Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 256: Muto

A hearty dinner didn't end until 12 o'clock in the evening. Guo was generous enough to distribute his uneaten meat skewers to those on Peng Haihai's table. Later, more and more people arrived. Guo Bad's group of five people fled and left. The hotel did not return, and drove directly towards Shushan. [Eight? [A Novel Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM

"Sir, let you sir, this is all right, you have to rush the road again." Yuer said with a pout.

"My wife, I won't let you drive. There is Kong Fei. We are not tired to sit. Isn't this kind of practice a kind of spiritual practice?" Guo Gang said with a smile on Yuer. Yuer's divination is a divination. It seems that he has been blinded again. The mind of Zhixin Zhenjun is big. The things on earth seem to be very concerned.

On the top of the Promise of Shushan, the two men and one child, one old, one young and two sitting cross-legged, and there were more than ten people lying on the ground. There was no vitality. As can be seen from the dress, four people were in uniforms. It should be a Taoist priest of Shushan, and the remaining eight are dressed as ninjas, which is undoubtedly the Japanese ninja.

"How is the situation at Promise Peak?" A middle-aged man wearing a ninja suit asked Shushi several people with his eyes closed.

"Master Muto, none of the eight sent out has yet to return, it has been half an hour, I'm afraid it's fierce." A young man said in a voice.

"Baga! Eight of the eight can't even win a Promise Peak? Didn't you say that the old guys in Shushan have closed their doors? Continue, if you can't take Promise Peak, you will die on it. "A ninja named Muto roared loudly, and several young men rushed towards Wuji Peak.

"Meteor, if you come down from this road, whether you can meet Guo bad friends, it depends on your own good fortune. This time, I lost my way. If I can't die, I will go to Japan to play. Sakura group, okay, very good. "Fujie said fiercely, but after a while, he felt a pain in his heart and made him cross his knees again.

This time the Sakura team didn't know where to get the news. The masters above Shushan closed collectively. The Sakura team got a map of Shushan a long time ago. There are some things they need on the endless peak. Taking this opportunity, The Sakura team sent Nintendo Muto with sixteen Ninaka, and forty-nine Niu Wufeng peak stole the Wuji monument.

How could the dog husband Muto unexpectedly encounter this old-fashioned old man who was on the road turned out to be a master of the master. Although the Fujio old man could only use less than 10% of his strength with poison, but the 48th man could endure this old man. All of them were killed in one move, and none of the eight who had caught up with Wu Jifeng returned.

"Baga! Smelly old road, I don't believe you can kill all of the sixteen Chinese soldiers under my control, I don't believe how long you can sustain my Baqi snake venom." Muto shouted loudly.

After a day and a night of galloping, five people from Guo Bad had arrived at the foot of Shushan. The car was parked. Naturally, they could not follow the tour group like tourists. Five people turned three times and two times. They had already reached a small road behind Shushan. Guo The bad brows frowned, and an uncomfortable feeling kept covering himself, and something happened in Shushan.

Shushan did have an accident, otherwise it would not be possible to leave Wu Jifeng as an important place unguarded. Of course, it ca n’t be said that nobody is guarded. Eight disciples of the day after tomorrow were advised by Shu Zongzong to arrange for himself. An old friend stayed at Wuji Peak. He is now discussing the double-zong martial arts once every 1,000 years with the Shenwu Palace and Shushan Qi Suzerain.

"Lao Dao, you are not from Shushan. We are just looking for something left by our Sakura group's predecessors on this Promise Peak. I don't want to conflict with you. Let me go. We never blame it." The Chinese language, which is too clear, was spoken to Fujio.

"Your predecessors of the Sakura group are on the Wuji Peak? Haha, don't you think it's ridiculous? This Wuji Peak has always been the forbidden area of ​​Shushan. Do the two Sushan masters lack watchdogs? Will you Japanese come to Wuji Peak? "Fujidao said, squinting his eyes, the name Zhongren clenched his fists, the other seven slowly spread out, and surrounded him and Meteor.

"Meteer, go to Guo Bad. He can not only heal you, but he will have a big way out afterwards. I know you understand what I mean. For the old man, the end is also a new beginning." Fujio said After that, a half-broken wooden sword appeared in his hand, and he looked at the eight Zhongren with disdain.

"Baga, kill him. He dared to come up with such a short sword. This is an insult to our Sakura team." After that, Nihonaka finished his leap, and he disappeared into the air, but after three breaths, A corpse lay at the feet of Fujio, with wide eyes, a black hole in the center of his eyebrow, and the wooden sword in the hands of Fujio dripping blood.

The other seven Zhongren looked at each other, and a bunch of hidden weapons shot at Fuji people without money. Whether it was darts or flying needles, the sharp edges appeared green. At a glance, they knew that they were highly toxic. , He has been dipped into the bone marrow by the baqi snake venom, but the meteorite can be fine.

Fujio yanked off his shirt, and immediately used clothes to draw circles around himself and Meteor, almost ten breaths away. Japan's Zhongni could no longer produce a hidden weapon, and Fujitsu's robe was already Stuffed with all kinds of hidden weapons.

"I'll give you back your things." Fuji's hands trembled, all the hidden devices on the robes flew to the seven Zhongren, and then the painful ** sound of the seven people.

"Meteor go quickly." Fujie glanced at Meteor, and then the steel teeth of Meteor bite, and went down the road that Fujie had just taken.

"The guy named Muto, your people are dead, aren't you out?" Fuji said loudly towards a tree to the north, and Muto appeared in front of Fuji.

"Hua Xia Taoist, I have to admit that you are a master. You can survive this long after you hit the Baqi snake venom. Those who are in the Sakura group are worth the death, "said Muto.

"I'm very much like knowing what you want to take away from this Promise Peak?" Fujiji didn't sit down anymore. He really did not have the ability to fight again as Muto said. Yagi snake venom has entered his heart.

"It's nothing to tell you, in fact, it's not what our cherry blossom group wants, but it's a deal with a Chinese person from you. I won't say anything about it. This is the secret of Promise, haha. The dogman laughed.

"Huaxia people? Can you know the secrets of Shushan? It looks like Huaxia is in chaos." Fujie shook his head and said, holding back his heart and poisonous, showing a ruthless color in his eyes. The dog stabbed.

"I admire your spirit, but you have to die, you have to die anyway." Muto's husband finished, the figure flashed, and a slap struck Fuji.

"My life is gone!"

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