Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 209: Partition

Guo Bad drove the two around the emperor, suddenly suddenly lost, and returned to Wucheng? It's a little late to go back to Tyrannosaurus? Xing Tian, ​​they have n’t returned yet. They went to Xia Wudi to do coolies, and went to the auction house to find Liu Yan? Take two girls with you. Although you are not afraid of what others say, you must consider the feelings of the girls. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

"Bad husband, haven't you thought about where to go? Go to my house! My grandpa wants to see you." Sun Lingling said with a smile, his face was reddish.

"Lin Shuang, let's go together. In the past two days, you have been tossing lightly. When you arrive at Lingling's house, I have to help you see. Now the things in the ancient family are done, but I'm going to go to the Lin's family to propose a marriage." Lin Shuang's face turned red, but Guo Bad and his party this time made Lin Shuang truly accept the man in his heart. No, it should be a little man.

"Listen to you, go to Lingling's house. I don't want to go home anyway. They called me for nothing more than trying to contact you through me to see if you could buy me at a good price. They didn't I thought about my feelings. "Lin Shuang whispered with a trace of sorrow. Guo Bad reached out and held Lin Shuang." You have been so tired lately. When I come out of the Lingling family, I will follow you back to the Lin family to see who is bullying. After my bad daughter-in-law Guo, I still want to live. "

Lin Shuang was lying honestly in Guo Bad's arms, and Sun Lingling glanced at Guo Bad with a hint of jealousy. He stepped on the accelerator and drove toward his home.

"Shuang Er didn't answer the phone." Lin Shuang's father Lin Xingyun called Lin Shuang's phone a dozen times in a row. In the end, Lin Shuang directly shut down the phone. In the courtyard of Lin's family, people in the house waited for a long time and waited. Such a sentence.

"Lin Xingyun, this is your good daughter. At such a critical moment, you can play such a hand. Tell me, the ancient family is now over. What about the business that the ancient family and the Lin family cooperate with?" A man of the same age as Lin Xingyun was weird. Said.

"Lin Xingyu, the cooperation between the ancient family and the Lin family was also because my Lin Xingyun signed Shuanger to kiss the Gu Lie doll. Our family has paid enough for the entire Lin family. If you have the ability, let your family crumble. Go find that Guo bad! "Lin Xingyun said aloud, he was a bit angry. Over the years, with the help of the Gu family, the Lin family became stronger and stronger, but all that brought about it was that Gu Lie saw Lin Shuang, and the Lin family Taking Lin Shuang as a bargain in return for all these things, he was already very sorry for his daughter, but these people in the family now have this attitude.

"Xing Yun, find a way to contact Xiao Shuang. If you can get in touch, whether or not Xiao Shuang can call Guo Gang, the great god, Xiao Shuang is always my granddaughter. She has paid enough for the Lin family, let her Come back, I won't force her any more. "Lin Sanyuan, the current owner of the Lin family said softly, then turned around and left the hall.

An hour ago, more than thirty families who could talk in the emperor gathered in the conference room of the Municipal Party Committee Building. All the police forces of the entire Emperor's capital were dispatched. Any one of these people would have trouble in the municipal party committee.

"Dear everyone, thank you for your contribution to the Imperial Capital Economic Exhibition over the years. This time I call on everyone, and I have something to tell you." Although Li Dafu is sitting at the front, whether it is Xuanyuan Xiongfeng or Nangong Mouze, or it is a lively cattle town. Shan, the strong woman Ouyang Xiyue, and the retail king Zhang Tianzhan all put a great deal of pressure on Li Dafu. These people have different expressions, so Li Dafu doesn't know what they think about.

"Duff, just say anything. It's very late today. I hope what you said will interest us." Historian Shi Yongqi said with a smile.

"About the ancient family, I think everyone should have heard some wind, Uncle Xiongfeng, Uncle Mu Ce, and Uncle Zhenshan should be more than I know." Li Dafu said with a smile, the three old men looked up at Li Dafu, Did not speak.

"Cough, let me just say it directly." Li Dafu said that the three old men didn't mean to speak, and said a little with a hint of helplessness. "Gujia has been identified as a terrorist organization. Today, the Tyrannosaurus Regiment has dispatched and uprooted Gujia. Today, I want to ask everyone to discuss these industries in Gujia. Although Gujia is a terrorist organization, it has affected the economy of the imperial capital in recent years. To a great extent, I do not hope that the disappearance of an ancient family will affect the overall situation of the entire imperial capital. "

"Duff, where did you get this news? It can't be said indiscriminately." Several heads of the family who were close to the ancient family stood up sharply, although they also received the news today, knowing Tyrannosaurus The trouble of the regiment to find the ancient family was initially considered to be a small fight, holding the gods to fight, and the principle of people's carelessness. They did not go to the ancient family to help, but now Li Dafu said that the ancient family was uprooted by the Tyrannosaurus. Believe.

"Some sit down and tell, the news was given above, and the Dragon King Xia Wudi gave the order in person, but let me tell everyone, don't worry, this time it's only for the ancient family, otherwise you won't be able to reach the city committee." Li Dafu looked Several old men laughed and said that the ancient family was destroyed, and these families were scared in their hearts. At that time, the secretary of the municipal party committee who loved not tossed him, now his expression has changed.

"Duff, since the Gu family is a terrorist organization, our Wu family will terminate all contacts with the Gu family later. You can rest assured." Wu Xunfeng said with a smile. He recently went to the Gu family and half of his industry was related to the Gu family. Since the Gu family had to be cleaned up, while the Wu family had nothing to do, he quickly set aside the boundary with the Gu family. Several people who had no relationship with the Gu family looked at him, showing a slight disdain.

"Duff, the ancient family ’s shipping industry in Yuntiangang and the real estate in northwestern eight cities have taken over from our Xuanyuan family. There will be no trouble. These things are not what our Xuanyuan family wants, mainly for my granddaughter and granddaughter. Caili, marrying Wucheng must not be too shabby. "Xuanyuan Xiongfeng said with a smile, all the people in the whole house were calm.

The maritime industry of Yuntiangang is also the root of the ancient family's long-term existence in Huaxia for thousands of years. In a word of Xuanyuan Xiongfeng, this thing belongs to Xuanyuan's family and shocked everyone, but it seems that Nangong Mouze did not object. If these things are used as dowry, this kind of dowry is probably the first for the whole of China.

"It will certainly not cause any trouble for Yuntiangang to give it to the male brother Xiongfeng. The energy of the West Rail will be handed over to the Nangong family. Although Ling Mo is still young, he will have to stay in Wucheng sooner or later." Nangong Mouze smiled Said that, except Niu Zhenshan, everyone else did not understand what the two old men meant. The ancient family fell. You can divide these things as much as you want. We ca n’t say anything anyway, but we do n’t have to be in front of everyone. That's so clear.

"Since Uncle Xiongfeng and Uncle Mu Ce said so, other things will be easy to handle." Li Dafu said with a smile, and let Wang Kai bring hundreds of reports in front of everyone.

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