Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 927: Difficult brothers

"Uh, it turns out that you care about snacks instead of me. I was really touched. Come down, don't wipe your nose with my pants."

Huang Jianzhi saw that Tu Shan Susu was about to get his nose and tears on his pants, and he disgusted him and pulled Susu from his thigh.

"Brother, why are you pretending to be dead?"

Tu Shan Susu was lifted by Huang Jianzhi with stamina like a cat. He didn't have a point of effort in mid-air, so he didn't bother to resist, and asked curiously.

"The kids ask so many why, after you go back, don't tell your two sisters that I am still alive, otherwise they will plan my grave." Huang Jianzhi put Tu Shan Susu down and calmed down. Said.

"Brother, when will you pretend to be dead, and what should I do with my snacks?" Tu Shan Susu asked.

"I'm not pretending to be dead, I'm going to sleep, and I won't wake up a few hundred years later. You are the third lady of Tushan, will Tushan owe you snacks?" Huang Jianzhi touched Su Su's little head Said.

"No, Tushan's snacks are not as good as what you gave me." Tushan Susu said, shaking his head.

"That's no way. During my deep sleep, I can't give you snacks. Just,,, okay, okay, here you are, this is the space bracelet, and the snacks in it will be enough for you to eat for hundreds of years."

Huang Jianzhi originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Tu Shan Susu's watery eyes, he seemed to be about to cry. He had no choice but to give out a space bracelet.

"This is the space bracelet. There are so many snacks in it. It's amazing. You can take it in and out."

A set of space bracelets is placed on Tushan Susu's wrist, and Susu naturally knows how to use space bracelets.

For a moment, her cheeks were bulging, she was chewing snacks in her mouth, and she was still playing with the space bracelet.

"Go back, I'm going to fall asleep, don't tell other people the news that I am alive, especially your two sisters. After a few hundred years, they should be angry." Huang Jianzhi is about to drive Su Su back.

"For hundreds of years, brother, you slept for so long, what should Su Su do if you miss you?" Su Su asked seriously and honestly.

"Cold, if you dare to open my grave in the meantime, I will confiscate your snacks."

Huang Jianzhi thought that although Su Su was stupid, but occasionally IQ went online, fearing that Su Su would open his grave and disturb him, he still warned.

"My brother is so fierce, I want to confiscated other people's snacks, huh, Su Su hates my brother and ignores you." Su Su seemed to be afraid that his brother would actually take her snacks, so he ran away with his bracelet.

Seeing Su Su running so fast, Huang Jianzhi shook his head amusedly, and then floated back into the grave and fell asleep.

Time hastily

Hundreds of years passed in a blink of an eye, and Huang Jianzhi slowly recovered.

"It just happened shortly after the original plot started, and I'm not oversleeping. Well, the black fox actually came here once, but fortunately, the illusion that I left behind is so powerful that she didn't notice anything."

"But my death is a great thing for her, and now she doesn't know where to hide to calculate the mountain."

After Huang Jianzhi came out of the grave, he moved his body a bit, and took a look at his grave. He shook his head amusedly.

"The one who came to see me the most turned out to be Yaya, but her revenge is so serious. Even my stone tablets scribble casually, which really convinced her."

Huang Jianzhi looked at his stone tablet with two small turtles painted by Tu Shan Yaya, and the words on the stone tablet were also changed to: The Tomb of Little Tortoises.

Although it was a good thing that Ya Ya did after getting drunk under pressure, Huang Jianzhi always felt that Tu Shan Ya Ya was intentional.

"Rong Rong is also true. Although she serves me good wines and dishes on my annual death day, Rong Rong shouldn't just set it up and start eating by yourself."

"Are you sure you're here to worship me, not to enjoy the moon under the giant tree of affliction."

"Susu is even more unbelievable. Seeing that I didn't respond to her, she kept nagging at the grave. That's fine. She also littered while eating snacks and completely treated this place as a garbage dump. After eating, she patted her butt. Just leave like this."

"I'm so tired, it doesn't matter if I die or not. Forget it, just play a game with them. At about the same time, I should leave the world."

Huang Jianzhi thought of something funny, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Grandson, I told you everything, don't be cold and indifferent, treat your fiancée gently."

When Wang Wanli saw his grandson treating his destined lover so indifferently, he couldn't help but remind him.

"Grandpa, she is a monster, how could she be my fiancee." Wang Fugui suddenly learned from his grandpa that the spider spirit in front of him was his fiancee, how could he accept it.

"Rich, I..." Qingtong saw that her lover didn't know her, her eyes inevitably showed a trace of sadness.

"Don't call me this name, I hate don't call me this name, I..."

Wang Fugui wanted to correct Qingtong something, but suddenly a big sack appeared out of thin air and slipped him in.

"Caught one, and one more." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile while holding the sack.

"Let go of him..."

Seeing that her lover had been arrested, Qingtong rushed towards Huang Jianzhi desperately, but she was stared at Huang Jianzhi and flew back.

"Your Excellency, did you catch the wrong person? My grandson will not be so stupid to provoke powerful unknown enemies." Wang Wanli was very calm, because he couldn't see through Huang Jianzhi's strength, so he couldn't resist.

"I didn't catch the wrong person. If you want to get him back, come to Tushan." Huang Jianzhi disappeared out of thin air with a big sack after speaking, which made Wang Wanli too late to react.

"Where is he sacred? How could such a powerful man suddenly appear between heaven and earth, Tushan, what's the matter with Guantushan?" Wang Wanli fell into contemplation.

"Rich, Tushan,,,"

Qingtong also heard what Huang Jianzhi said. She ignored the others and hurried towards Tu Shan. Seeing that his grandson-in-law was so anxious, Wang Wanli hurriedly followed.

"Brother, why did you catch the Taoist brother."

Su Su looked at Bai Yuechu, who was tied into caterpillars by Huang Jianzhi on the ground, licked a lollipop and asked carelessly.

"This kid owes me money, and I'm going to take him back to Tushan for a good education."


The gagged Bai Yuechu heard the nonsense of the person who tied him, and he writhed helplessly with anger.

"Su Su, I'm going back first, don't come to me if you have anything, don't come to me if you're okay." Huang Jianzhi left Su Su directly and went back with Bai Yuechu.

Huang Jianzhi, who returned to Tushan, hung Bai Yuechu and Wang Fugui upside down on the giant tree of misery, and looked at these two difficult brothers with a smile.

"Asshole, who owes you money, put me down quickly, suspect, you have also been arrested." Bai Yuechu frowned when she saw the familiar person next to her.

"What do you want to say straight, money, magic weapon, my family has something to be..."

Wang Fugui ignored Bai Yuechu next to him, and thought that the person in front of him would dare to kidnap him in front of his grandfather. It shows that the strength of the person in front of him is unfathomable, and he is not afraid to offend his Wang family. After thinking about it, he still weakened his tone to negotiate. Tao. ..

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