Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 947: Above the sky

"Master, it's done, I also played with him specially for a while. But he collapsed after a while without playing. I thought it was boring and killed him."

After a while, Bai Hu twisted the fat cat and ran back and said.

"You have no problem leaving the Sunset Mountains, right?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Master, there is no problem. The sky-level alien beasts in the sunset mountains will only unite when a large number of human masters come to commit crimes."

"Other times, they usually don't interfere with each other, and occasionally make appointments to pass the boring time."

"Master, we hide our aura, although the average heavenly warrior can't find that we are a strange beast, but there are still more powerful warriors who can find it."

"I'm afraid that our identity will be exposed, and it will cause trouble to you." Xuanniao Xiaohuo hesitated for a while and said it.

"Don't worry, you are by my side, others will not be able to sense that you are alien beasts."

"What about you revealing the identity of the alien beast, Xie Wumingbu, the number one in the sky list, also raised a heaven-level alien beast."

"Who in the world dares to beat him with the idea of ​​a strange beast is not because his strength suppresses the world's people from daring to think about it, your master, I am inferior to Xie Wuming." Huang Jianzhi smiled indifferently.

"Master, are you one of the eighteen people on the list?" Xuanniao Xiaohuofei asked curiously on Huang Jianzhi's shoulder.

"Of course, the master is the top master on the sky list. In addition to the eighteen people, there is also a sky-level warrior in the world who can crush two sky-level strange beasts."

"Dead bird, come down to me, don't think you can run on the shoulders of your master if you shrink into a parrot." Baihu Xiaobai seemed to be fighting for favor.

"It turns out that in addition to being recognized by humans, even the strange beasts are the same. Under normal circumstances, the sky-level strange beasts are much stronger than the average sky-level warrior."

"It's normal for a strong person on the sky list to overpower two or three sky-level strange beasts. How big is the difference between the sky-level warrior and other sky-level warriors on the list that day."

"There should be seven or eight people at the same level on the top list, right?" Huang Jianzhi thought for a while in his heart, then hugged Baihu.

"Your master, I am not one of the eighteen people on the list." Huang Jianzhi replied with the hair on Baihu's body.

"I still underestimate the sky list. Even if the master is so strong, I can't make it to the sky list. What kind of monsters were on the list that day." Xuanniao Xiaohuo said in surprise.

"Dead Bird, what do you know? The master's strength is definitely not weaker than those on the sky list. As long as you give the owner a little time, the owner will definitely be able to go to the sky list." Bai Hu Xiaobai looked like he believed its owner very much.

"You made a mistake, no matter how strong the heavenly martial artist is on the sky list, the heavenly martial artist is always a heavenly martial artist, and your master, I am an existence above the heavenly rank." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Lord,,, Master, you, what you said is true, you really broke through to the realm above the heavenly level." Both Baihu and Xuanniao showed incredible eyes.

"Isn't it a realm above the heaven level, it's necessary to make such a fuss!" Huang Jianzhi hasn't fully understood the world yet, so he doesn't know what his pet is surprised at.

"Master, only you have such an idea. It is said that Xie Wuming, who is the number one in the sky list, vaguely touched the realm above the sky level, but that was only broken. If you want to break through, I don't know what year of the monkey will wait."

"Master, you have reached that realm abruptly. Master, you are already the number one person in the world."

Baihu and Xuanniao didn't think the master would lie to them, which meant that the master had really reached that state.

Thinking that the owner is already the first person in the world, they are the owner's pet again. As long as they don't die in the future, they will definitely live much better than others of the same kind, let alone worry about their lives.

"It turns out that the heavenly martial artist recorded on the martial arts list is already the strongest in the world. I thought there are stronger existences that have not been recorded in the martial arts list. It turns out that I think more." Huang Jianzhi finally understood that the two beasts were happy. what.

"Master, you wouldn't cultivate in a place where human traces are rare, you have only been born now, right?"

Xuanniao felt that his master didn't know much about the ordinary things in the world, so he guessed that his master had just come into contact with the world.

"Forget it, I'm a hunter, and I hunted for several years to feed my younger siblings. Now that my younger siblings have grown up, I'm out of the mountain, and I'm just born." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Orion, hunt, support younger brothers and sisters,,,?"

"Well, there are the names of my third brother and younger sister on the list."

"People list! That's not a ranking of evildoers under twenty-five years old, you, master," Xuanniao was puzzled.

"I am twenty-five this year, and it will be twenty-six in a few months."

Hearing that Huang Jianzhi was only twenty-five this year, the bodies of Baihu and Xuanniao were completely stiff. Is this still a human? At the age of twenty-five, he is already above the heavenly level.

How did this practice? It hasn't been so fast since the mother's womb. Everyone says that the people on the list are all evildoers, what is the master, the super monster among the monsters.

Bai Hu and Xuanniao sighed deeply. Having such a master is also a kind of pressure.

"There should be a lot of good things in your respective dens. In order to prevent you from being nostalgic and take me over, I will help you pack them away." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

Baihu and Xuanniao thought that they might not return to the Sunset Mountains in the future, and did not hesitate to take Huang Jianzhi to ransack their home.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with you, Xiaohuo has so many elixir, why are you just that?" Huang Jianzhi said with dissatisfaction when he saw that there were only a few elixir in the white tiger's den.

"Master, I can't blame it. It's naturally sensitive to elixir, and it's good at planting. It's normal to have so many elixir."

"But I can't do it anymore, I won't be as good at planting as it is, and I can't control my mouth, so just...," Bai Hu said, his voice became quieter.

"No wonder you are so fat, because you have eaten too much. Let's go, follow me to a place, there is something you need to do." Then Huang Jianzhi took Baihu and Xuanniao to the edge of the cliff where his third brother fell. .

"I've already told you the specific situation on the road. Now it's time to watch your performance." Huang Jianzhi stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down at the bottomless abyss. .

"Master, please rest assured, we will do what you confessed beautifully."

"Go ahead."

The white tiger and the black bird instantly recovered their bodies and flew down towards the bottom of the cliff.


"This, cough cough, I'm still alive."

Huang Jianchen, who was in a coma, woke up and saw that he was trapped by the many vines of Shanbi. He knew that he was saved by the vines growing on the mountain birch.

"Zhao Xingjian, you wait for me, and I will avenge my revenge today."..

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