Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 159: Tummy

He looked at the boy in front of him. The medical skills shown on the plane had shocked him. In the face of fourteen congenital masters, he dared to boast Haikou for one enemy and four, and his strength was certainly not weak. The bottom line is that I can't shake it with this. [[Eight? (One (Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM. But there is a feeling in the heart of the two people who can't convince the boy. The boy feels too confident about himself.

"Little friends, the Gu family and his team have many difficulties. If it can't be solved, don't force it. If the Gu family is a killer, come to Shushan to find me. As long as it's not too much, this face of the ancient family will give me the old man." Whispered.

"Thank you seniors first. The seniors will find a way to collect them. As long as they are all in place, I will leave the matter of meteorology to me." Guo Gang handed Fuji a blank piece of paper, which was filled with some weird ones. Things, but after the two people read it, the impression of Guo bad in his heart increased one point, and Guo bad's things turned out to be similar to what he saw in ancient books. There is even more confidence in curing small meteorite.

"Bad guy, are you okay." Guo Bad turned on his mobile phone, and now there were more than a dozen Lin Shuang's missed calls. He shook his head and turned back. Lin Shuang said nervously over the phone.

"It's okay. I haven't arrived in the capital yet. It is estimated that I will arrive tomorrow morning. What's wrong, miss me?" Guo Bad said with a smile.

"The plane you took was hijacked by the Communist Party, and it's resolved, right?" Lin Shuang asked.

"Yeah, with your man on the plane, you don't have to kneel for anything." Guo Bad joked. "Let ’s put it down, things have been resolved, and I will give them back when the ancient things are resolved. You contact, Grandpa Doutian is here, and it is estimated that there is something to look for me. "After that, Guo Bad hung up the phone and looked at Li Doutian, who was not far away, and stood up.

"Small boy, how can there be a place to worry about your place." Li Dootian was obviously in a good mood, said with a smile.

"Father, I don't like to hear you. Didn't the beautiful captain tell you clearly? If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid the problem on this plane hasn't been resolved so quickly. Will it give me a good citizen medal? Guo said with a grin.

"Shit boy, I heard Aya say you're on the plane, and I know things on the plane can be solved, let's go, Xuanyuan's young master thank you for what you want, even if you ask him, such an opportunity is not How much. "Li Dootian said with a smile.

"Xuanyuan Family? One of the three big families of Emperor Capital. I didn't expect to have a baby on the plane, but he was still the child of Master Xuanyuan. Haha, it seems that God is helping me." Guo badly smiled and followed Li Doutian and went out .

"Little brother, I have offended a lot just now, forgive me." Xuanyuan Tengfei put the two children left and right on both sides of Xue Duo, watching Guo Bad followed Li Toutian, and quickly got up to meet him.

"The parents of the doctors, not to mention that Sister Xue came to Wucheng this time to run away from my non-medical hall. This time an accident occurred on the plane, I have to pay some indirect responsibilities for the non-medical hall." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Ha ha, little brother, you are very appetite for me, ha ha." Xuanyuan laughed. He just talked with Li Dootian a few moments and knew that Li Dootian and Guo Bad knew each other. He didn't believe Li Dotian didn't tell Guo Bad that they were Xuan Yuan. The situation of the family, did not expect that this Guo bad did not have any intention to settle himself, so Xuanyuan Tengfei had a good impression on Guo bad.

"Sister Xue has a good physique. I prescribe a prescription here. When you return to the Imperial City, you will take some Chinese medicine according to this prescription. It is estimated that in seven or eight days, Sister Xue's body will be fully recovered." Said, I was thinking about conditioning Xue Duodan's medicine, but later I thought, I saved your Xuanyuan family, you don't stop me, why can I just use it for nothing, and don't buy at a loss.

"Guo Bad, are you really the owner of Wucheng Bu Yi Guan?" Hu Meier walked to Guo Bad with a red face, and asked with a smile. Xuanyuan took off and saw the thought of her little cousin. Thinking of so many young talents of Emperor Hu Meier, Hu Meier had to stick to a boy from Wucheng.

"If it's Xinglin Avenue's inadequate medical museum, then the owner is me." Guo Bad smiled and said that Hu Meier's impression is not bad. It should be said that Guo Bad's classmates have a good impression on all beautiful women.

"Then, Xueji Dan auctioned by the Wucheng Auction House is not provided by the Medical Museum." Hu Meier said softly. The women's circle was small, although the Wucheng Auction House only auctioned Xuejidan twice, those in the first-tier cities in China. People who are rich or expensive are already aware that there is such a good thing as Xueji Dan in the world.

"Some gadgets, wait until the imperial capital, if Sister Hu wants, I will make one for you." Guo bad smiled and said, "don't disturb you, I will let Grandpa Li arrange a car to take the imperial capital to imperial capital. I do n’t dare to take a plane again. ”Guo bad knows that Dongshan base is almost 700 kilometers away from Didu. There is no car to send it, and it ’s almost ten minutes since he flew his royal sword. After a restful night's recovery, the plane was afraid to take another seat.

"Bad brother, if we don't want to abandon, our family will send a car over here. We are going to return to the imperial capital this afternoon. Why not take a crowded ride?" Xuanyuan Tengfei said with a smile. The young master or the young lady was able to make Xuejidan, indicating that Guo Kuai should be some ordinary disciples of the hidden world, and there is no need to throw away the Xuanyuan family.

"If Brother Tengfei and Sister Xue are going back today, then I'd better respect him." Guo said with a smile, and Hu Meier said a good word aloud, then ran away with a red face.

In about ten minutes, the team of Xuanyuan Family let Guo Bad thoroughly understand what is called the first family of the Imperial City. squeeze? How could it be crowded, Xue Duo was arranged in an extended Rolls-Royce, two Rolls-Royce phantoms surrounded Xue Duo's car one after the other, Guo Gang and Hu Meier were sitting in a vehicle in front of them, speeding Out of the Dongshan Military Division Base, but the moment Li Dootian saw Guo Bad sitting on the phantom, he finally laughed, good boy, Guo really didn't need to worry anymore in the future.

"Guo Bad, what are you doing here in Didi? Is it going to open a medical museum in Didu?" Hu Meier asked with a smile.

"It will take a few days to open the medical museum. This visit to the emperor has some personal problems," Guo said with a smile.

"Is it because the tummy of the little girl has been enlarged, and the emperor has lost his guilt, and by the way visits his future father-in-law?" Hu Meier said with wide eyes, "You don't seem to be eighteen years old, this may be relatively small."

"Kekeke, you guessed it right, the belly is getting bigger, but not to meet future father-in-law, but to get a **** marriage contract with his daughter-in-law." Guo said with a smile, "Of course, everything is done. Maybe he will meet his future husband, haha. "

"What, you, you have a daughter-in-law, where is the Emperor? How old are you, how could there be a daughter-in-law." Hu Meier just said rashly, but did not expect her to be accurate.

"Don't worry about who your daughter-in-law is. I'm going to Gujia to help my daughter-in-law withdraw the marriage contract, and tell me about the situation in the ancient family." Guo Bad said with a smile.

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