Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 177: Guo Bad's Impotence

"Brother Xiongfeng, is that infirmary that you said is the one that will be auctioned in this auction?" Someone in the crowd asked loudly. (Eight (one Chinese [[[文 [[W] W] W}.) 81ZW.COM

"That's right, it's that medical museum. In fact, you don't need to have any taboos about some things. Martial arts is not a secret in Huaxia. Tongmai Dan's husband is going to take a photo or two for potential kids in the clan. Next, a few do n’t cut off at that time. ”A few words from Xuanyuan Xiongfeng made the old guys who were just ready to walk away and began to re-plan.

"Yu Zheng, you went to Wucheng a few days ago, you know what happened to Xueji Dan and Zhu Yandan." Several non-wealthy and expensive women gathered around and said something, but the name they called was Jade's woman, the gap between people and names is too big.

Shi Yuzheng, Miss Shijia, as the saying goes, the eighteenth women's college changed, and the more they changed, the more beautiful they were. The little girl was OK when she was a kid, except that she was a little fat, but after the age of seven, the change of this historian was unacceptable, except for the height of one meter and seventy-three. She was all black, fat, and ugly. Qi, the historian is rich, and the entire imperial capital is basically the historian.

The Shi family owner sent a cosmetic surgery abroad when Shi Yuzhen was 18 years old. As a result, a famous foreign cosmetic institution wrote a check to Shi Yuzhen for 10 million, asking her not to smash her own brand. Shi Yuzhen returned to China with 10 million Since then, no one in the history family has mentioned cosmetic surgery. Let her go.

"I went to Wucheng, and I heard about Xuejidan. I originally planned to take one at the Wucheng auction, but I did n’t even enter the auction door. The women in Wucheng are crazy than our emperor. This Xuejidan has already grabbed the wind. "Shi Yuxi said softly, but the thick voice made everyone frowned.

"Several sisters, Xueji Dan, I'm not ready to grab it. I hurried that thing may not work well for me. I'm going to grab Zhuan Dan. I hope some of them won't fight with me at that time." Shi Yuxi laughed Then said.

"Yuyu, is there any benefit to you from the medical museum? Before the auction house started, you started secretly building momentum for the medical museum." A good-looking middle-aged woman said with a smile.

"Mister Hou, whatever you say, am I lying or not, you will know when the time comes." Shi Yuzheng didn't explain too much, neither of you buy better, I can save some money.

"Yuyu, I hope this elixir that is not in the medical museum is effective for you, haha." Hou Yun'e said, and walked not far away to sit down, but the scene in front of him just happened to see Guo bad.

The auction started at 7 o'clock. At 9 o'clock, Liu Yan, as the auctioneer of this auction, looked at the crowd under the stage. She didn't know if she was excited or nervous. She suddenly remembered Guo Guo, this time she could There are so many people here, but it's all caused by this little bad guy.

"Wife, what's wrong, this little scene can still make you so nervous. I'd better give you some relief." When Liu Yan thought about it, a pair of big hands pressed on his shoulders, and then he shoved. Hold myself in my arms.

"Ah!" Liu Yan jumped down, then heard Guo Bad's voice, "Bad guy, go out, and the auction will start in half an hour." Liu Yan said with a red face.

"Half an hour, the time is shorter, but it is okay to kiss my wife with a small mouth." Guo Guo's mouth was pressed directly on Liu Yan's lips, and his hands were not idle.

"Bad guy, get up, don't break my clothes." Liu Yan said softly for about three minutes, and Guo Bad stood aside with interest. "Wife, didn't I kiss? You're not so nervous, don't you need to come again."

"Bad guy, you messed up my shape." Liu Yan blushed and whispered as he packed the shape.

"You, what are you talking about? Do you have to discuss this with Boss Mo? It doesn't seem to make sense." Guo Bad said something to Liu Yan, Liu Yan said something incomprehensible.

"Just do what I said. I'll go to Brother Mo, haha. When the auction ends today, my husband will reward you." After that, Guo went out with a bad look, and Mo Beifeng was in the box. Guo Bad saw it when he came.

"Xiao Han, just be my girlfriend. I have known you for more than a year. You should know who I am." If it wasn't for my own ears, no one would have thought that the family of the China Auction House would be so kind to a woman. The child confessed, yes, this girl is still her own secretary. In Guo's bad words, this is not in line with common sense. Everyone who works as a boss has a secretary who has nothing to do with the secretary. Where is Brother Mo?

"Brother Mo, I, I ..." Li Mohan flushed, and didn't say why.

"Brother Mo, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I do have something to tell you." Guo Bad didn't knock on the door, went straight into the box, both of them turned slightly red.

"Ahem, you weren't talking about doing things for men and women, just blushing." Guo bad smiled and said, "Sister Xiaohan, Brother Mo is good, but I can count marriage, you two can be together."

"Ahem, how old are you? It's a marriage." Li Mohan whispered at Guo Bad, and Mo Beifeng laughed.

"Brother Mo, to be serious, those things I am auctioning today may have to change." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"This auction will start immediately. You are making changes now, but it will have some impact on our auction house." Mo Beifeng said with a smile.

After Guo Bad explained his thoughts to Mo Beifeng, Mo Beifeng laughed again, "I thought how you would change it, it originally meant that, change it, so Liu Yan can rest assured. Mo Beifeng said with a smile, Guo Bad also stayed more and left the box.

"Bad guy, I know, you can rest assured." Liu Yan whispered after receiving a call from Guo Bad, "I'm going to the stage, I won't tell you more."

At nine o'clock the bell rang, the curtain opened, and Liu Yan appeared on the stage in a cheongsam. Some brave young men whistled loudly, but was stopped by those around them later. Huaxia Auction has a rule If you are disrespectful to the auctioneer, you will be directly expelled from the auction.

"Let everyone wait a long time. I am Liu Yan, the auctioneer of this auction. As the saying goes, good dinner is not afraid of late. Today's auction will start now. Please believe me, this auction will definitely satisfy everyone. Liu Yan said with a smile, a few people in the front row nodded, this little girl is good, better than those auctioneers in the previous Imperial Auction.

"Today's auction is not the same as before. I apologize to everyone here, because the original three Zhuan Dan, only two can be auctioned this time." Liu Yan said with a smile, and then there was an uproar in the audience.

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