"Master Creation God, why are you here?" Third Young Master asked curiously.

"Am I weird here?" Huang Jianzhi asked back.

"No, Master Creation God, I found out on the way that you have lived in Tushan for decades, and I don't know Master Creation God, you and Tushan," asked the third master half hesitatingly.

"I planted this bitter love tree, so this is one of my footholds, plus I can eat and live in Tushan for nothing, so I can stay here for a little longer." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"It turns out that the bitter love tree was really planted by you, Master Creation God. I thought Tushan was only for doing business and deliberately engraved those words." The third master smiled embarrassedly.

"You come to Tushan to find the reincarnation of Dongfang Yuechu!" Huang Jianzhi cast a glance at the Third Young Master, and asked knowingly.

"Sure enough, there is nothing in the world that can be hidden from you. I really came to the reincarnation of Dongfang Yuechu. It's just that I found a problem. There seems to be something wrong with Dongfang Yuechu's reincarnation?" The third master was about to ask Huang Jianzhi for advice.

"If something goes wrong, what's so weird, eat it?" Huang Jianzhi handed San Young Master a pack of melon seeds.

"No, thank you, Master Chuangshishen, the reincarnation continuation fate should be the ability you gave to the Suffering Tree. Now that there is a problem with the reincarnation continuation fate, are you not curious at all." The third young master rejected the melon seeds given by Huang Jianzhi, boldly Continue to ask.

"One thing you said is wrong. The reincarnation continuation is owned by the Suffering Tree itself, not my gift. There is a problem with the reincarnation at the beginning of Dongfang Yue. If you look for the Suffering Tree instead of me, I don't bother to be bothered." Huang Jianzhi It doesn't matter how you look.


The Third Young Master was stunned. He didn't expect that the God of Creation was such a God of Creation. Didn't he create everything in the world? He didn't care at all about the creatures he created.

Suddenly, the Third Young Master saw Huang Jianzhi's unwavering eyes, and he understood. He was facing a god, and the **** was high above, how could he care that he created an ant-like life casually.

The three young masters who figured it out sighed and decided not to learn about Dongfang Yuechu's reincarnation from the creation god.

"Is Ya Ya very good-looking?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a treacherous smile regardless of what the Third Young Master was thinking.

"Well, she is beautiful."

Although Young Master San didn't understand why Chuangshi Shen asked that, he nodded when he recalled the rainy Tu Shan Yaya that night.

"Oh, she beat you up all night, you don't hate her, you still fall in love with her secretly, you are a masochist!" Huang Jianzhi looked at San Young Master speechlessly.

"I, I didn't have a crush on her, don't talk nonsense, I don't have one." The Third Young Master said with a guilty conscience.

"Hehe, don't pretend, you have a crush on Tushan Yaya because the Suffering Tree told me that the Suffering Tree will not deceive people."

Huang Jianzhi looked at the Third Young Master with contempt, his eyes revealed: You pretend, you continue to pretend.

"This, this me, me,,,"

The Third Young Master was silent. Perhaps he could refute the feelings of the Suffering Tree, but he could not conceal his true inner thoughts.

"Young man, chase after you like it. Although you can't catch it, at least you have worked hard." Huang Jianzhi patted the shoulder of the third young master and said.

"Can't catch it?"

The Third Young Master stared at the Creation God in a daze, and didn't understand why the Creation God gave him this judgment.

"I'm talking nonsense, it depends on your ability to catch up. By the way, do you want the photos of her as a child?" Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.


"Here, that's it." Huang Jianzhi took out a few photos of Tu Shan Yaya when she was a child.

"This is how she looked when she was a child, so cute." Young Master San saw the photos of Yaya when she was a child, his eyes lit up instantly.

"I like it, I still have it." Huang Jianzhi took out another photo.

"Dongfang Yuechu dare,,, **** it."

The third young master turned dark when he saw the photo of Dongfang Yuechu with feet on Lolita, and that Lolita was Tu Shan Yaya when she was a child.

"Who was bullying and crying? Isn't she the kid from Dongfang Yuechu?" When the third young master saw the picture of Tu Shan Yaya crying when she was a child, he mistook it for Dongfang Yuechu.

"No, she was crying by me. Why, you want to find justice for her." Huang Jianzhi cast a glance at the Third Young Master.

"No, no, how dare I, Master Creation God, can I take away all of these." Third Young Master asked expectantly.

"No problem, they are all for you, but you must not be seen by Tu Shan Yaya, or you will die." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Thank you, Master Chuangshi, I will collect it carefully, and I won't let her know about it." Third Master thanked him.

"If you pack it up, take it away. Don't come to me in the future. I'm going to sleep." Huang Jianzhi saw the third master pack the photos and drove him away.


"It feels like you are very strange today, something is going on?" Tu Shan Rongrong looked at Huang Jianzhi who was looking for her curiously.

"My time is running out." Huang Jianzhi showed his dying eyes.

"What do you mean?" Tu Shan Rongrong's eyes appeared a little strange.

"You are so smart you don't know what I'm talking about."

"I am a human and have a limited lifespan. Although my appearance has not changed, my body has been burnt out. I came here to say goodbye to you." Huang Jianzhi showed an expression of incomparability.

"Let me see."

Tu Shan Rongrong hurriedly grabbed Huang Jianzhi's hand and checked her pulse. Once she was checked, she was terrified. Huang Jianzhi's body was indeed extinguished, and there was no cure.

"Why are you telling me now, why didn't you tell me earlier." Tu Shanrong Rong no longer smiled, but said anxiously.

"Little fox, you care about me so much."

Huang Jianzhi rubbed Tu Shan Rongrong's small head with his hands, but to his surprise, Tu Shan Rongrong did not knock off his hand.

"Although you are a human being, but you have guarded Tushan for so many years, and you suddenly leave, who feels better."

In Tu Shan, although Tu Shan Rongrong’s medical skills are not number one, but the person she judged has no medicine to cure, then there is really no medicine to cure. Thinking that Huang Jianzhi is about to die, Tu Shan Rongrong can’t help showing sadness. expression.

"I won't survive tonight. Your sister will come back tomorrow after going out to work. There is no chance to say goodbye to her. If this is the case, let her show her teeth and claws in front of my grave."

Huang Jianzhi walked out of Tu Shan's room and took out a lot of Tu Shan Yaya's childhood photos and scattered them all over the place. For a while, Tu Shan was scattered everywhere by Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi didn't care what would happen to the residents of Tushan seeing all kinds of wonderful photos of Tushan Yaya when he was a child. When they were almost scattered, he threw a grave next to the giant tree of misery and buried himself in it.

the next day

Tu Shan Yaya came back. She saw that many residents of Tushan looked at her evasively, which made her feel very strange, until a gust of wind blew a photo on the side of the road to her feet.

Looking down, she was stunned. In the photo, a loli slept like a lazy cat, with an ugly little turtle painted on each cheek, and "I am a little turtle" on her forehead.

Tu Shan Yaya trembled, and the little loli in the picture, who slept like a lazy cat, was a photo of her when she was a child.

Seeing that there were many scattered photos around, she resisted her anger and sucked in. Seeing that they were all ugly photos of her childhood, she broke out.

"Asshole, my old lady killed you."..

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