Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 208: ending

"Brother, my grandpa just called and said Li Dafu was waiting outside and wanted to see you." Niu Meng whispered to Guo Bad.

"Who is Li Dafu?" Guo bad-hearted asked unwillingly. Of course, this is not to blame Guo bad. It is normal for me to be a small figure in Wucheng who doesn't know you, the emperor's urban committee secretary.

Niu Mengqiang resisted to say a word, Li Dafu is the secretary of the city committee of the imperial capital, the old man said, you can see him, no matter how much, give him face. Guo Bad nodded his head slightly. The ancient family's affairs made such a big movement, and he had to say hello to the big boss of the imperial capital.

"Gu Brother, this is your ancient house. Don't go back to the Tyrannosaurus first, let's talk for a while." Guo said with a smile, Gu Yun glanced at Jiang Ao, then nodded gently.

"Boss, this is the bad data of Guo." At a crossroad not far from the ancient home, Wang Kai handed a few pieces of paper to Li Dafu.

"Academician Guo's grandson? I've heard of it before, as if it was called Wucheng Four Harms in Wucheng. I didn't expect it to change so much now." Li Dafu squinted his eyes and said, "This boy is very beautiful recently!"

Wang Kai didn't speak, but just nodded slightly. On the day of the auction, Li Dafu went to a meeting. Wang Kai was at the auction site. On that day, Guo Bad's elixir and wine brought him at least 8 billion income. Billion. Although there are many people who can take out this money, who would dare to think about it? One auction will earn 8 billion yuan.

"This kid is very interesting." Li Dafu said with a smile behind him. "There are so many girlfriends!"

"Ahem, this kid is a little bit carefree." Wang Kai echoed softly.

"Two people, it's not good to talk about others behind." Just when Wang Kai and Li Dafu were talking about Guo Bad at Wucheng University Affiliated Middle School Forum, the car glass was knocked a few times, and Guo Bad came.

"Haha, let's make a little bad joke. This is our fault, let's find a quiet place to talk?" Li Dafu said with a smile. Guo Bad nodded slightly after getting in the car, and Wang Kai drove them to a small one. In the villa.

"Small bad, you can call me this way, Academician Guo is okay. When I saw Guo Lao last time in the Imperial Auditorium, I mentioned you at that time, haha." Li Dafu said with a smile.

"I'm sure the old man didn't say anything good to me, do you say I should call you Secretary Li, or should I call you Uncle Li?" Guo said with a smile.

"Haha, call Uncle Li, if you want to call Li Dafu, it's OK, chat with you young people, don't have any secretary or secretary, I listen to it awkwardly." Li Dafu said with a smile, this Guo bad for him The pressure is not small.

"Uncle Li, the basket under my imperial capital is not small this time. I don't know what Uncle Li wants to do?" Guo Gang took a step in the courtyard of the villa and sat down with a smile.

"This time it ’s not my turn to rub the ass, the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment Jiang has come forward. I do n’t want to get involved in this, but I ’m just curious what happened to the ancient family, after all, the influence of the ancient family in the capital Power is not small, as the parents of the Imperial City, I have to maintain the security of the Imperial City. "Li Dafu said with a smile.

"Uncle Li's spirit is not very good in the last few days. You took this elixir and tossed for a day. I'll get something to eat. We have time to talk slowly." Guo Gang handed Li Dafu a green elixir and laughed He said that he went straight to the rockery in the villa, reached out and took up a wild king in the rockery pool, and regardless of Li Dafu's surprised look, he went straight into the villa's kitchen.

"Uncle Li, if you don't want to eat and throw it away, it's not a good thing." Guo Bad looked at Li Dafu, hesitant, and said with a smile.

"Get out of here." Li Dafu glanced at Guo Bad. This kid dare to deal with the ancient town of Lei, the old man's life is more expensive than mine, I have to eat this elixir. Thinking, Li Dafu put the elixir in his mouth, Guo Gang has put the wild king eight into a wood-burning pot, and then thrown in a lot of the ingredients in his gourd, a few seconds later, a fragrance From the kitchen, Guo Bad came out.

"Small bad, I feel a lot easier for my body." Li Dafu took a medicine and suddenly felt comfortable and didn't hide it, said to Guo bad with a smile.

"Uncle Li is in an important position. You should not know much about ordinary people. Words such as martial arts and powers must be unclear to Li," Guo said with a smile.

"I know, I know, Guzhen Lei, the old man in Gujia, is the leader of the Huaxia power group. His position in Huaxia is above me, which is why I can't get involved in today's affairs." Li Dafu said with a smile.

"The ancient home is over. From today, the emperor will no longer have an old home. As for the old business of the old home, Uncle Li will bother. This can only be done by you. I want the old home in the old home. Within six months, the hospital will be in Emperor Capital opened, and I hope that Uncle Li can come to the opening ceremony. "Guo Bad said with a smile, he didn't care about Li Dafu's surprised expression, he heard Niu Zhenshan said that the ancient home was over, but he didn't believe it at the beginning, but now he is right now. He heard this sentence again and he had to believe it.

"The taste of Wang Batang is not bad. You can drink the rest. Don't do housework in the last week. It's time for the old lady at home to take a look." After Guo Bad said, turned and walked out of the villa, and let Wang Kai send himself back. Gu Da, left a shocked face of Li Dafu, this Guo bad thinking jumped too fast.

"It's really delicious!" Li Dafu tasted Wang Batang in the pot and said from the bottom of his heart, "Pack up and go and see your old mother. It's time to meet the old guys like Didu at night."

"Reporter, all the guilty people in the ancient family have boarded the car, please give instructions!" Guo Ganggang arrived at the door of the ancient house, and an armed policeman saluted him, saying loudly that Guo bad eyes fell on Jiang Ao. Smile a little, this old guy.

"Take your share. We will do the rest." Guo said with a smile.

"Stop the booth?" The armed policeman froze, saluting aloud yes.

"Close the team, it should be closed." Guo Bad said to himself to Xing Tian, ​​Gu Yun, Jiang Ao and Xia Feiyan.

"I thought I could have a fight with someone from the power group, but I didn't expect it to end like this." Xia Feiyan whispered, the black line of the three faces of Xing Tian.

"Bad brother, I don't know what you said about me, what happened." Gu Yun asked with a smile.

"Your surname is Gu. This is the ancient house. I do n’t want to use the ancient house in the medical museum. Just use the large courtyard next to you. The rest is yours. Let's get it up. "Guo Bad said with a smile, Gu Yun's eyes widened, Xing Tian's eyes widened, Jiang Ao was shocked, Xia Feiyan froze.

"I will go to the Dragon King for your business. You will go to Li Dafu for the property of the ancient family. As for the manpower, I thought about it. Those who were from the ancient family can choose for yourself. I hope the ancient family can do it for themselves." Guo said with a smile, Gu Yun completely followed It ’s no longer Guo ’s bad idea. I ’ve had a good time in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment over the years. I practiced with these brothers. Although I wanted to prove myself in the ancient family, I later dispelled this idea. Get what you want to do.

"Ten days, the ancients have done it. I should take my daughter-in-law back to Wucheng, haha." Guo said badly, one on the left and one on the right, holding Sun Lingling and Lin Shuang into Niu Meng under everyone's different eyes. In the car he drove, he left Gujia in general.

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