Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 203: Tooth for tooth

"It's really style, this place is good, and when the ancient family is settled, this place is the branch of the Museum of Imperial Medicine in the Imperial Capital, haha. ([Eight? <<<< 中文 中文 << 网 W] W] W).} 8 } 1) ZW.COM ”Guo Bad said with a smile. The cow around him looked at Guo Bad with his eyes wide open. This young man's ambition is not small. He won the ancient home and turned this ancient home base into his own industry. The whole He should be the only one who dares to say such a thing.

"Meng, do you think I'm a bit windy?" Guo asked with a grin.

"What is crosswind?" Niu fiercely asked, whispering.

"It's bragging." Guo said with a smile. "Meng brother, the original brother just wanted to tell them clearly. After all, there are some things that I have been wrong with. Men and women, let it be. I didn't know my wife and them at first. There is a marriage contract in the ancient family, but all these recent births are the fault of the ancient family. Laozi went to the emperor to prepare to tell them clearly. They did well, and even caught my wife-in-law to the emperor. You tell me where they are doing this and let my face go. "

"Cough, brother, I still mean the same as before, see if it can be settled peacefully. Compared with the ancient family in the thousand years of the imperial capital, there are some details, there is no need to be too stiff. They are wrong, let them apologize and apologize. All the people were killed. At that time, it would be a big loss for Huaxia. It wo n’t be long before the power conference. Huaxia will lose money by then. ”Niu Meng whispered.

"Then I listened to Meng, I hope my daughter-in-law is not wronged, otherwise I will make this ancient chicken and dog restless." After Guo bad said, opened the door and went straight into the ancient house.

"Brother, brother, I'm Xing Tian. You will meet us." Xing Tian Jiang Ao's four military trucks arrived ten minutes later than Guo Bad. Xing Tian saw Guo Bad having entered the ancient mansion. Speak loudly at the intercom.

"Brother Xing, you can come in as soon as you can. The door is open, and I will go to the break first." Guo Bad smiled and said to the walkie-talkie. After speaking, he took off the walkie-talkie that was on his body and headed towards the ancient courtyard. One of the rockery was thrown in the past, and "Boom!", The walkie-talkie turned into a fan, and the rockery collapsed.

"Are the people in the ancient family all turtles? You asked the little man to come here. The little man has already come and come out to see the grandfather!" Guo Bad said loudly, all the corners of the entire big house in the ancient house heard clearly.

"Don't go out. The owner has orders. No one can go." In a large house in the backyard of the Gu family, eighty-one teenagers heard Guo's bad voice, and they were ready to find Guo's bad accounts. These teenagers They were all powers, but stopped by an old man.

"Grandpa, we have been locked up since yesterday. Who is coming, do our ancients fear that he will not succeed." A twelve-year-old boy asked the old man loudly.

"Don't worry, follow me out of the imperial capital and then go to the East China Sea." The old man squinted his eyes and said, "If the ancient family can't escape this disaster, you can escape, at least you are the ancient family's hope."

"Sworn together in the ancient family!" The crowd did not know who shouted, and the other eighty people began to reconcile. At this moment, Guo Bad looked at the house in the backyard, and the old man suddenly felt an inexplicable prestige. Press, shout, "Hurry up, if you can't escape, you are the sinners of the ancient family."

"It's late." A body sounded in the room, and eighty-one teenagers suddenly saw an illusory figure appearing in the room, not Guo Bad but who.

"Are you Guo Kuai? Impossible, your strength is not congenital. Even the powers cannot wield the power of space to this extent. How did you do it?" The old man looked at the evil shadow of Guo Kuai. Asked loudly.

"You know a lot. Now that you can see that I am late in nature, the old man has broken through the innate. Some things should be managed, not controlled. Don't you know? The road to martial arts has a long way to go and can't afford to be sloppy. Distracted, you are in love. "Guo Bad said looking at the old man.

"Little friend, the enemy should be solved or not. I don't know who you are studying under. Do you really want to fight with the ancient family to break the net?" The old man said softly while watching the bad shadow of Guo Bad.

"I don't know if the fish will die, but my net has always been strong." Guo Bad said softly. "The old man understands something better than that ancient town, but he should be punished if he makes a mistake. If you do n’t, if you If you make a mistake and do n’t get the punishment you deserve, you will make a bigger mistake sooner or later. "

"I'll go to Zhenlei with you. What kind of grievances does the ancient family have with you? How about talking in person?" The old man said impassively.

"Father, I have said so much. I just want to delay time, find out the kid's flaws, and then kill the kid in one shot. They all say that people in the ancient family must report. I didn't believe it at the beginning, but now I believe it." Guo Gang said After that, a short sword with green light suddenly appeared in the old man's hand, and stabbed directly towards the bad image of Guo.

"Boy, whether this is your phantom or your true body, you are going to provoke the ancient family and stay in the old family." The old man who just gave in suddenly gave up his sword and stabbed towards the phantom, Guo bad Xingying frowned, and the sword in the old man's hand was somewhat doorway.

"The evil door is crooked, break it for me." Guo Bad didn't dare to carelessly. Fei Jian flew out of his body, directly facing the green light short sword, and the two swords collided. Guo Bad was shocked. Although the short sword was hit, Fei Jian again There is no breath, this flying sword that has been with him for thousands of years, so the sword **** is broken.

"Old man, you **** it, you all **** it, evil gates crooked, I killed you all, there will be no interesting karma." Guo bad said, the pirated copy in his hand directly hit the old man in the ancient home, with a bang, the old man died Guo Bad can't die anymore, Guo Bad is trembling all over, and using piracy to turn the sky has a great impact on himself.

"Hey!" Guo Badeng, who was standing motionless in the courtyard, spewed blood, letting the side of Niu Meng, who was ready to watch the rush, hold Guo Bad in his hand. Brother Guo Bad had nothing to do just now, why did he suddenly vomit blood? Well, this ancient family really isn't normal. Where can Niu Meng know? Just now Guo Bad experienced a battle of life and death, which made him dare not care.

"A group of little guys, you should be the last hope of the ancient family. Since the ancient town of Lei took my daughter-in-law as a hostage, then I'm also not polite. I've replaced my head with an eye for an eye and a tooth for my blood, ha ha." Xu Ying Guo Gang from that space Returning to Niu Meng, a moment later, there were eighty-one sturdy sturdy teenagers tied behind him, which shocked Niu Meng.

"Ah! Brother, who are these people? They are children. Where did you get them?" Niu Meng asked in surprise.

"Child? Meng, let me give you a picture to compare with you for a while, I do n’t know how you died." Guo Bad looked at 81 children with a smile and said, if his eyes can kill people, Guo Bad would have been long ago. These 81 children have been killed countless times.

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