunned voice.


Tu Shan Rongrong didn't know what he was thinking, shook his head, and went back with her sisters.


Royal family

My name is Wangquanfugui, I was born in a royal family, and my father is the strongest leader of the Yiqidao League. Because of my father's sternness, from the moment I can remember, my mind is full of swords.

Although most of the ingredients are forced by my father, my talent is really amazing, as if I was born for the sword.

From the time I practiced swordsmanship, I felt that I was getting stronger, year after year of practice, unconsciously I felt that I had surpassed my father.

Since his debut, the monsters I have encountered have been smashed with one sword. Up to now, the monsters are almost as easy as chopping a watermelon.

It can be seen from the worshiping eyes of people around me that I may be the strongest man in mankind. But I have no interest in these things. I am just a soldier of the sect. It is enough to just listen to orders.

Until I received the news that the Yiqi Dao League was about to attack Tushan, I was a little bit happy in my heart. I heard that the Demon King Tushan was very good, but I didn't know how many swords she could take against me.

I hope she won't be like chopping watermelons like the monsters I met before. With little expectation, I quietly waited for the day when the war with Tushan started.

But before he came to fight Tu Shan, he felt someone touch his door from outside. Thief, it's impossible, how could a thief in the royal family dare to care.

There is another possibility, that is the assassin. But that was because when he was young, others were afraid of his talent before sending an assassin to assassinate him. Starting from the twelve-year-old successful swordsmanship, the assassin should be foolish to assassinate him.

Could it be the assassin sent by Tushan, it's possible, but it's just too stupid, Tushan fox demon, do you know who you are facing? I'm a Taoist soldier.




Somewhere in the woods, the king and the wealthy were gagged and hung from the tree, and his body was constantly twisting and struggling, who caused him to be shocked by a certain evil from time to time.

"Is the physique good? People with the blood of the Eastern Spirit Race are different. I have been shocked so many times without fainting."

Huang Jianzhi was using a king's sword to hold a pheasant and roasting, and the king's wealth, who was hoisted by electric shocks from time to time, had a very leisurely life. ..

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