Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 207: Trial

One of the most shocking things of the imperial capital in the past millennium is that the ancient home that no one can shake so many times has been uprooted by Guo Gang. Since then, the imperial home has no ancient home. [Eight? One {<< Small

"Xingtian, am I dreaming? The Gu family is over. At that time, the ancient town Lei who died in the face of the No. 1 long man was rude. At that time, in the clubs of the imperial capital, the second family of the Gu family, which was to be windy and rainy, also died. It's finished. "Gu Yun said unbelievably.

"The congenital period of beheading and killing the valley, the bad brother Guo is too powerful, his ability is completely out of our understanding, when I first saw him in Tyrannosau Mountain that year, he gave him B." Tian said softly.

In fifteen minutes, nearly a thousand people in the ancient family were brought to the courtyard by the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Most of them did not know what had happened, but the ancient town of Lei in the courtyard made them feel that the ancient family was over.

"Brother Xun, grandpa is dead?" A young boy from the ancient family whispered to the youth around him.

"Are you blind? Your head has fallen off, can you still live? But it should also be deserved, they have been tormenting us a lot in these years, and they died when they died, and the ancients can be peaceful in the future," Qing Qingsheng said.

"These soldiers seem to be very powerful. How do I feel that Grandpa 3 is dead, and we have nothing to end." The teenager said again, the youth's face began to look bad.

Gujia, as long as you can have something to do with this name, you can walk side by side in the emperor's capital. More than a thousand disciples of Gujia, looking at the owner of Gujia, are afraid, some panic, some ecstatic, some sad, some helpless, some Fortunately, there are no doubts in the world, but everyone has a big question in their minds about what happened in the ancient family.

"The ancient home is over, you have to go to trial." Guo Bad slowly stood up and said to the thousand people in the ancient home, all eyes fell on Guo Bad.

"He was the owner of the Wucheng Infirmary at the auction that day, and the person who auctioned the expensive elixir, did the owner offend him?" Said a young Gu Jiaqing.

"Guzhen Lei is going to kill me, but he loses, he loses, he has to pay for it," he said with a smile. "I can now give you a choice to kill me, kill me, Gujia. Still your ancient home. "

Everyone looked at the young man in front of him, how could it not be related to Gu Zhenlei's death. Who is Gu Zhenlei? The leader of the Huaxia Power Group has been famous for decades, and the emperor is hard to meet his rivals. The young man even said that Lei Guzhen lost, as if he was still killed.

"You are smarter than Guzhen Lei, haha, since this is the case, I began to judge you." Guo Bad said softly. "The people in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment listened well. The great evil was judged to die, the evil ones abolished their dantian, and the evil ones were sent to the imperial prison for five years. They were not released." Guo Bad said softly, and Jiang Ao ordered a few people. Nod, but all the people in the ancient family can no longer calm down, Tyrannosaurus Regiment, no wonder these soldiers are so terrible.

"You, you, you ..." Guo Bad pointed out 37 people in succession, and those who were named turned pale. They began to remember what they had done over the years and why they were called out. He looked at them blankly.

"Thirty-seven people are wicked, stubborn!" Guo Bad exclaimed, half of the thirty-seven people collapsed directly on the ground, "No, why are we so wicked, we are just a little disciple of the ancient family, Why do you judge us so? Who can give you so much power? "Said a young man loudly, and a few people who were not paralyzed echoed loudly.

"Gu Hu, thirty-three years old, no less than ten people died in your hotel in seven years, sentenced you to be evil, haven't you been wronged?" Guo Bad said softly, "Last month, the girl was killed by you and yours. When your men were cruelly divided, didn't you think you would have today? "

Gu Hu's face was as dead as a rag, and his business rivals were killed by him in the Gujia chain hotel, but such a thing was very secretive. Why this Guo bad would know, Gu Hu didn't understand.

"How about you? Do you still use me to tell you the big evils you have committed?" Guo Gang squinted and looked at the other 36 people and asked loudly.

"I, although I have made many mistakes, but I have not killed anyone. Why am I judged to be a great evil. There are more people in Gujia than I have done wrong. Why? I am only twenty-four years old and I don't want to die. "The only woman of the thirty-seven who collapsed on the ground stood up and shouted loudly.

"Gu You, do you need to tell me? Liu Yuan, Wang Baoshan, Xu Zixiao, Shao Qian, Zhou Xuanyi, Shi Saikun, do you use other names? No one killed you, but everyone died. It ’s not just a single person, or even a family. So what do you want? It ’s not that you are playing with other people ’s capital. Some men **** it, but which of these six men **** you. One, I will spare you too. "Guo Bad said aloud, Gu You paralyzed again sitting on the ground, the appearance of those people flashed over and over in her mind, her pupils dilated, and she ended in a way she never expected Took his own life.

"I know this Guyou, I saw it once at the Huatian Club, but I drank a lot that day, otherwise I don't know what will happen to her." Niu Meng stared, saying that the emperor's talented youth The inexplicable suicide in various ways is related to this woman.

None of the remaining thirty-five people continued to stand up. Some people still had evil remorse on their faces, but most of them were very calm. Guo bad shook his head gently. Xing Tian looked at the soldiers behind him. Then, the thirty-six ancient disciples no longer had any vitality.

"No, you are just a little doctor in Wucheng. Why do you try our ancient people, you are not worthy, I will not accept your trial." A young man roared loudly, the blue veins broke out, he died, thirty-seven An ancient disciple was sentenced to death in this way. Although he knew what he was going to do, why did the ancient family's life be dominated by this outsider, and he refused to accept it.

"Gu Xing, Gu Lai, Gu Xiao Yun, Gu Wei Guang, Gu Kuang ..." This time there were more people, 230 people, and Guo Bad said two words aloud, which was evil. Then more than a hundred Tyrannosaurus people walked through the crowd like lightning. When the Tyrannosaurus people stood neatly again, all 230 disciples of the ancient family had all sat on the ground.

Twenty-three people, forty-seven people in martial arts, naturally understood what it meant to be abolished, but most people even felt that their own Dantian was cold, and it didn't matter much, and there was a hint of ecstasy in their hearts.

"Xing Brother, we are all right, our trial is over, isn't it?" A young man whispered to Gu Xing, who was just yelling.

"Get off, the ancient family has come to this day because of your good grandpa. If it weren't for him, why would the ancient family come to this step, get out, don't let me kill you." Gu Xing said that he had been practicing hard for eighteen years and was worthy In the middle of the day after tomorrow, all of this is over today. Think about the days when you relied on the imperial capital with the strength of the day after tomorrow. You will never come again.

Four hundred and thirty-five people were convicted of minor evil, Jiang Ao made a phone call, and for about thirty minutes, the parking lot was filled with police cars three miles away from Gujia. Guo bad probably guessed what was happening, right With Jiang Ao smiled slightly.

Three hundred and eighteen people were not guilty, but they could no longer stay in the Gu family. Xingtian contacted the Dragon King, and these people were temporarily taken back to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment.

Gujia, it's really over.

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