Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 235: The Four Elephant Sects Strike

In the gazebo thirty miles away from the ghost doctor's door, Qin Fengyu himself poured out his own drink. Guo Bad didn't treat this old predecessor, after all, he called others to be a thug, fine wine, three dishes, and Qin Fengyu also eat freely. (August? Novel Network W> W] W} .81ZW.COM

"Since it's here, why hide and hide." Just as the four elephants were five miles away from Qin Yufeng, they stopped and Qin Fengyun shouted loudly, and the four of them appeared in the gazebo together after a while. .

"Are you Qin Fengfeng, who is not Zhoushan?" Yin Tianjin asked Qin Fengyun with a look of surprise.

"Yin Tianjin, I haven't seen you in decades, don't come without a fool." Qin Fengyu said with a smile, his eyes fell on the other three, "Four Elephants, presumably the other three are the other three of the Four Elephants. Let's go. "

"Not Zhoushan Qin Fengxu?" The other three of Sixiangzong's eyes widened. Qin Fengzhuang, Peng Tianhua, and Zhou Shanshuangxiong. One of the best masters of Huaxia thirty years ago, they met here. It looks like He Yuanjie's The master whom the little granddaughter invited is this one. The four people of Sixiangzong are a little big.

"Brother Qin, don't know what it means to be here today?" Yin Tianjin asked softly.

"Drinking someone's altar wine, naturally I have to help people watch the meeting." Qin Fengyu said with a smile, "I don't know what the four people rushed to this side in a hurry this time, what does it mean? This seems to be a ghost doctor The border of the gate. "

"Ming people don't talk secretly, just now there was a lot of movement over the Ghost Doctor's Gate. A few of us wanted to see it." Shen Wanjin said loudly.

"The sound may not be reasonable, the ghost doctors have nothing to do, please come back." Qin Fengyu took a drink and said with a smile.

"What if we have to look over?" Li Feng said while looking at Qin Fengyu, his courage was full.

"That's a fart. You are going to go to the Ghost Doctor's Gate to find trouble. I'm here to watch the scene. If you want to get along with Lao Tzu, then you will snore and recover from the hidden disease. I haven't even touched anyone yet. I want to see What kind of ability can the Four Elephant Sects have in their ability to break through the valleys? "As Qin Fengfeng's whole body momentum increased greatly, the later period of the valleys was stronger than the earlier period.

"Old man Qin, although you are stronger than us, but you can't take advantage of playing four." Four people surrounded Qin Fengyu in the middle.

"Boss, the Ghost Doctor's action is not small this time, you have to inform Yin Zui, and let him bring all the innate disciples of the Sixiang Sect to besiege the Ghost Doctor's Gate, rather than letting go of the mistake." Yin Tianjin said aloud, Qiao Ren break the dynasty Flying with the four elephants.

"I really look down on the old man. If the four of you form a four-image matrix, the old man may be trapped by you. Now you three, do you still want to trap the old man?" Qin Fengyu said, and his posture was faster. For a moment, it became clear that under the siege of the three people in Sixiangzong, they did not take any advantage, but suffered minor injuries to varying degrees.

However, Qin Fengfeng's face became more and more ugly. Five minutes later, he felt that Qiao Ren's broken breath appeared again ten miles away, and Xin Yi brought it. This time the ghost doctor was in great trouble.

After a while, Qiao Ren breaks the round with the other three. Four people surround Qin Fengyu in the middle. After decades of cooperation, Qin Fengfeng can't find any flaws. Although the four of them cannot hurt themselves, they also It is impossible to escape, the people of Sixiangzong have already come to the ghost doctor's gate three miles away.

"Let's go, don't tell us just because your group of acquired martial arts wants to stop us, if you don't want to die, hurry up." Yin Xun said loudly, the ghost doctor's gate eighteen stood in his place for the acquired martial arts. On, refused to leave.

"A Xun, what are the ink marks with them? The Third Lord said, it ’s better not to let go of killing mistakes, a group of martial arts, kill them." A Biaohan said loudly, the voice has fallen, and he is not standing The disciples in the distant ghost doctor's gate spurted out blood, only the gas that was out, but not the gas that was in.

"Xiao Yu, go and inform Grandpa, we can't take it too long." The elders of the remaining seventeen people pushed a teenager away, and then faced the big guy just now, the silver needle in his hand was straight. He stuck in the eyebrow of Dahan, and said softly in his mouth, "Xiao Peng, I have revenge for you."

"The disciples of Sixiangzong have noticed that although they are only the day after tomorrow ’s martial arts, they are not weak. Do n’t keep your hands and kill me." To deal with the sixteen acquired martial arts, less than three minutes, all sixteen disciples of the ghost doctors were killed.

"Large, Grandpa." The boy named Xiao Yu hadn't yelled out yet. Guo Ai pulled him aside slightly. The big battle has already begun. Now is the crucial time. If I disturb the people in the battle now, not only can they The karma is removed from the body, from minor injuries to serious injuries.

"Six elephants are here?" Guo Bad looked at Xiaoyu and asked softly. The boy nodded fiercely. When he returned to Zhaizi, he heard the scream of his brother. He knew that he was armed with himself. Others have been killed by the Sixiangzong people.

"Want to come with me or wait here?" Guo Ai asked softly, and the boy uttered a word resolutely and went. Guo Gang took Dazhu to the gate of Zhaizi, and nearly a hundred disciples of Sixiangzong had already killed the gate of Ghost Doctor's Gate.

"What a big battle, the Four Elephant Sects. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the four elephants of Yunshan created the Four Elephant Sects. The purpose of the Four Elephant Sects was to save the lives of the wounded and help the poor, and to rob the poor, but they did not expect to become what they are now. It seems that if Yunshan Sijie is still alive, it is likely that you will be annoyed by you. "Guo Bad looked at the aggressive Sixiangzong disciples slowly, and several older Sixiangzong disciples opened their eyes wide.

"Boy, who are you, dare to denigrate our Sixiang Sect, don't want to live?" Yin Zui said loudly, but he was surprised that Guo Gang directly told the history of the Sixiang Sect. These things clan Some juniors are unclear. How could this young boy know?

"I'm a physician. I came to the Ghost Doctor's Hospital today to learn about medicine. If you want to make trouble in the Ghost Doctor's Hospital today, then wait for me and the Ghost Doctor's affairs to settle, then don't be conceited." Guo Bad said with a smile. .

"The tone is not small, I don't want to die and hurry to leave." Yin Xun said loudly, but no one dared to come forward to test the strength of Guo Bad's innate peaks.

"This is a big remedy. My elder's recently refined elixir can allow people to step directly from the innate peak into the opening period. The matter between the elder and the ghost doctor has not been resolved. I don't want you to go in now. Give the younger an hour, and this is yours. "Guo said with a smile.

"Boy, I have a millennium meteorite that can forge a magic soldier. If you let it go, what will this meteorite give you, haha." Yin Xun picked up a football-sized stone from the ground and said with a smile, the others Then you laughed, and you said that it is Danhuan Dan, it is Danhuan Dan, if you are Danhuan, I am the millennium meteorite.

"I don't believe it, Dazhu. I have given you a lot of blood recently. You can take this stuff to supplement it." He threw the elixir to Xue Dazhu. Dazhu was straightforward to take, and then his whole body was strong. The breath came out, all eyes widened.

"That big man really entered the opening period from the innate peak." Yin Zui muttered.

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