Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 179: For wine madness

"Beauty, today's top ten lots are from our Shenghua Real Estate. We also agreed to auction the lot without medical treatment first. We will not hold any responsibility for the auction of the Imperial Capital. [(八 [(一 中文? <[8 } 1? Z? COM. ”A middle-aged man stood up and said, since the Donghua Chamber of Commerce has just made a hundred million just now, this time is the best opportunity to tie up the Donghua Chamber of Commerce, how can you not grasp it.

"The things in our Qifeng clubhouse can also be auctioned after being placed in a medical clinic."

"The things of the old man can also be put behind." An old man stood up and said, the entire venue could not help but stand up. The entire old man was the president of the China Institute of Ancient Studies, Shen Changtian. The old man did n’t have much money. At every auction in the Imperial Capital, if there is something for the old gentleman, it will be sold at a very high price. The money will go directly to the old gentleman's foundation and be used for charity work such as child assistance for Huaxia.

"Chen's lot can be postponed." A middle-aged man stood up and said loudly.

"The auctions of the Sun family can be postponed." "The auctions of the Nangong family can be postponed." For a while, some of the items in the auction manual were basically postponed, and the non-medical hall was directly selected. The lot was pushed to the first position, so Liu Yan couldn't help but look at Guo bad.

"Liu Yan, since everyone agrees to postpone the auction, and the Donghua Chamber of Commerce still has compensation, then first auction the things that are not medical halls, and comply with the public opinion." Mo Beifeng couldn't sit still in the box, and hurried out loudly. Liu Yan nodded slightly.

"Today there are two types of auctions at the Medical Museum, wine and elixir. Let's start with wine." Liu Yan said with a smile. "Today's wine has a total of 30 pounds. They are already packed in bottles. "Then, a beautiful girl pushed a small cart onto the podium, and ten small white three-pound porcelain bottles were neatly placed on the cart.

"The base price of this wine is 30 million, and the base price of each bottle is 30 million." Liu Yan continued, and the audience began to discuss.

"Rely on, what wine can make 10 million pounds, it's too pitting. It won't be for us to buy these bars." A middle-aged man said loudly, causing everyone to nod go along.

"The imperial people's customs really don't have the simplicity of Wucheng. You don't even have to sell some wine in the medical museum." Guo Gang walked to the stage again, without a word, directly opened a porcelain bottle and poured the wine inside into a large bowl. Then, he threw it towards the audience hall below. Several people in Xiao Yuntian understood it. Just now they seemed to shake their hands, but they contained a lot of doorways. They nodded and could n’t help but they had drunk the wine. I didn't pay much attention, but others were different.

"Ten thousand pounds, it's too worthy. If anyone is worthless, get out of here. I want all these wines, and pay by cash." An old man licked a few drops of fine wine on his arm and said loudly. .

"Little brother, we believe it, don't pour out the wine, we believe it." A middle-aged man watched Guo Bad and continued to pour out the wine in the bottle and said loudly.

"I'm not talking about Xiaoye Hangren, why don't you talk now?" Guo Bad said loudly, and then sprinkled the second bowl of wine into the air. "Liu Yan, there are nine bottles, and the price of each bottle is changed to 3,300. Wan, I still pay this. "After that, Guo Bad stepped off the podium and heard the scramble of the audience. Some people licked their arms and some licked their legs. They are grabbing the wine they have arrived, and no one can think of it. These celebrities of the Imperial Capital have made such a move.

"Everyone please be quiet, now the first bottle of unmedical wine will be auctioned," Liu Yan said loudly, "the base price is 33 million, and the increase is not less than 1 million each time, let's start."

"One hundred million, the old man made one hundred million, don't **** it from me." Nangong Mu Ce said loudly, no one had thought that the Nangong family would directly increase the auction price to 100 million.

"Brother Nangong, one hundred million is not enough to drink. At first, this wine was sold at 150 million in Wucheng Bazaar. Although the Xuanyuan family had no money, they also prepared to try 150 million." Xuanyuan Xiongfeng Standing up and saying that at this time, the people under the stage were completely crazy. It turned out that the bazaar video transmitted by Wucheng in the previous few months was real. Sanjin wine really sold for 150 million yuan.

"Several old men, you haven't drunk any fine wine in your life, so let's give it to the younger one time, 160 million." A middle-aged man said with a smile, Wufu International's boss Ding Wufu, now 50 years old, The net worth has exceeded 40 billion yuan, and he took out the money.

Three outcries have turned 33 million into 160 million, and this increase has never occurred at any auction.

"Xiao Ding, we know we can't compare this money with you, but you can only take this bottle. If you still take the rest, don't blame some of our old guys." Nangong Mu Ce said loudly, Ding Wufu Nodded with a smile, such a thing, one bottle is one bottle.

In the end, this first bottle of wine was won by Ding Wufu at a price of 210 million yuan, and Guo bad smiled slightly, 210 million yuan, OK. However, the three young masters of the Qin family, the Qi family, and the Lin family did not look so good. 70 million a catty, six catties is more than 400 million. Although the three can be taken out, it still has a great impact on their family. of.

"The second bottle, I don't say much, let's get started." Liu Yan hasn't reacted to the high price of the first bottle. She couldn't think of it. She followed the drink a few times and was able to sell the price. Doesn't that mean that you have tens of millions of drinks in your belly?

"Oh, obediently, seventy million a catty. Fortunately, I didn't know how old the old cow was. It was better for the old man to break my leg." Niu Meng heard the auction price behind the auction and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead. Guo bad brother, you wine brother really can't afford it.

Some people thought that the price of the second bottle would be a little lower and ended up being photographed by Nangong Moozhe for 230 million, and the third bottle was 250 million by Xuanyuan Xiongfeng, but Xuanyuan Xiongfeng was willing and willing, this money Compared to Guo Bad ’s contribution to the Xuanyuan family, it ’s a fart, not to mention that both sides are now allies, absolute allies.

"300 million, I have 300 million." A middle-aged man said loudly, and many people set their eyes on the middle-aged man who was dressed in sloppy clothes. "What do you look at? Do you think I have no money? There are 340 million in this card, just brush it directly." The middle-aged man shouted.

"Xiao Wudao, it's Xiao Wudao, this guy is still alive." Someone in the crowd finally recognized the shy man. The emperor had some interesting things three years ago, when the famous Xiao family was destroyed. It is said that Xiao Wudao, the father and mother of Xiao, escaped, and this time he never saw it again in Emperor Capital.

"300 million, yes, congenital late, it is also good." Guo bad said with a smile, but some people in the auction can not laugh out, and began to come up with mobile phone information, the Nangong family, Xuanyuan family, Gu family three brows Qing Zou, it seems that the imperial capital has been unsettled recently.

The fifth bottle to the eighth bottle sold for more than 300 million, and the ninth bottle sold for 410 million, which pushed the atmosphere of the auction to a new **.

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