Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 221: Fix the hidden diseases

"With one enemy and two, you two are already masters in the opening period. It looks like that person's strength was good at that time. <? Bayi.? 8] 1] ZW.COM" Guo Bad said softly, Qin Fengyu gently Nodded.

Guo Bad took out the silver needles and let Qin Fengyu take off his coat. This time the needle was extremely slow. It took almost ten minutes for all eight silver needles to be stuck on Qin Fengyu's body. As if the needle application was unsuccessful this time, Qin Fengyu was expressionless, as if the needle was not stuck on him at all.

"Senior, try to remove your anger from your right arm." Guo Bad said softly, Qin Fengyu's eyes widened. He tried it ten years ago, and he felt another anger in his right arm that time. Suddenly weakened, thinking about being able to drive out that qi, but only for a moment, so that Qin Fengyu still remembers the pain of that day.

"My predecessors are assured, there is me." Guo said with a grin, Qin Fengyu nodded again and again, his steel teeth clenched, and he vigorously withdrew his right arm.

"It is now!" Guo Bad shouted, the last silver needle in his hand was tied to Qin Fengyu's shoulder, and then the nine silver needles vibrated at the same time, and even a sound was heard.

"Senior, shout out the pain, this is just the beginning." Guo Bad exclaimed, and then stretched out his left index finger and touched Qin Fengyu's arm, Qin Fengyu's eyes widened, and the anger seemed to meet the enemy. Similarly, fled towards the palm of his own hand, but when it came to the wrist, the silver needle on the wrist blocked the way of Qi, so that Qin Fengyu couldn't believe it. Such a silver needle could actually block that. Really angry.

"Father, it's up to you to see if you can get them all out. I'll pull out the silver needles for a while, and you urge the whole body to block the path of true energy and force them out of the body." Guo Bad said softly, Qin Fengyu was sweating heavily and nodded.

"Close!" Guo Bad shouted, the silver needle on his wrist flew straight out, and then the eye of the needle just out was like the safety valve of a pressure cooker, a stream of white smoke came out, and Qin Yufeng was iron-blue. Steel teeth clenched, and finally he could get this **** thing out, saying that he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

For about three minutes, Guo Bad shook his head slightly. No, Qin Fengyu didn't dare to press all the qi in his body on his right arm, let alone the rest, even the vein could not bear it. Although 70% was released, the remaining 30% seemed to have savvy intelligence and began to rush towards the arm.

"Small bad, no more, I can't take it anymore." Qin Feng murmured in his mouth, a bad silver needle with a length of nearly 30 cm appeared again in Guo Bad's hand, and he severely pierced Qin Feng's head. The students next to them all widened their eyes, and a few girls covered their mouths, for fear of shouting.

"Ah!" Qin Fengyu yelled, and the breath on his body didn't know how much stronger, and the outside air felt the change of Qin Fengyu, and he didn't dare to move anymore. Then, a strong instinct rushed directly into his arm. The intrusiveness came out of the eye of the needle with a bit of indignation, and the leg of the table of purple gold sandalwood facing the needle was broken. Guo badly gasped, pulled out the long needle, and then pulled out a long needle. An emerald green elixir tucked in his mouth and sat cross-legged.

The moment Qin Fengyu pulled out the silver needle, he immediately fell down, and his whole body was lying on the ground as if evacuated.

"Don't touch them, wait until the bad boy wakes up." When several students wanted to help Qin Fengyu, Zhou Tianyang said loudly, several students looked at each other and nodded gently.

In fifteen minutes, Guo Bad woke up, looked at Qin Fengyu who was still lying on the ground, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. So he entered the realm of barren valleys, and Master Qin was also the first person. He did not attract Tianwei.

Guo Bad used the silver needle to activate all the qi that Qin Fengfeng had accumulated in his body for several years, allowing him to reach the realm of the valley at that moment. Tianwei had not yet arrived, and the qi in his body pushed out the qi from outside, then Once again, he fell asleep, but now Qin Fengyu wakes up, he is already a master of the period.

For about half an hour, He Mo didn't see anything happening. He walked in front of Guo Bad with a bowl of Chinese medicine, watching Qin Fengyu lying on the ground, and frowned.

"You guys poured this Chinese medicine to senior Qin, and he will wake up in about half an hour. I'll go to rest first. After senior Qin wakes up, let him come to me." Guo Bad said softly. He stood tremblingly and walked towards his room.

Just walking to the room, Guo was lying straight on the bed.

"Grandma, fortunately, it didn't fall, it was a shame to fall, but it seems that the thing going against the sky is still less subtle, or it will happen sooner or later." Guo Bad said to himself.

"Husband, what else is going on against the sky? I won't tell you to report to my wife at home, but it's against you." Just after Guo Gang finished, a gentle voice sounded in his ear, let Guo Bad could not help but tremble, Yuer, but fortunately Yuer, if he is his own enemy, the life on earth can be over.

"Wife Yuer, you are here to murder your husband." Guo said with a smile, but he didn't sit up, and now he has no strength left.

"Don't talk anymore, we have worked so hard against an outsider. We have all heard about the imperial capital. The demo is very powerful. You will get married on the eighth day of next month. You don't seem to ask my big house for permission." Yuer said with a lip. "You can rest for a while, and wait for you to recover and see how I can pack you." Then, Yu'er's little hand took a trace of tender meat around Guo Bad's waist and turned a large circle, which made Guo Bad unbearably large. He yelled, all the students not far away looked at this side, it seemed that the old man was treated this time, and the owner was not badly hurt.

Guo Bad took out another elixir and put it in his mouth. For about ten minutes, Guo Bad felt that his body finally had some strength, and there was still a lot of gains. During the opening period, he was not far from the opening period.

"Little bad, what's wrong?" Guo Bad expected it well, no more than half an hour, Qin Fengyu opened his eyes, and no matter whether his upper body was still naked, he asked loudly to the students around him.

"The museum owner said that he would go to his room to look for him when he wakes up." Su Tu said quietly, looking at the excited Qin Fengyu, the museum owner is really terrific. The master of the library was done, Su Tu and other students thought to himself.

"Haha, Lao Peng, let you come and you do n’t come, I wo n’t regret it when you come back to Bu Zhoushan." Qin Fengyun laughed as he walked. Although his body is not fully recovered now, how could he not know The door that closed the valley for nearly seventy years opened again to him.

"Small bad, big gratitude, thank you, if you encounter anything in Huaxia in the future, as long as the old Qin can help, as long as you say a word, go to Tang Wuhuo." Qin Fengyu opened the door and saw Guo bad sitting He drank hot tea on the stool, but he could feel that Guo Bad had paid a lot to help him this time.

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