Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 236: Rain is coming

Guo Bad looked at the surprised expression of a group of people in Sixiangzong and was satisfied. In this state, he was very satisfied, so he pulled out a big Dan again. ? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W ?. > 8) 1] Z] W. Com

"What the little grandfather said just now still works." Guo Bad said with a smile. Xue Dazhu felt the change of his body and smiled awkwardly. If the grandfather was there and knew that he was so powerful now, he would be very happy.

"Second uncle, I have been trapped at the peak of the congenital for three years." Yin Xun said quietly looking at the bad medicine in Guo Bad's hands, "it's a matter of time to clean up the ghost doctor door, give them an hour to count."

Yin Zui glanced at Guo Bad, and then looked around. The ghost doctor's gate was built on three sides of the cliff. As long as he kept the exit, no one at the ghost doctor's gate could escape. Long story is not short, but it can be exchanged for a big return, which is profitable.

"This senior, I think you are already in the realm of opening and closing, knowing that this elixir is useless to you. If you can let the disciples of Sixiangzong wait here for an hour, I think if you take this elixir, yes It would be of great benefit to break through the opening period and enter the valley period in the future. "Guo Bad said, and found out another elixir, nine-color elixir, and a strong scent of medicine made Yin Zui take a few sips.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Yin Zui asked softly.

"Some gadgets, a lot of martial arts masters gave me a lot, I just want to solve the matter with the ghost doctor goalkeeper, if seniors agree, I can give you this thing first." Guo bad smiled, Yin drunk widened eye.

"All the disciples of the Four Elephant Sects listened to the order. Within an hour, they could not cross this line for half a step. After an hour, they besieged the Ghost Doctor's Gate with all their strength." Yin Zui said loudly. An elixir was thrown to Yin Zui, and he turned in and walked in. Xue Dazhu followed in with a little confusion.

"Bad Lord, what do such good elixir do for them?" Dazhu whispered.

"Ninety-one people, eighteen people in the opening period. The others are all congenital masters. Can we fight with two of us?" Guo said with a smile. "It's just two elixir. Father He only needs half. At that time, I can get the karma of my body. By that time, whoever takes the little master ’s stuff, how to spit it out to the grandfather. ”Dazhu smirked with a thumb.

"Bad brother, they killed my brother, they must not let them go." Xiao Yuhong said softly with eyes.

"This is a matter for your ghost doctors. By then, you ghost doctors will solve it by themselves. The next step you can take to take this elixir depends on your own good fortune." Guo Bad said and handed it to him. Xiaoyu had a Tongmai Dan, and Xiaoyu looked at Guo Bad gratefully, and Guo Bad set her eyes on the gate of the Prefecture.

"So many grieved souls have been spent, and their grievances have disappeared. Isn't this merit in the Lord's head?" Guo Bad thought to himself that Guo Bad, who had no power at all, could only dimly feel the nine prefectures. Ghost soldiers are standing beside the gate of the earth house.

Where does Guo Bad know that the door of this local government is not closed, and the power of merits cannot fall down at all.

Nearly a hundred people from the Four Elephant Sects outside the ghost doctor's gate According to the agreement just now, no one broke into the ghost doctor's gate, but no disciples of the ghost doctor's gate were allowed to come out from the inside. Thirty miles away from the long pavilion, Qin Fengyu had been fighting with the four main masters of Sixiangzong for nearly an hour, regardless of the outcome, but under the siege of the four people, Qin Fengyu slowly became tired.

"Brother Qin, this matter has nothing to do with you and Zhoushan. Why do you go to this muddy water? If the ghost doctors promised you something, our Sixiangzong can also promise you what you want. , In this way, the four of us will no longer be such an attack. "Yin Tianjin said loudly.

"Yin Tianjin, listen to what you mean, you haven't done your best yet. Then let's do your best and let me see what the Four Elephant Sects have." Qin Fengyu said, biting his tongue directly, trying to defeat I have no choice but to leave you with something.

The four people in Sixiangzong looked at each other suddenly, and the momentum suddenly increased. Then the four stood in a row. Yin Tianjin stood in front. The other three people passed their internal forces into Yin Tianjin's body like a pass and then shot out with one palm. Qin Fengyu didn't dare to carelessly, and gathered the strength of the whole body to hit this palm fiercely.

With a bang, huge energy fluctuations turned the pavilion into a powder puppet. Qin Fengyu flew down a hundred meters and squatted on the ground with his buttocks out. The inner strength of his body was drawn out, and he sat cross-legged and didn't dare to use a little bit. Inner strength.

The four masters of Sixiangzong were not good. The four of them also sat cross-legged at a distance of 100 meters from Qin Fengyu, but the four surrounded the city with their palms facing each other, quickly recovering the inner body. strength.

Guo Bad frowned, and the gate of Difu opened far more than he expected. An hour was coming but the gate of Difu did n’t mean to close. He Yuanjie and other ghost doctors blushed. Light and Guo Bad could obviously feel the change of their bodies. Because of the existence of the gate of the land government, several people in the opening period broke through to the valley period, and Tianwei was directly avoided.

Thirty miles away from Ghost Doctor's Gate, Qin Feng's complexion just improved. Li Feng, who is from the Four Elephant Sect, stood up slightly. The other three people were in the same situation as Qin Feng's. They could not use their inner strength, but Li Feng had recovered. 70%.

"Qin Fengyu, I won't kill you. You have done your best for the ghost doctor door. The old lady has to go to the ghost doctor door this time, and no one can stop it." After that, Li Feng's figure flashed, and the person had disappeared. In the same place, Qin Fengyun shook his head helplessly, little bad, Lao Qin has done his best, the rest is up to you.

The distance of thirty miles was only a few minutes for the masters of the valley era. When Li Feng came to the gate of the ghost doctor, he watched nearly a hundred disciples of Sixiangzong with big eyes and small eyes did not enter the door, and his face was gloomy. .

"Yin Zui, the old lady and your father, they have been playing against the masters of Zhoushan for so long outside, can you not even attack the gate of a ghost doctor?" Li Feng asked loudly to Yin Zui.

"Four aunts, look at this. It's called Da Huan Dan. After taking it, you can directly enter the congenital period into the state of opening." Yin Zui said excitedly. "Someone has trouble finding a ghost doctor, let us wait for one outside The hour is coming. "

"Pop!" Li Feng raised his hand with a slap in the face. "Because of this elixir, you gave the ghost doctor an hour. If Sixiangzong could not win the ghost doctor this time, you are a sinner. Everyone obeyed and entered the ghost doctor's gate with me, and none stayed. "

Speaking, Yin Zui seems to have reacted too, yeah, if he wants elixir, to catch the young man is, if he delays the important thing of the ghost doctor, he will be in trouble. Yin Zui, the more he thought about the colder in his heart, jumped forward and rushed to the front.

"I haven't arrived in an hour, I don't know what it means for the seniors to come in directly?" Guo Gang asked, squinting Yin Zui, squinting at the big head.

"Boy, I don't know what resentment you have with the ghost doctor door. If you don't want to die, just roll away. It's the face of the kid who I gave to you, or I will die with the ghost doctor door." Yin Zui roared loudly.

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