Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 926: Can still play like this

Tu Shan Yaya exudes a dangerous aura, her body slowly floats up, her eyes scanned a circle, and indeed there are elegant pictures everywhere in Tu Shan.

How many photos this got, how many photos the **** took secretly, the key is that all the residents of Tushan saw or got the ugly photos of her when she was a child.

She had only left for one day, and the **** just died like that, and it was impossible to tolerate the laws of nature, and Tu Shan Yaya was roaring inwardly.

The demon power on her body suddenly exploded, and the whole person flew straight to the giant tree of misery on the mountain, as if she would not be able to dissipate Huang Jianzhi's corpse.

When she got under the giant tree of misery, she found no trace of Huang Jianzhi, but found a new grave.

I saw the new grave inscribed on the stone tablet: Tomb of the God of Creation. The coldness on her body was released boundlessly, and the ice under her feet spread out to the surroundings.

"Damn bastard, you thought it would be okay to pretend to be dead. The old lady tells you now that even if you are really dead, the old lady will break your body into pieces."

Tu Shan Yaya thought that Huang Jianzhi was pretending to be dead to escape her and was about to dig this new grave, but when she was about to do it, her sister jumped out to stop her.

"Sister, stop, he is really dead."

"Rong Rong, it's not the first day you met him. You should know what kind of person he was. He may have died silently like this." Tu Shan Yaya didn't believe that Huang Jianzhi died like this.

"I didn't believe it in the beginning, but I checked his body yesterday. His body has already been burnt out, and it's a miracle that he has survived until now." Tu Shanrong said sadly.

"No, I don't believe he just died like this."

Tu Shan Yaya knew that her sister would not lie to her, but she was still a little hard to accept the news.

"Sister, human beings are incomparable to us. We can't hide from birth, old age, sickness and death. We think he is very active and think he is still a young man, but in fact he is already very old." Tu Shanrong said with a sigh.

"You get away, I only believe in my own eyes."

Tu Shan Yaya already believed her sister's words for the most part, after all, human life span is like that. But she still didn't want to believe that this special human being just died like this.

She pushed her sister away and used her strength to dig up the grave, and soon a coffin was exposed. Tu Shan Yaya opened the coffin without hesitation.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi in the old state of the coffin, Tu Shan Yaya's heart sank. She still couldn't accept the death of this very special person to her.

She stretched out her hand to check Huang Jianzhi's body with demon power. After a while, she completely accepted the fact that Huang Jianzhi was dead.

"Asshole, why did you die so early? I haven't really played against you, and I haven't really defeated you. How could you just die like this." Tu Shan Yaya looked at Huang Jianzhi's body, feeling slightly out of control. Up.

"Coward, why can't you die later? When my sister and the dead cockroach return, how can I explain to them that you are a complete coward." Tu Shan Yaya cursed at Huang Jianzhi's body with red eyes. Tao.

"Sister, I blame me, because his powerful power ignores that he is a human being, and he has never checked his body once. If he knew his physical condition, it might extend his life span for several years." Tu Shan Rongrong blamed himself. Said.

"Did he leave any explanations or last words?"

Tu Shan Yaya calmed down her emotions and asked her sister.

"He came to us yesterday to say goodbye and found out that your sister was not there. He didn't think he had a chance to say goodbye to your sister, so he would let your sister show your teeth and claws in front of his grave. He did it." Tu Shanrongrong recalled.

"Before you die, you have to die once. There is really no one else except you. Just for me to show my teeth and claws in front of your grave. Very good. You did it. You won."

Tu Shan Yaya put on the lid of the coffin again and buried the coffin back. She did not dare to stay at Huang Jianzhi's grave for a while, because she was afraid that she would be sad and cry.

"He is Tu Shan's benefactor, and he is qualified to rest here." Tu Shan Yaya left a word and turned to leave.

"Sister, Su Su has a very good relationship with him. I was afraid that Su Su was sad, so I concealed the news of his death." Tu Shan Rongrong reminded her sister from the back.

"Got it."


Tushan Elegant Room

"Sister and that cockroach can still return. What about you, you die if you die. Didn't you say that you are a creation god, why did you die like this?"

Tu Shan Yaya was in tears. When her sister was there, she was innocent and lazy, playful,,, her sister was gone, she was the backbone of Tu Shan.

In front of outsiders, she was arrogant and indifferent, but it was all her pretense, who put such a heavy burden on her.

With no one around, she regained her nature. Although she said that she hated Huang Jianzhi, she was a die-hard arrogant, and this was something everyone knew.

In her heart, he almost treated Huang Jianzhi as an elder brother like Su Su. Suddenly such a relative dies, and it is not inevitable that there will be sadness.

"It's fine if you die. Why do you have to make my photos known to everyone in the world? Do you want to tease me even if you die?"

Tu Shan Yaya looked at the picture of a little turtle painted by Huang Jianzhi on her face when she was a child, and she was so angry that she wanted to tear up the picture.

But when she just wanted to do it, she stopped her hand, she sighed, and ordered people to collect all the photos outside.

Just keep a thought.

But soon she gritted her teeth again, because she got news that a man named San Young Master was secretly collecting her photos in Tushan.

"I'm a voyeur, I dare to come to Tushan, I really don't know whether to live or die." Tu Shan Yaya put on the endless jug on her back, ready to find the third master who collected her photos.

"Master Creation God, you really know how to play."

The Third Young Master glanced at the new tomb next to the afflicted giant tree from a distance, and then withdrew his gaze early. The Creation God would not let him disturb him, so he would not dare to interfere with the creation of the God.

"She seems to be looking for me. The collection of photos is almost done, so I'll try to avoid the wind and talk." Young Master San felt that Tu Shan Yaya was looking for him, and she flashed people without saying a word.


"Brother, oooooo,,, don't you want Susu anymore."

Tu Shan Su Su didn't know where he knew the news that Huang Jianzhi had passed away, and was crying pitifully at his grave.

"The one with no conscience, don't you know if I am sleeping? What is the noise?" Huang Jianzhi's voice suddenly came from the grave.

"Brother, is that you?" Tu Shan Su Su was taken aback for a moment, and then turned around the grave.

"It turned out to be Su Su, I thought it was someone who dared so dare to disturb my sleep." Huang Jianzhi floated out of the grave like a shadow.

"Brother, that's great, my brother is not dead, and my snacks will be lost in the future." Tu Shan Susu rushed over and hugged Huang Jianzhi's thigh directly. ..

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