Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 204: Revealed?

"Grandpa! This time I was wrong. [((Eight

"Small injury, stand up. Now that we have come this far, we will go out and meet this kid. Go and bring his woman over. His woman has a marriage contract with our ancient family. Let ’s celebrate it. Gu Lei said, pushed the door open, and saw Guo Bad and Niu Meng standing outside the door.

"Guo Bad Xiaoyou, let's meet again." Gu Zhenlei looked at Guo Bad and said, "Looking at Xiaoyou at the auction last time, I knew you were the dragon and the phoenix among you. Goodbye today is really different."

"Ancient grandfather, do you say that, can I think that your ancient clothes are soft?" Guo Gang said squinting his eyes, and he has seen that Gu Shou and Lin Shuang and Sun Lingling are standing behind Guzhen Lei.

"Bad guy, hurry up and leave us alone." Sun Lingling and Lin Shuang shouted at the same time.

"Pretty wife, little wife, how can you say that, if I go now, it will be very shameless." Guo said with a loud smile.

Guo Bad didn't care about the expressions of Guzhen Lei and the hundred people behind him, and said to the two girls with a smile, "Ancient grandfather, are you not ready to let go?"

"Guo Bad, do you know that this Lin family doll has a marriage contract with my Gujia Gulie?" Gu Zhenlei did not answer Guo Bad and asked loudly, "You let me in, you can take this Sun girl, anytime, but this Lin Shuang, she is the ancient daughter-in-law of my ancient family. She is a member of my ancient family. She must stay in my ancient family. "

"Guo Bad, walk with Lingling, leave me alone." Lin Shuang said loudly while watching Guo Bad.

"Shut up, the man speaks, and the woman speaks." Guo Bad exclaimed, "Guzhen Lei, it's shameless. My daughter-in-law has an engagement contract with your ancient family Gulie, knowing that I hate you so-called What does the famous family do? Just **** this arranged marriage! Lin Shuang is my woman and has nothing to do with your ancient family. "

Lin Shuang is my woman, Lin Shuang's tears can no longer be controlled, and she stayed. When she was fifteen, she knew that she had a marriage contract with Gulie Gulie. At that time, her grandfather took himself to the Gujia because of some family interests. Then, she signed the marriage contract with the Gu family in high spirits. She sold her deeds and kept running away. What kind of person Gu Li is, she knows all these years. That's why she went to Wucheng. She could hide for a day.

"Boy, you can see clearly, this is the marriage contract that Lin Nantian signed with our ancient family then. If you want Lin Shuang to go with you, the ancient family can't do it." Lei Gu said loudly.

"All the people in the world are benefiting, Guzhen Lei, what do you want to say about your thoughts?" Guo bad mind reading fell on Guzhen Lei, already knowing what he wants, but today the people of the Tyrannosaurus are also This matter, Guo bad is not ready, just leave it.

"Little bad, fart with this old guy, what ancient marriage contract, take a piece of paper and say that you and your daughter-in-law of the ancient family, is that I write a piece of paper, let you press the handprint, the ancient family is my punishment "Xing Tian said loudly. When the Tyrannosaurus arrived in the imperial capital, the Dragon King said a word and worked hard. Whatever happened, the Tyrannosaurus took over. Right now, if we want to settle it peacefully, it seems that Guo Bad still has to suffer a little, which is not the case.

"I'm talking to Guo Bad, who are you? How dare you yell at the ancient family." Gu Zhenlei looked at the punishment day, it was just late, if it was against ordinary people, it was absolutely overwhelming, but now this is the ancient family, is The headquarter of the Huaxia Power Group, you are yelling here and frightening someone.

"Old goods, what's wrong with yelling at the ancient home? Today we not only want to yell, but we are going to collect the old family, just as the Tyrannosaurus Regiment lacks a place to live in the capital." Gu Yun stepped forward and said loudly. "Old goods, still know me, I also have the old name Tmd."

"Surnamed Gu? Grandson of Gu Xiao? The kid who was expelled from the Gu family ten years ago did not expect to enter the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. No wonder he is so arrogant now." Gu Zhenlei looked.

"Arrogance? Speaking of arrogance, I ’m far from Grandpa Three. I was kicked out of the ancient family because of your grandson doing things outside. I still remember the grandfather ’s words, get out of the ancient family, and let me Seeing you, it is necessary for you to die. Now that I have come to Gujia, why do n’t you use old goods? Where is Gu Lie? ”Gu Yun said loudly.

"But in the congenital realm, the tone is not small, I will stay at the Gu family after the grandfather and Guo bad things are done." Gu injury stepped forward aloud.

"Gu brother, Xing brother, let me talk to Guzhen Lei first to see how arrogant the ancient family is. If we can't talk about it, let's play with the ancient family again." Guo badly smiled, Guzhenlei's face became dark again Come down.

"Thirty Xueji Dan, ten Zhu Yan Dan, ten Tongmai Dan, fifty elixir, give us elixir, I give you, fifty elixir for a daughter-in-law, and the child in the belly You are suitable. "Lei Guzhen smiled.

"Less, too little, don't you think my daughter-in-law is worth fifty pills with my child? If I were you, I would have to ask for a thousand, and you do n’t want wine?" Guo Bad Squinting.

"It's really a little bit less, and you have 100 pounds of fine wine that auctioned that day." Lei Guzhen exclaimed.

"Haha, okay, I promise you your condition. I have the elixir now, and I can satisfy you." Then, Guo Gang took out a jade bottle from his body, and a piece of animal skin was neatly discharged for a while. Fifty elixir, and a huge jar. At this time everyone had eyes widened, a storage artifact, and this kid must have a storage artifact.

"I gave these things to your ancient family, Guzhen Lei. Don't you dare come and take them?" Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes.

Guzhen Lei glanced at the ancient injury, and the ancient injury nodded slightly, the figure flashed, and everything had arrived in front of Guzhen Lei.

"Wife, let you suffer, come here first." Guo Bad said with a smile, Lin Shuang and Sun Lingling glanced at Guzhen Lei, Gu Zhenlei nodded slightly to the people around them, they walked quickly Guo bad behind him.

"Little friend, the enemy should be solved or not. It ’s just like this today. Are you okay?" Gu Zhenlei said with a smile, satisfied and very satisfied. I had thought that there would be a big war, but I did n’t expect it to end.

Several members of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment were about to speak. Guo Bad reached out and stopped a few people, smiling at the ancient town of Lei.

"Revealed? I have all fulfilled your requirements. Now you said that you did not listen to my request first, and you can only expose it if you have met my affairs? Today, the Dragon King has so many brothers of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Come with me, if it is exposed like this, where will my face go? "Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes.

Guzhen Lei couldn't help trembling, things seemed too simple.

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