Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 160: Emperor Capital is really open

"Ahhhhhh, what do you say? You, did you get the woman who has a marriage contract with the ancient family? It's over, you're done, go to the mountains and live in seclusion, no, no use in the mountains, the ancient family will find you Yes, go to an island in a foreign country, otherwise you are dead. You are the daughter-in-law of the ancient family. I really do n’t see it. I ’m too young to be shocked. {[八一 中? ((

"Look at what you said, I really don't believe what the ancient family can do to me." Guo Bad said with a smile, "My wife just got a marriage contract, but didn't really marry him. I just married him. The woman I fancy, He also brought the green hat with him. The disciple of the ancient family seems to be called Gu Lie, don't you know? Gu Lie, if I don't agree to cancel the marriage contract this time, then I will really crack him.

"Uncle Yun, there's nothing wrong with your car." Guo Bad and Hu Meier's driver, Uncle Yun, heard the name Gu Lie, and the hands on the steering wheel couldn't help shaking. This boy If it is true, that emperor is going to have a big event recently.

"Oh, nothing, just walked away." Uncle Yun whispered to the walkie-talker, Xuanyuan Tengfei was startled. If everyone got any trouble, it would be a joke.

For four hours, the car was parked steadily at the Imperial Capital Yunhua Villa. People who knew this place also gave it another name, Xuanyuan City.

Of course, Guo Gang did not sit idle for four hours on the road and contributed two Xuejidans. Hu Meier knew all the things about the ancient family and told herself. Guo Gang looked at this girl who was a few years older than himself. Ah, just one thing Hu Meier didn't tell Guo bad, the name of the imperial maiden was not called for nothing.

"Finally at home." Hu Meier stretched her waist, and she knew a lot of things about Guo along the way, but the biggest gain was the two elixir in her hand, Xuejidan and Emperor Black Market. One, I have two now, thinking of Hu Meier will laugh, but she didn't know that Xue Xue Dan was just the residue of some refining medicine.

"Bad brother, sit at home first, Meier, you will accompany the bad brother first. When you eat, I call you, and you lead the bad brother around first. I have to accompany Adu to meet your uncle. Xuanyuan Tengfei said with a smile.

"It's a good place." Guo Bad said softly after entering Xuanyuan's house. Yunhua Villa has existed in the Imperial City for thousands of years. Originally, it was impossible to live as a place of historic interest. However, the old ancestor of the Xuanyuan Family and the last owner of the Yunhua Villa bet and won the villa. Thousands of years of repair and transformation have become what they are now. They look quaint on the outside, and have various modern elements on the inside.

"It's a good place, go, I'll take you around." Hu Meier said with a smile.

"Our Hu family is a foreigner. There is only a small yard in Yunhua Villa, and only I live here." Hu Meier said with a smile.

"Dead girl, you know, you and Doudou scared us to death. Why did you encounter a hijacking? I just saw Brother Tengfei, are you all right?" Just when Guo Gang and Hu Meier were chatting, A good-looking girl came towards them.

"No wonder you don't come to see me when you come back. It turned out that I caught a Kaizi." The girl said without a word.

"Qi Qian, what are you talking about? His name is Guo Bad, but you VIP of Xuanyuan's family, if you offend him, Teng Fei will definitely pack you up." Hu Meier said with a smile. The little girl in front of her was Xuanyuan's cousin, who is similar in age to Hu Meier, and the two of them live together, so the relationship between the two is wonderful.

"I don't believe Brother Ascension will blame me because of a stinky man." Xuanyuan Qianxi smiled. "Sister Mei, tell me what's going on on your plane, it's definitely exciting, isn't it?"

"It is indeed a level of excitement, which makes me afraid now. I almost missed you and my cousin." Hu Meier said softly. "By the way, girl, come here. I remember when you had a small chin when you got a scar. Come on, my sister helped you get rid of it."

"Sister Meier, don't lie to me. Do you really buy those things that Wuba said in Wucheng? It's impossible. Sister Liu Yan gave me a list of people who took Xuejidan the day before yesterday. Those people can't transfer the elixir to you, are you talking to me again? "Xuanyuan Qianxi said softly.

"If you don't try it, you will know if it is true or false." Hu Meier took out a jade box from her body, took out one of the elixir, and gently scraped off some powder with her nails as described in the Imperial Woman Circle. On Xuanyuan Qianxi's chin. In fact, Hu Meier was also a little worried about the efficacy of the medicine, because she didn't know whether the bad medicine Guo Guo gave her was real.

"Ahem, you are not doing so well. If you want the scar on her chin to disappear, Xueji Dan is used less. You use half of it, then get some spring water, and let the remaining half be taken. It is estimated that the scar will disappear in the early morning tomorrow. "Guo Bad said with a smile. If it was Yandan, shaving a little powder would be fine, but Xuejidan's effect is not so good.

Hu Meier bit her lip lightly, and she had two of them, and she gave herself one at a time, which was somewhat distressing. Xuan Yuan Qian Qian also saw it, but which girl didn't love beauty, she wanted one and got rid of her scar.

"Sister Mei, please, let me use one, and you still have one." Xuan Yuan Qian Qian said softly, "The red Ferrari I just bought is here for you, help me quickly . "

Hu Meier glanced at Guo Bad, and Guo Bad looked like she was in charge of me, making Hu Meier helpless, good guy, you did it, but the thing is out of me, but think about the relationship with Xuanyuan Qianxi, give her a Right.

It took about five or six minutes for Xuanyuan Qianxi's scar to start to fade. Hu Meier excitedly took Guo's bad hand and didn't know what to say.

"It's a Xueji Dan. If you give you a Yandan Dan, wouldn't you just give it to yourself?" Guo Bad joked.

"I'll tell you where I live, no need to stay in Yan Dan, if you want to come to me at night, to be honest, I really like you." Hu Meier said slightly red, and let Guo Bad again widened her eyes and opened up. It was more open than the girls in Wucheng. This place can't let the little girls come here, it will learn bad.

"Don't hesitate, the scar won't disappear completely tomorrow morning." Guo Bad said with a smile while looking at Xuanyuan Qianxi who had been holding a small mirror.

"How do you know that it will disappear tomorrow." Xuanyuan Qianxi smiled in the mirror and asked, happy, really happy today, she never thought of it, sister Meier actually got Xuejidan, and used it for herself Got one.

"Of course he knows, because this Xueji Dan was given to me, Qian Qian, my sister just got two Xuejidan for her physical appearance. If you later bully your sister with those calves in Yunhua Villa, you know What should I do. "Hu Meier said with a smile.

"Look at yourself? Well, handsome, you don't look worse than my sister Meier. I also look at you. Can you also give me two?" Xuanyuan Qianxi said solemnly.

"Ahem, your emperors are really open, Wucheng is not playing like this." Guo Bad looked at the little girl in front of him, not to mention, he looks really good, although he is not as good as Yuer, but he can definitely be with Xiaoxi leaves A grade, but this kind of initiative backwards behavior, Guo Guo somewhat unacceptable.

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