Urban Banished Immortal

: 205 The Secret of the Ancient Family

"The people in your ancient family are worthless. I don't want much of the 81 young people behind you. It should be almost the same for your ancient mansion.? 8) 1> "W.COM" Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes, Gu Zhenlei's face turned blue, thinking about how to ask Guo Guo for something, forgetting that he still has his own family in his hands.

"Wife Lingling, you have no marriage with the ancient family, they took you away, that is to hit me Guo bad face, I have to calculate this account well." Guo bad went on, he did not care about Sun Lingling holding tightly His hand wanted to say something to him.

"Then how do you want to count?" Lei Guzhen said with a grimace, completely without the excitement just now.

"The person who catches the spirit is your baby grandson." Guo Gang pointed at Gu Shang and said, "The dual power and space power group is very good. Don't say I Guo Gang bullies people, he caught my daughter-in-law, Let him fight against me today. If he beats me or kills me, this matter will be resolved today. "

Gu Zhenlei looked at Guo Bad, and then looked at the ancient injuries, then looked at the people in the Tyrannosaurus behind Guo Bad, without speaking.

"Uncle Ao, tell everyone in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment that this time I fought against Guju because he caught my wife. If I were killed because of inferior skills, it would be my Guo's deserved deed. Today's thing in the ancient family You do n’t need to participate, just go back to Tyrannosaurus Mountain. I and the ancients have resentment. ”Guo Bad said aloud,“ But if Gu was wounded and killed in my hands, hey, that ’s what he did for himself. Of course, I will follow Gujia settled. "

"Okay, I promise you, I'm going to see what you have the ability to say this big word." Gu injury said a step forward.

"If you have this ability, you will know if you try it. Don't you worry about the people you sent to clean up me?" Guo said with a smile.

"Pretend to be a ghost, I don't believe that you can be stronger than me at a young age, wouldn't it be that you started to cultivate from your mother's womb?" With that, Gu's fist punched him against Guo Bad.

With a bang, Guo Bad stepped back three steps. Several people behind Jiang Ao widened their eyes. This ancient injury is not easy. The punch just now is at least the innate strength, but according to Guo Bad ’s strength, He shouldn't be kicked back, everyone is puzzled.

"Continue!" Guo badly said without expression. He was certain to win against the ancient injury, but the old man in the ancient family just had such a short sword. He felt that there was also a secret in the ancient injury. If he killed him directly, , That would be too wasteful.

"Huh, I thought you had three heads and six arms, but that's it, die." The ancient wound roared, and then disappeared into place. More than a hundred people in the Tyrannosaurus took a deep breath. This is the power one. Is that the instructor? When I taught myself, I said such a sentence. When you meet the power, you must go all out, otherwise you do n’t know how to die.

But Guo Bad was not in the slightest nervousness.

"This is your space. It's not bad. You can make space to this extent under the age of thirty. It's good that even in that year, my little master didn't have this ability." Guo bad smiled and said, everyone Can't understand, although Guo Bad is standing in place, he and the others are no longer in the same space, and the space he is in is only him and Guju.

"Aren't you nervous?" Gu injury looked at Guo Bad and said, he didn't expect that he could pull Guo Bad in so easily with his own space.

"Why be nervous, but it just entered your space." Guo Bad said with a smile, the ancient injury boxed again, this punch is a lot stronger than the previous punch, Guo Bad can faintly feel that his fist has changed this The energy space is about to break open.

"Oh!" Gu hurt his eyes wide, and when he punched out, his fist hit his own space fiercely. Guo bad was gone. There was no response in his space. Guo bad disappeared in front of himself. .

"Come out, you, how did you do that." Gu Shang asked loudly.

"Guju, I'm right behind you, how can I do that?" Guo Bad said with a smile. Guju was cold and sweaty. He could move freely in his own space, and his own space recognized him.

"Can't win, if so, I can't win him at all." Gu sadly said secretly, his hands were subconsciously placed on his waist, a black bead had been pinched in his hands.

"Is there any other cards that come out quickly, otherwise there will be no chance." Guo badly said without expression, as soon as the bead appeared, Guo badly suppressed the excitement in his heart and gathered his soul. Beads, the things that the big devil used when he was in the road, actually turned out to be this boy, an ancient family.

"Go to death, no matter who you are, no matter what your ability is, you have to die today, and you, all of you have to die. If you commit my ancient family, stay here forever." The black bead was thrown into the air, and then the entire courtyard of the ancient house was blacked out. Several people in Jiang Ao first stunned, and then released their whole body energy, but in the face of this endless darkness, several people had an irresistible heart. a feeling of.

"It's an ancient family. No wonder you felt something wrong at the beginning, and these people behind you, 108 generals, abilities, **** abilities, you were the big devil who did thousands of years ago and escaped. Descendants of the great devil, haha, no one from the ancient family today can stay. "Guo Bad said loudly.

"I don't know what you say!" Lei Guzhen exclaimed.

"You do n’t know, then ask your good grandson, do you think this 108 will be found in your ancient town Lei? Do you think these 81 people in your ancient family are all disciples of the ancient family? You The ancient family and the descendants of the Big Devil are married, and you are all deadly in heaven. "Guo Bad exclaimed, with a red bead in his hand.

"Boy, who the **** are you?" Gu Shang said loudly, his voice had completely changed, Guo Gua was right, the blood of the great demon has flowed on the ancient wound, and even the spirit of the great demon has been produced, no wonder Able to sacrifice soul gathering beads.

"It's the one who took you in." Guo Bad roared, facing the soul-gathering bead, he didn't dare to care, comparing himself to the realm of innate late stage, the mixed Yuanzhu in his hand was deadly facing the soul-gathering bead, himself One person and one seal flew towards the ancient wound.

"Boy, no matter who you are, today I will report this feud sooner or later. For tens of thousands of years, we have planned for tens of thousands of years to make you ruin. You are waiting. You and everyone around you All have to die. "Gu wounded loudly.

"If you are giving you a hundred years, the soul gathering is full of souls, and no one in the world will be able to defeat you, but with your current strength, you can't take the little master, and die." Guo Bad said, piracy is sky-high. Impressed on Gu's body at once, the moment when the ancient wound was pressed into a meat pie, a black smoke emerged from Gu's body and quickly melted into the darkness.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is no wonder that Jade Emperor had to send a celestial warrior to the Nether Suppression, and finally paid the bitter price to get these guys out. It looks like he has to be careful after that." Guo bad coughed a few times, in his heart Secretly thought.

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