Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 991: A legend is born

When the people eating melon saw Huang Jianzhi blocking Ding Songkun's attack with his index finger, their faces became feverish and excited.

They are excited to see that Huang Jianzhi can really contend against the strong in the sky list, and the enthusiasm may be that they have seen a legend born.

Li Wenyuan stood with his eyes wide open, he was already doubting his life, of course this was only his business, and not many people cared.

Ding Songkun saw that his fist was ineffective, and forced to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart. He swung his fists and blasted towards Huang Jianzhi. The huge shadows of the fists instantly enveloped Huang Jianzhi's entire figure.



The dense metal collision sounded instantly, and the people around were completely speechless. What they saw was that no matter how powerful Ding Songkun's fists were, they were all caught by Huang Jianzhi's index finger.

"Twenty seconds have passed, you still have forty seconds to choose the way of death."

Huang Jianzhi said casually, his index finger kept turning into an afterimage, and he easily blocked Ding Songkun's fist shadow half a meter away.

"I see, your best kung fu is fingering, so your **** can block my attack."

"Why, didn't you say that you are also a horizontal trainer? Except for fingering, you dare not use your horizontal practice against me."

"You must be afraid, right? You are afraid that your horizontal practice is not my opponent, the most powerful practicer."

"That's why you dare not head-on with me, and helplessly use your best **** to block my attack and prevent me from attacking your body."

Ding Songkun's heart is getting heavier and heavier. He doesn't believe that Huang Jianzhi has the strength to surpass him at this age. He would rather believe that this is Huang Jianzhi who has practiced top **** to easily block his attack.

Seeing that Huang Jianzhi's **** is so powerful, he intends to stimulate Huang Jianzhi to confront him head-on. He doesn't believe that Huang Jianzhi's horizontal practice can be better than him.

When the melon-eating crowd heard Ding Songkun's words, they all nodded secretly. It turns out that Huang Jianzhi's strongest is not his horizontal practice, but his fingering, no wonder he has the ability to block Ding Songkun's attack.

"Want to head-on? It's up to you, I want the title of the strongest practitioner."

When Huang Jianzhi heard Ding Songkun's request, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. How could he not be satisfied with his opponent's coercion and put his fingers down naturally.

When Ding Songkun saw Huang Jianzhi put his hands down, he was no longer defensive, and his face was suddenly happy. Isn't this stupid, dare to confront him head-on, sure enough young people are easy to be provoked.

"Boy, you die under your innocence, drink..."

Ding Songkun didn't plan to let go of this opportunity, and gathered ten percent of his strength to blast towards Huang Jianzhi's heart. He believes that even the top ten strongest players in the top ten will be severely injured by the frontal blow from him.


A huge impact sounded instantly, and a round of qi burst out of nowhere between Huang Jianzhi and Ding Songkun.

The ground directly cracked and bumped, and the surrounding dust was flying everywhere, making the people who eat melons disliked to slap the dust and watch the battle intently.

"Yes, I even blasted a hole in my animal skin jacket. What many people can't do, you really have to praise you for doing it." Huang Jianzhi raised his thumb and said.

"No, no, it's impossible, how can you be nothing at all."

Ding Songkun was dumbfounded at the moment. This blow was ten percent of his strength, and it still hit the heart head-on. Even Xie Wuming, the number one in the top rankings, could not have done nothing at all.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi's relaxed and natural expression, he couldn't calm down, how could his attack have no effect, how could Huang Jianzhi be nothing at all.

"Now the name of the most powerful trainer belongs to me. You have ten seconds left. Do you think about how to die?" Huang Jianzhi smiled and looked at Ding Songkun like a devil.

"Too, too powerful, he is no longer able to describe it as an evildoer, if Lotus will have his help, then..."

Lin Changyu, who was not far away, was also a strong player on the top ranking list. He certainly saw how strong Ding Songkun's blow was and saw Huang Jianzhi disregarding Ding Songkun's blow.

The shock in his heart was no less than Ding Songkun's. Thinking that Huang Jianzhi was only twenty-five years old, his heart was stirred for a while.

"No, I don't believe you are fine at all."

Ding Songkun's face was savage, his strength directly reached the limit, and the facial features behind him became more concentrated. His fists kept blasting towards Huang Jianzhi's body like a shadow.

Huang Jianzhi was too lazy to stop, anyway, there were only a few seconds left, so let him attack enough, and it was time for him to perform.

The surrounding people who eat melons all looked at it for a moment, and only they knew how horrified they were at the moment.

In the past, they all felt that Huang Jianzhi was killing Ding Songkun to provoke Ding Songkun. Who would have thought that Huang Jianzhi was not a dragon that hadn't grown up, but had the urge to scare them to death by showing one foot.

"The time is up, you can't decide how to die, then I can help you."

Huang Jianzhi felt that Ding Songkun was too close, so he raised his fist and punched Ding Songkun naturally.

Ding Songkun's face suddenly changed when he saw Huang Jianzhi's attack, as if he had seen something terrible, his body suddenly increased his defenses, and the golden yellow on his body became deeper.

This was not enough. Ding Songkun also used martial arts techniques to strengthen his body to defend against Huang Jianzhi's punch.


"Boo, ,,"

Ding Songkun watched with horror as the fist that destroyed the world directly smashed his magic, and even broke his vajra indefinitely, and his whole body flew upside down in an instant.


Ding Songkun, who was flying upside down and vomiting blood constantly, was in a daze, his eyes were full of doubt and fear, and the corners of his mouth kept muttering: How is this possible, what is my face, ,,,,


The housing complex in Tongzhou City was once again plowed out of a house canyon road more than 100 meters long, and even the ground was plowed into a trench two meters deep.

The surrounding people eating melons looked at all this in a daze, no one said a word, the eyes were full of the lofty figure of Huang Jianzhi.

Ding Songkun, who was severely injured by Huang Jianzhi's blow, was stupid at the moment, and knew that Huang Jianzhi was not his opponent. He panicked and resisted his injuries and got up to escape, but he just flew up and his heel was grabbed by one hand. Up.

"Want to escape, you asked me if I did."

Huang Jianzhi grabbed Ding Songkun's heel and waved heavily towards the ground.


The ground was smashed into a big hole in an instant, but Huang Jianzhi seemed to find it quite interesting, and continued to grab Ding Songkun's heel and smashed it everywhere.




After a while, many large human-shaped pits appeared on the ground.

"Please, please, please, let go, let me go,,," a weak voice came from the unrecognizable Ding Songkun.

"King Kong's indestructible body has been broken, and the body is still so strong. Let you go, no way, I haven't smashed enough yet."..

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