Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 178: Amazing Yan Dan

"Please be quiet, we have invited the auctioneer in Yan Dan, Mr. Guo Bad, the owner of the non-medical museum, to come and explain to everyone. 8 [一一 小说? 网 W] W).) 818W. COM "Liu Yan said with a smile. Guo Bad stretched his waist and walked from the back to the front. Many people, tens of thousands of people, nervous? Things that didn't exist. In the face of 800,000 soldiers, how or where should they be, let alone in the world.

“Guo Bad, the owner of the medical museum, do n’t say much. It ’s as if I am building momentum through the auction.” Guo Bad said with a smile, “I originally planned to auction three resident Yandans and changed them to two. It ’s not because there are n’t so many medical museums. It ’s because I just heard some friends who participated in the auction and I do n’t recognize the effect of Zhuan Dan. Supporters, let her take Zhu Yan Dan for free. I will use acupuncture to release the efficacy of Zhu Yan Dan as quickly as possible, let everyone see the effect of Zhu Yan Dan. "

Guo bad's words made many people in the audience's eyes widened. However, they have heard of Xuejidan. At the Wucheng auction, they have sold at least 30 million high prices. This Guo bad even found someone to take it for free directly. Great job.

"Sister Shi, I heard Yoyo said you went to Wucheng to find me, but at that time I came to the emperor and let you run for nothing. Today, the opportunity to try Dan for free, let Sister Shi come." With Shi Yuzheng said with a smile.

Shi Yuzhen's eyes widened, she couldn't think of it. Such an opportunity would give herself. Although she was not short of money, she was going to take a picture of Zhu Dan in person, but the owner of this non-medical museum unexpectedly wanted to let Try Dan by yourself. long? I went to Wucheng to find Miss You Jiasan. I was so lucky. I was so lucky.

In fact, Guo Gang only used mind reading to know that Shi Yuzheng and Youyou knew him. However, he did not contact a few girls for a long time. After the auction, he had to return to Wucheng to appease the harem. Otherwise, the harem chaos would be bad.

Shi Yuzhang dragged her bloated body to the podium. Several unseen guys laughed. Shi Yuzhuang's face was reddish, specifically, it should be black and red. Standing in front of so many people, she still It was really the first time.

"Sister Shi, believe me!" Guo said with a smile. "I exposed my arm somehow. I need to pierce a few silver needles so that the effect can be absorbed." Guo said with a smile.

"Get out of here." Shi Yuzheng said softly, trying to pull the clothes a few times, the clothes were stuck on the clothes, Shi Yuyan bit his teeth, I don't know where to touch a small knife, and directly opened the clothes, two like The black lotus-like arm was exposed, and the audience laughed again.

"Sister Shi, ten minutes, I will shut up everyone in the audience." Guo Bad said loudly, and found out thirty-six thin silver needles from his body, eighteen on one arm, and used less than one. Minutes of time, all tied in Shi Yuzheng's arm.

"Swallowing this elixir directly will cause a little pain, I think Sister Shi should be able to live on it." Guo Bad said with a smile.

Shi Yuzheng simply, took the medicine directly, and then felt a heat in her body, and then felt that her whole body seemed to be squeezed by a strong external force. She felt the pressure on her arms doubled, really It hurts a bit, but what excites her more is that she can feel that the pile of fat that she can't figure out no matter how she starts is slowly disappearing.

"Wife, let's take the curtain off at the back and forget an important thing." Guo badly looked at Shi Yuquan with satisfaction, and suddenly remembered that the woman who weighed more than 300 pounds suddenly lost more than 100 pounds. The clothes on her body couldn't be hung up, and if it was gone, it would be nothing to herself, but how about this Shi Yuzheng is also a girl, it will look bad at that time.

"Oh my God, how is this possible, is the woman on the stage really Shi Yuzheng?" Hou Yu'e, who had mocked Shi Yuzhen just now, was completely shocked by Shi Yuzheng's changes. Shi Yuzhen, who was still full of fat, had already seen the meat on his face. The degree gradually disappeared, and the complexion began to turn a little white. A trace of black liquid slowly overflowed along the 36 silver needles. Guo Gang had already prepared a basin filled with clear water, and the black liquid dripped in. In the basin.

Ten minutes, just ten minutes later, Shi Yuzhen completely changed. Although he did n’t know the weight of more than 300 kilograms of fat, he did n’t have a trace of fat on his face. His original black complexion had n’t turned white. But the faint wheat color does not know how many times stronger than before.

Guo Gang took back the silver needle that was stuck on Shi Yuzheng's arm. Shi Yuzheng just wanted to stand up. Guo Badai threw the curtains he had just prepared towards Shi Yuzheng, and the curtains were wrapped around Shi Yuzheng. At this time Shi Yuzheng's face became red because she I also knew that the moment I stood up, if it wasn't for this curtain cloth, I would have to run out in front of tens of thousands of people.

"The fabric of this curtain is not bad. I'll change your clothes. Don't give it more at that time. Give Liu Yan 10 million. The curtain was brought by her." Then Guo Guo's hands suddenly increased. With a small knife, he quickly made a few strokes in the air. Shi Yuzheng said aloud, because the curtain around him had been cut into an evening dress, and Shi Yuzheng, one meter seventy three, stood in front of everyone. It ’s not so pretty, but I do n’t know how many times stronger than before.

"Here, who is this person?" Someone murmured in the audience.

"Miss Shijia Shi Yuzheng," said the people around him.

"Get off, it can't be Shi Yuzheng, magic, it must be magic, how can a person change so much." The man said again.

"Sister Shi, after the auction is over, you come to me. I will prescribe a pair of traditional Chinese medicine, and you will adjust it a little. I know that you have no worries. You ca n’t rest assured that there is no side effect of the medicine in the hospital. It wo n’t bounce back, haha, when Sister Shi gets married, do n’t forget to inform me of a wedding drink. ”As a result, Guo Bad walked off the podium lazily, Shi Yuzhen bowed to Guo Bad deeply, The power of merit entered Guo Bad's body, and Guo Bad smiled slightly. The power of merit this time he did not think was so much.

"Help Shi Yuzheng this time, it was a new life for her, so much merits can not be overstated." Guo bad thought to himself.

"Everyone, the demonstration by the owner of Guo Guan, who is not a doctor, has finished. Neither Xuejidan nor Tongmaidan are demonstrating. These lots will be auctioned later in the auction. Friends with ideas are ready to prepare." Liu Yan said with a smile. "The following is the official start of today's auction. The first lot is a real estate on King Street, with a reserve price of 10 million yuan, and each time the price increase is not less than 100,000, let's start."

"Sorry for the beauty, excuse me." A middle-aged man stood up and said. "We just discussed it with the Donghua Chamber of Commerce just now, and we will give the auction house a compensation of 100 million yuan. For this auction, we hope to be able to directly auction the lot without a medical museum. I don't know if it is OK."

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