Huang Jianchen saw that he was less than ten meters away from the bottom of the cliff, and couldn't help sighing his luck.

Looking at the vines strangling on his body, resisting the severe pain on his body, slowly unraveling the vines that trapped his body, and cautiously climbing from the mountain bi to the bottom of the cliff.

Huang Jianchen, who reached the bottom of the cliff, couldn't help it. He collapsed on the ground weakly. Just when he was about to relax, a chilling sense of oppression passed over.

"Dead bird, take your life."

"Damn sick cat, taste the flames of my sun..."

Baihu and Xuanniao came out and fought off the cliff.

"Damn, how did they get here."

Huang Jianchen panicked. He was seriously injured by the aftermath of the battle between the two strange beasts. Now that the two strange beasts are coming back, can he not panic.

Huang Jianchen hurriedly got up and looked around. When he saw that there was a small cave nearby, there were so many pipes on him. Climbing hard, it just so happened that the small cave was not big or small just enough to fit his whole body in.

Huang Jianchen hiding in the small cave felt the strong movement outside, and he didn't even dare to move. He still tried his best to reduce the breath on his body, his only hope now is that the two strange beasts leave quickly.

After a while, Huang Jianchen felt the movement outside stopped. He didn't rush out to see the situation, and continued on.

"They should all be gone."

Huang Jianchen lingered for a while, feeling that the two strange beasts had really gone, so he climbed out cautiously.

"This, this is,,,"

When Huang Jianchen climbed out of the cave and saw a wounded and unconscious strange animal not far away. He was stunned, this was not one of the two heavenly monsters that had fought just now.

Huang Jianchen scanned the surroundings nervously and found that there was no other heavenly beast, he was slightly relieved, the other heavenly beast should have been seriously injured and ran away.

"This is a heavenly alien beast, even the unconscious state exudes a heavy sense of oppression."

Huang Jianchen knew that the mysterious bird was still alive when he saw that it was still alive. The whole body of the alien beast was a treasure, not to mention a rare heavenly alien beast.

Huang Jianchen was excited when he thought that the coma not far away was a strange beast of heaven, but soon he let go of his bad thoughts.

Although the sky-level alien beast is in a coma, it does not mean that it will not be awakened. After all, the alien beast is very sensitive to its malicious creatures, and being comatose does not mean that it has no sense of induction.

Not to mention that he is seriously injured now, and the true qi in his body cannot be mobilized. He is now like a weak patient, unable to do anything to such a huge alien beast.

When Huang Jianchen saw the blood under the black bird's feathers, he was tempted. This is the blood of a heavenly beast, whether it is used for cultivation or treatment, it is the best. The alien beast is full of treasures all over, not just to talk about it.

Huang Jianchen thought for a while, gritted his teeth, looked at Feather's blood with firm eyes, his body moved slowly, and cautiously approached the black bird.

Eighteen meters

Eleven meters

Seven meters

Three meters


As he got closer and closer, Huang Jianchen exhaled. He almost heard his heartbeat. He was afraid that he would wake up this heavenly beast himself.

Just when Huang Jianchen's hand was about to touch the blood under the feathers, Xuanniao opened his eyes, still staring straight at Huang Jianchen.

It's over

The moment Huang Jianchen saw Xuanniao open his eyes, only two words "finished" appeared in his mind.

Huang Jianchen sighed deeply and withdrew his hand. He knew that next he would receive a devastating blow from this heavenly beast.

However, the joking scene appeared. Xuanniao glanced at Huang Jianchen, then closed his eyes again, and turned his head to the other side.

Huang Jianchen was stunned.

What does this mean, and what does it mean to turn my head to the other side with my eyes closed, I am ready to die, do I have to ignore me like this?

Huang Jianchen really couldn't figure out why this happened. After a moment of silence, he didn't care.

It's better to be alive than to die. He just grabbed two or three drops of the blood of the strange beast and ran to the small cave to heal his wounds.

"Master, look at this dead bird, it almost scared your brother to death, master." Bai Hu said bluntly that Xuanniao was not.

"These are all trivial things, Xuanniao did a good job." Huang Jianzhi laughed while hiding the fat cat in the dark.

During Huang Jianchen's use of the blood of a sky-level alien beast to heal his wounds, what happened in the Sunset Mountain Range also spread to the outside world.

The fame of the Supreme God Sect grew in an instant. A direct disciple and more than a dozen inner disciples died, and a direct disciple disappeared. Now all major forces are ready to watch the jokes of the Supreme God Sect.

Extreme Shenzong

"Senior Sister Seven, don't embarrass me. It's for your good that the Master does not let you go to the Sunset Mountain Range." In front of the mountain gate, a very tangled young man was preventing the beautiful Senior Sister Seven from leaving.

"Senior Brother Qian, get out of the way, you can't stop me." Chen Yuelan said with a hint of anxiety.

"He can't stop you, what about me." At this moment, a voice came from the stairs.

"Big brother,..."

When other disciples saw the young man appearing above the stairs, they all bowed their heads and shouted respectfully. Many people also showed worshiping eyes. In addition to being the great brother of the Supreme God Sect, this person was also second on the list.

"Brother, even you stop me." Chen Yuelan said unwillingly.

"I know you are looking for the fifth junior brother, but my father has forbidden the sect disciples to go to the Sunset Mountains, Xiaolan, I have to listen to what my father said." Chen Feng said solemnly.

"Why, Brother Five disappeared just outside the sunset mountain range, why didn't you let me look for it."

"Also, so many of our disciples died in the Sunset Mountain Range, why didn't my father seek justice from the Sunset Mountain Range Monster." Chen Yuelan asked inexplicably.

"Xiaolan, our father is not invincible, and the depths of the sunset mountains are not a strange beast that does not match his father. Father is the lord of the sect and has many concerns."

"It's not that the fifth junior disciple doesn't look for it, but it cannot be the disciple of the sect. If another disciple of the sect has an accident in the Sunset Mountains, we will really become a joke of others." Chen Fengqing explained.

"We have died so many disciples, so we just don't do anything like this?" Chen Yuelan asked unwillingly.

"Xiaolan, you also understand the situation in the world more or less, and fighting against the alien beasts in the Sunset Mountains will only consume the strength of our Supreme Divine Sect." Chen Fengqing was helpless to his sister's innocence.

"Brother, can you treat me as if you didn't see me, I will protect myself, just let me go." Chen Yuelan looked at her elder brother pitifully.

"Xiaolan, do you like him?" Chen Fengqing's expression suddenly changed.

"Brother, you, what are you talking about, how could I like a Wu Chi." Chen Yuelan was a little afraid to look directly into her elder brother's eyes.

When Chen Fengqing saw his sister's expression, he knew that his sister must be interesting to that kid. Suddenly, I felt a little unhappy in my heart, as if my sister who grew up was about to become someone else's.

The other disciples around also saw something, and they were inexplicably sad. It turned out that there was someone in the goddess' heart, and he was still the enchanting brother. ..

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