Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 222: Guo bad mind

"My predecessors are polite. (Baoyi Chinese website W} W) W} .81ZW.COM" said with a bad smile, "You take this elixir, and I will prescribe a few more Chinese medicines later. Pei Yuan, I won't tell you more about the others. Tianli's revenge is unpleasant, and the seniors should be clearer than the boys. "

Qin Fengyu nodded his elixir and looked at Guo Gang who was pouring himself in his eyes. He felt a sense of invincibility in his heart, and he didn't know why he felt it.

"After three days, the boy will go to the ghost doctor's gate. If the seniors have time, they can go along with them. What?" Guo Bad looked at Qin Fengyun with a smile and said, I don't know what the ghost doctor's gate will encounter this time, but if Let a master of the valley era follow, want to come to the general fight and kill things can be left to Qin Fengyu.

"Ghost doctor's gate? Where is He Qianshou? Haha, okay, after that, the old man accompanied the little friend after three days." Qin Fengyu said with a smile, and the two of them talked again and walked out of Guo's bad room. .

"Library owner, you cannot rest this afternoon." Chen Jiadi said with a hint of helplessness.

Guo Bad looked up at the entrance of the inadequate medical museum, because the inadequate medical office spoke out and healed hundreds of people every day. Some people have started to come to the inadequate medical institution, and all of them are intractable diseases around China. Think about it too. The chairman of the General Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the patients and Qin Fengyu will get it, and now the rest are all uncertain.

"I'll take a look." Guo Bad said softly, and walked straight to the door of the infirmary.

"Guo Guanzhu, we rushed over from Northwest City, and have been waiting for you here for two weeks. Could you please show it to my father, please, please." A middle-aged man said loudly in front of him. There was an old man in a wheelchair beside him with a serious face.

"Mao Dawei, isn't it?" Guo Ai asked softly. When he arrived, he had already glanced at the registered list. There was a photo behind each name, and Guo Ai recognized the middle-aged man in front of him.

Mao Dawei nodded excitedly, and Guo Bad also nodded, and then shouted to the crowd, "Leave the fifty registered friends in front of me this afternoon, as long as they are not in the range of our hospital. I will heal today, no matter how much, my energy is limited, and things will be reversed by then. "

"Fifty people will be cured without breaking the law and the regulations of the Medical Museum. It's a big breath." Several middle-aged people in the corner said with a somber face.

However, all the patients standing outside the door of the infirmary agreed and nodded. Almost a third of the original team of three or four hundred people remained. Guo Gang entered the room, and several students began to come out to maintain it. Order, Mao Dawei pushed his father into the infirmary.

"Mr. Old is a soldier." Guo Bad said softly when he entered the consultation room. "There was a shrapnel that had not been removed, which suppressed Mr. Lao's nerves, so this is the situation now, why not try Western medicine, This operation is not difficult. "

"This is what my dad meant. He said that he would fight with foreign devils all his life. He was about to die, but he wanted to heal himself with foreign devils. He was not happy. If that was the case, it would be better to die directly, so it has been dragged on until now. Mao Dawei said softly, "Guo Guanzhu, I don't know if you can take this shrapnel from my father?"

Although the evil of Guo bad is extrinsic, especially during the period of the imperial capital, many people in Huaxia remembered Guo bad's name, but Mao Dawei couldn't see that this one was much smaller than himself. What can a little boy do?

Guo Bad shouted Su Tu outside, and looked at Su Tu with a smirk. Su Tu, who just entered the house, felt a little uncomfortable.

"Su Tu, these days I see that you have always wanted to practice Chinese medicine surgery, this time to satisfy you, how about the two of us helping the old man take out the shrapnel?" Guo Bad said with a smile. Su Tu heard Guo Bad's words, and his brain was direct. There was a cold sweat.

"Boss, I just felt that it was amazing that you used silver needles to get tumors at school last time. Recently, I studied the 13 needles of Xiamen Gong with He Mo. She was ambiguous, and I was confused. Today is Chinese medicine. Surgery is up to you. "Su Tu whispered, and Mao Dawei nodded quickly.

"You are here if you want to come. Why aren't you guys like this? We don't need a counseling package if you don't have a medical museum. Since you want to learn more sophisticated medicine, you have to go step by step." Guo Bad said loudly, Su Looking at the serious face of Guo Bad, he nodded fiercely, but he was wondering how Guo Bad could find him. He wanted to learn to use traditional Chinese medicine for surgery recently. He did not tell him this what.

"Brother Mao, let's go out first. In fifteen minutes, we will help the old man take out the shrapnel. You don't have to stay here anymore. The Sutu made are a little nervous." Guo said with a smile, and Mao Dawei was a bit uneasy. Rest assured, but heeded Guo's bad words and went out.

"The biggest difficulty in the surgical operation of Chinese medicine lies in the two aspects of anesthesia and hemostasis. This time, I took out the shrapnel in the back of the old man's head. I command you to do it. Come on." Guo bad's words just fell, and Su Tu felt his legs were somewhat It was soft, but suddenly I felt a coolness in my mind. Su Tu nodded unnaturally, looking at Guo Bad's confident look.

"We all know the position of the shrapnel. What you need to do now is to anesthetize the old man. It may seem difficult, but it is not too difficult to do. It is only necessary to seal these points with silver needles, but Remember, at any time, you need to be quick and accurate. ”Guo Bad took out a set of silver needles on his body and placed them in front of Su Tu.

"Boss, do you really want me to come?" Su Tu asked again, unsure, Guo Bad nodded slightly, Su Tu picked up the silver needle, and according to what Guo Bad said just now, nine silver needles were sealed. A few acupoints of Mr. Mao's family, he immediately lay on the bed.

"The next step is to stop bleeding. We need to make sure that when we remove the shrapnel, the old man will not cause major bleeding because the shrapnel disappears. Follow the instructions I gave you before, and let the needle go." Guo Bad even omitted the reminder this time, Su Tu Nine silver needles were added again in the hand, and the lower needle was steadily stuck on the acupuncture point.

"Boss pavilion owner, how to take the shrapnel?" Although the first two steps were not bad, but he really opened the skull to shrapnel, and Su Tu was really nervous.

"Sutu, remember, this time I come, and I will encounter the same thing again in the future, it is all you to do it yourself. If you are not skilled, let Lao Zhou buy some pigs and sheep heads or something. Practice it yourself." With a flying knife in Guo Bad's hand, he cut open the scalp of Mao's father, followed by the skull, quickly took out a small finger nail-sized shrapnel, and then let Su Tu make a simple bandage. It was taken out easily, but if you want to know if the operation was successful, you have to see how the old man woke up.

Guo Bad still looked at Su Tu with a tense smile, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. In the future, this infirmary will be yours. I don't want each of you to be able to solve all the problems, but I still hope you can be more proficient. This way, it doesn't bother me to take a trip to the lower bounds.

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