"You seem to be a horizontal trainer too!"

Ding Songkun stopped after laughing for a while, looked down at Huang Jianzhi and said with contempt.

"It seems that this is how I was introduced on the martial arts list, so treat me as a horizontal trainer." Huang Jianzhi replied indifferently.

"Then do you know who you are facing at this moment?" Ding Songkun laughed playfully.

"Of course you know, you're not the fifteenth boss on the top ranking list..."

"Wrong, standing in front of you at this moment is recognized as the most powerful trainer in the world. Boy, I admit that you are talented, but you are too arrogant."

"What gives you the courage to stand in front of me, is it your ignorance."

"With your third-rate cross-training, you dare to head-on with me, who is recognized as the most powerful cross-trainer, boy, you are really tired of living."

Ding Songkun interrupted Huang Jianzhi, poking his finger on Huang Jianzhi's shoulder, and said with a sneer.

"How do you want to die!"

Huang Jianzhi glanced at Ding Songkun's finger poked on his shoulder, no other emotions, squinted his eyes and asked.

"He is dead!" When Li Wenyuan heard Huang Jianzhi's death, he immediately sentenced Huang Jianzhi to death.

Even the people around couldn't believe whether he had heard it wrong, Huang Jianzhi would actually ask Ding Songkun how he wanted to die. Isn't it a death?

When Ding Songkun heard Huang Jianzhi's words, he stared at Huang Jianzhi slightly and retracted the index finger that was poking Huang Jianzhi's shoulder. After scanning Huang Jianzhi up and down for a while, he gradually lost interest in Huang Jianzhi.

"It turns out to be a fool, no wonder you can't understand human words, forget it, let's send you to hell."

Ding Songkun, who had lost his patience, didn't want to play with Huang Jianzhi anymore, stepped slightly, and blasted Huang Jianzhi's head with a fist.

When the surrounding crowd saw Ding Songkun's action on Huang Jianzhi, they sighed slightly in their hearts, secretly regretting that a shocking evildoer had fallen.

Seeing Ding Songkun's fierce punch, they had already imagined the **** scene of Huang Jianzhi being headshot.


A sharp collision sounded instantly, Ding Songkun's forward boxing stopped, and the surrounding air instantly solidified.


Ding Songkun looked at the index finger that blocked his fist in disbelief. His boxing was stopped by an index finger. The owner of this index finger was Huang Jianzhi who was smiling.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi's smiling expression, Ding Songkun's heart surged in an instant. Although he didn't use his full strength, he also used 60% of his strength, which is not something ordinary late-stage horizontal trainers can stop.

Not to mention that the other party still used an index finger to block it. The more Ding Songkun thought about it, the more incredible he was, and he was blocked by the index finger of the third-rate horizontal trainer he looked down on.

"This,,, this is impossible, do I see it as an illusion."

"It's incredible, is this true."

"Fuck, pervert, he blocked it."

The most shocking was the people who ate melons. They had thought that Huang Jianzhi was bound to die, but who thought that Huang Jianzhi would actually block Ding Songkun's attack, he still used an index finger to block it.

This really scared them. The shocking evildoer, who was number one in the double list, actually blocked the attack from the old monster of the sky list. Thinking that Huang Jianzhi was only twenty-five years old, they were shocked and wondered what to say.

Most of the people looked at the scene with eyes wide open and egg-shaped mouths open. There seemed to be a voice in their hearts telling them: Today they will see the birth of a legend.

"I thought that Huang Jianchen's talent was enchanting enough. Who would think of his elder brother... Hey, I hate the surname Huang." Chen Feng muttered quietly.

"I,, I just missed it. I thought he was an ungrown dragon. Who would think that he is already a black dragon that is overwhelming."

Lin Changyu, who was sitting up, looked at Huang Jianzhi blankly, perhaps thinking Huang Jianzhi was too scary. Without a trace of hesitation, I gnawed more seeds to be shocked.

"Coincidence, it must be a coincidence. He can't stop the attack of the strong man in the top ranking. Senior Ding must have let the water out." Li Wenyuan shook his head and said in disbelief.

"You are not at the late stage of the heavenly rank, you are the peak of the heavenly rank, and you are not an ordinary peak of the heavenly rank."

After all, Ding Songkun is a strong man on the top ranking list, and soon calmed his mind, slowly retracted his fist, squinted his eyes and looked at Huang Jianzhi solemnly and said.

"Then, what do you want to say?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

The surrounding people who were eating heard Huang Jianzhi admitted in disguised form that he was a peak power in the sky, and were shocked. He had reached the pinnacle of martial arts at the age of only twenty-five. Is this still a human!

"I underestimated you. I took back what I said before. You are not arrogant and you are not a fool. You are indeed qualified to challenge me."

Ding Songkun's tone changed. After 60% of his strength was blocked by Huang Jianzhi with his index finger, he knew that Huang Jianzhi's strength must be weaker than him.

But it doesn't mean he is scared. After all, he is a strong man on the top ranking list. He has the pride of being a strong top ranking leader. Even if Huang Jianzhi's talent is against the sky, he must be cut today.

Who made Huang Jianzhi's talent scared him, let alone he has already done something to Huang Jianzhi, don't kill him, let him grow, he will definitely regret it in the future.

"Have I heard wrong, Ding Songkun actually said that Huang Jianzhi is qualified to challenge him."

"Looking back, so Huang Jianzhi has the strength of the top ranking."

"This monster evildoer simply doesn't let people live."

The surrounding people eating melons were once again surprised by Ding Songkun's words, and they all looked at Huang Jianzhi on the court unbelievably.

"Challenge you? No, I'm not interested. Do you think about how to die? If you don't think about it, I can give you more time to think about it."

Huang Jianzhi twisted his neck, looked at Ding Songkun with a squint, and shook his index finger casually.

"Hmph, kid, I don't know if you want to die, I will fulfill you, drink,,,"

Ding Songkun exploded back more than ten meters, his body strength suddenly exploded, and the huge Dharma image appeared again behind Ding Songkun, and the condensed Dharma image instantly blasted towards Huang Jianzhi.


Huang Jianzhi looked at the huge Faxiang Fist Shadow coming over, gently raised his index finger, and blocked the Faxiang Fist Shadow again as before.

"No, it's impossible."

Ding Songkun saw Huang Jianzhi easily use his index finger to block his fist shadow, which made him unbelievable again, this time he used nine levels of power.

"I will give you one minute to think about it. If you can't decide how to die, then I will help you decide."

Huang Jianzhi felt that there were so many people eating melons around him, and he was too sorry for the audience to end the battle at once.

So leaving one minute for Ding Songkun's performance is worthy of these audiences. But he would definitely not tell others that this minute was just for pretending to be coercion. ..

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