Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 915: Just this time

"Who am I, where is this, what am I doing?" The king and wealthy who were hung up at the moment were suspicious of their lives.



A flash of lightning flashed, and the body of the king and wealthy who was suspicious of his life trembled again.

"Why, how is it possible? Is he a monster? How could there be such a powerful person in the world. Isn't my talent the strongest? Did my father lie to me, no, it must be that I didn't wake up, I was dreaming."


The kings and wealthy people who were suspecting of dreaming were shocked to convulsions again.

"It's not a dream. I was really kidnapped. Who is he? He doesn't seem to be a monster. Why is he so powerful? What is he doing to kidnap me?"

The king of power and wealth did not expect that he would be kidnapped from his nest one day. Recalling the memory of last night, he stared blankly at the kidnappers.

He was instantly killed by the person in front of him. He had no ability to resist. He fainted as soon as he pulled out the King Power Sword. When others woke up, he had been hung from the tree.


The wealthy and powerful king struggled to let Huang Jianzhi give him a chance to speak, but the response to him was a series of electric shocks.

Devil, are you a devil, are you not enough to power me up all night? If you have the ability, you can increase your strength and electrocut me.

Shi can be killed and not humiliated. You regard my kingly power and wealth as someone who is capable of you,,, woo woo,, sir, I was wrong, don’t power it up, I’ll be burnt when I power it up again.

"It's so fragrant, this pheasant is really delicious, do you want to taste it, but let's forget it if you look at it." Huang Jianzhi happily ate the roast chicken while leaving the king's power and wealth.

"You devil, you will have to die. Don't let me go back alive. With my talent, I am not your opponent now. After a few years, I promise to teach you how to behave."


Huang Jianzhi seemed to see through the thoughts of the wealth and wealth of the king, raised his hand and pointed, and an electric spark struck the wealth and wealth of the king again.

"Suspicious, it doesn't seem to be the burning smell of roasted pheasant. It was uploaded by you. I'm sorry, I accidentally scorched your hair." Huang Jianzhi saw the king's wealth twitch like a salted fish and couldn't help but laugh. .

Royal family

"How could it be possible that with the strength of wealth, who can abduct wealth silently, is it a prank of wealth?" Wang Quan Hegye saw the letter left by Huang Jianzhi and couldn't believe the above content.

"Your son was kidnapped by me. I want to get your son back. Come to Houshan alone, otherwise, hum..."

"Patriarch, there seems to be movement in the back mountain." The disciple ran over and said with a fist.


The kingship hegemony frowned when he heard it.

"Could it be that a certain force did it, but it shouldn't be. With the current strength of the rich, no one should be able to steal the rich silently."

"With the character of wealth, it is impossible for wealth to play pranks with us, this...," the king's hegemony brain started to move quickly.

"Immediately send someone to encircle the back mountains, and I will see what is sacred that left this letter." King Power Hegemony ordered.

"Yes, Patriarch."


"When you are full, you seem to have something to say, so just say it." Huang Jianzhi waved his hand and let go of the rich and wealthy king's mouth.

"Senior, have we met? I don't know where I offended Senior. I have to shock me all night." Wang Quan asked weakly.

"This is the first time we met, and you didn't offend me. You only shocked you because it was interesting to see your twitching appearance, so I gave you a few more shocks." Huang Jianzhi smiled casually.

This is your reason. It's just a few electric shocks. What's more, you have been shocked all night, and when you get a few electric shocks in your mouth, you are still shameless.

When the king heard about the wealth and wealth, his eyes were staring, and he was yelling at Huang Jianzhi as shameless. If he hadn't been hanging, he would have rushed to fight Huang Jianzhi desperately.

"Senior, I didn't offend you, so why did you kidnap me? There is always a reason." Wang Quanfugui continued to ask the answer he wanted.

"I'm here for Tushan, isn't that enough?" Huang Jianzhi replied with a smile.

"Tu Shan? That's the case, but I don't understand why you, as a human, senior, help those monsters."

The power and wealth still saw that Huang Jianzhi was a human being and not a monster, but he just didn't understand why such a powerful human would help the monster.

"The little foxes in Tushan are very likable. They are saying that I have been living in Tushanbai for so long, so I have to do something for them."

After Huang Jianzhi finished speaking, raising his hand was another electric shock, and the power and wealth began to convulse again. But this time the royal power fainted.

"It's dizzy, that's right, I've been charged all night, and it's already extremely weak. It's no wonder if I don't dizzy again." Huang Jianzhi saw the miserable state of the power and wealth, always felt that he was a bit bullied.


At this moment, a flying sword suddenly attacked Huang Jianzhi's back, but the flying sword was bounced away before it got close to Huang Jianzhi one meter.

"Your Excellency, it was ruthless to start, my son was really hard to teach by you."

The King Power Hegemony arrived at the scene the moment Huang Jianzhi and his son had just talked. Huang Jianzhi turned his back to him, and he did not see Huang Jianzhi clearly.

Seeing that his son's life is not in danger, he resisted his anger and wanted to hear more news, but when he saw his son fainted, he ignored everything and directly attacked Huang Jianzhi.

"Oh, I remember you, this should be our second meeting." Huang Jianzhi turned around and said with a smile.

"You, you are,,,"

The moment Wang Quan Hegye saw Huang Jianzhi clearly, a certain aspect deep in his memory was awakened, and because of this, his whole person disappeared.

"Didn't you remember me, why, you were scared." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Chuang,,, meet the Lord of Creation God, the villain does not know that Lord of Creation God is coming, please,,,"

"Okay, I believe you have heard the conversation between me and your son just now. You should know what I am here for."

Huang Jianzhi waved his hand to stop the action of the king's hegemony, waved his hand and said calmly.

"Master Creation God, the villain understands that Yiqi Dao League will never attack Tushan again in the future."

The kingship hegemony knew that this world was created by the Lord of Creation God in front of him. Once the God of Creation was unhappy, then the human race would be over. He didn't want to be a human sinner.

"Although you are the leader of the Yiqi Dao League, you are not alone in the Yiqi Dao League. I am here to prevent you from starting this war. I will not bother to control what you do in the future."

"Master Creation God, just this time, what if in the future?" King Power Hegemony asked hesitantly and cautiously.

"Just this time, no matter how much you love and kill Tu Shan in the future, it doesn't matter to me." Huang Jianzhi nodded. ..

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