Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 234: uninvited guest

"Brother, don't you think this kid can solve the problems left by our ghost doctors for thousands of years. [August 1 W] W]. 8> 1ZW.COM" He Wenshui, He Mo's uncle whispered to He Mo Asked his father.

"This kid will order some medicine. He just put Xiaofeng and Yuyu on his arm, but he said that he can handle the ghost problem of our ghost doctor. I do n’t believe it, but the old man believes it. Let us cooperate with him. Do n’t let the old man Angry. "He Wenshan said softly.

Several people nodded together, looking at the old man's confidence, several people began to speculate on the expression of the old man's disappointment.

"Father, you stand in the middle. The others stand up in the position I have pointed out. I hope that you will not be surprised at what you will have. I will help martial arts to solve physical problems. As for the scars on other people's faces, Those are all minor problems. "Guo Bad said aloud, but the disciples of the ghost doctors didn't seem to catch the cold.

However, all congenital martial arts still stood in accordance with the position designated by Guo Bad, and Guo Bad gave everyone an elixir. At this time, Wu Xi of the Ghost Doctor's Gate began to look at Guo Bad with some surprises. All the innate masters got For the three-colored pill, the seven-colored pill was obtained during the opening period, and the nine-colored pill was given to He Yuanjie.

"The 13-pin Ghost Gate's way of saving people is based on the dead souls. Over time, you owe these ghosts an explanation. Today I will help you explain to them clearly. As for the legendary Ghost Gate 13-pins, it does not move. There are thirteen stitches of ghosts and gods, there is no one here, let's resolve the matter in front of you. "Guo bad said, his eyes closed, a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and a drop of cold blood slowly poured out.

"The gate of the land government, I request to open it in the name of the big witch. The wrongdoers in the world can be like the land government. Even the trouble brought to the land government is on the kid's head." Guo said badly, with a fierce bite, a spurt of blood. Out, covered directly on that drop of blood, then took out eight black flags from the Laojun gourd and threw them into the void. A one-meter by two-meter gate slowly appeared in the void.

"What is it, can it be magic?" Someone at the Ghost Doctor said softly, but the sixty-three people standing under the door felt completely different. They could clearly feel that a trace of things that had been suppressing their own breath He Yuanjie began to disappear from his body. He Yuanjie standing directly under the door felt the most obvious. He could even see a trace of remnants leaving his body.

In a Dazhai village hundreds of miles away, there were four masters of the valley-clearing period, three men and one woman sitting around a millennium of ice, with some fruits on top of the ice. Several people talked and laughed.

"Brother, how long can the old goods in the ghost medicine department He Yuanjie last? We sent someone to test it last time, and he was at least as good as me. What are we waiting for? Zhaizi, this Yinyang Mountain will be our Sixiang always. "The biggest guy among the four said with a smile, this person is the white tiger gate Shen Wanjin of Sixiangzong.

"Although we don't have much contact with the outside world, if we rashly attack the ghost doctors, unless we can wipe them out, but once the fish is caught, our Sixiangzong will be in trouble by then. People are not easy to deal with. "Qing Tian Men Yin Tianjin said softly.

"Brother, the news from people outside of us, the little granddaughter of Wu Yuanjie in Wucheng will come to the ghost doctor gate today. I think it should be our opportunity now. If this opportunity is not grasped, such an opportunity in the future may be It's hard to find. "The only woman among the four, Suzakumen Li Feng said, squinting.

"Simei, really to the old guy in He Yuanjie, you won't be able to get it in time." Xuanwumen Qiaoren said with a joke.

"Hello!", The ice surrounding the four was crushed by Li Feng with one palm, staring at the three people around him, "Qiao Ren broken, if you dare to say that again, I don't mind this palm Try it on you. "

"Simei, don't be angry. The third child is talking about fun. They are all a lot of years old. Why are they so angry?" Yin Tianjin said with a smile.

"Just don't open it to the old lady, I'm just like this. If there's nothing, I'll go." With that, Li Feng drank the tea in the cup, then crushed the purple sand cup in his hand, and turned to leave. .

"Grandpa, the ghost doctor's gate was closed three miles away today. I don't know why, and the little He Mo who was studying in Wucheng is back." A young man hurried to the house and said softly.

"Fengzhai outside Sanli, He Laohuo is what he wants to do." Yin Tianjin said with a narrow eye.

"Grandpa, today Xiaowu and I beat the two medicine picking boys in Guiyimen in Houshan. Later, I saw a car going in the direction of Guiyimen. He Mo brought a little Great old man. "Yin Xun said softly.

"It seems that the girl of the He family brought a lot of gains outside this time, and she can find a helper for the ghost doctor door. The matter of the ghost doctor door can't wait." Yin Tianjin said softly, Li Feng's face full of excitement.

"Grandpa, my uncle asked me to call you to the Star Watching Tower." Another young man hurried to the room and said loudly.

"Let's go and take a look together, Yin drunk called me, it looks like there is something going on." Said, Yin Tianjin's shadow had disappeared into the room.

"Little drunk, what's the matter." The four elders came to the stargazing platform together and asked with a smile.

"Dad, come and take a look. There is a lot of movement over the ghost doctor door." Yin Zui said softly, still looking at the direction of the ghost doctor door.

"What big moves can be made, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals." Said, the four elders leapt forward and stood on the stargazing platform together.

"Hey, how can this happen, whoever puts the array in the ghost doctor gate, we can't observe the movement of the ghost doctor gate." Qiao Ren said in surprise.

"Uncle San, just arrived when I was a child. I was watching the sky, and I felt that there was something wrong with the Ghost Doctor's Gate. When I looked at it again, I was like this." Yin Zui said softly.

"Pretend to be a **** and make a ghost, it is estimated that some formations have been researched from ancient books. Regardless of them, I will take some people to talk about the truth and reality tomorrow. If He Mo's little girl hasn't left, I will catch Xiao Xun as a wife. Shen Wanjin said with a smile.

"Second brother, no, the ghost doctors don't have such a great ability, I have to go and see what they are doing." Yin Tianjin said softly.

"Brother, I'll go with you." Li Feng nodded slightly and echoed, the two figures had disappeared on the stargazing platform.

"Three brother, let's go and see it together." Shen Wanjin said with a smile, his figure flashed and disappeared on the stargazing platform.

"Little drunk, summon all the innate disciples of the Four Elephant Sects and stand by at any time. If there is a situation, it is estimated that we will start a war with the ghost doctor gate today, haha, after waiting so long, I finally waited." Disappeared on the stargazing platform.

The moment Qin Feng started the big battle with Guo Bad, his heart was full of shock. This kid can really toss. This big battle, I have lived for so many years or I have seen it for the first time. It seems that Guo Bad is really a hidden world. Martial disciples, otherwise, how could such a large group be opened.

"Four sisters, when you meet at the meeting, the person from He Jia's girl has the strength above us." Yin Tianjin felt Qin Fengfeng the moment he said to Li Feng around him, of course, Qin Fengfeng also felt this time. Four unwelcome guests coming to their side.

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