Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 257: Tongyang Tianshu

"No two people, hold on to this last breath, I don't seem to be late. ([Eight? <<<< 中文 中文 << 网 W] W] W).} 8} 1) ZW.COM" No The two suddenly heard a familiar voice, and slowly raised their heads. Guo Badzheng looked at himself with a smile, and Muto's face suddenly became overcast.

"Boy, who are you? What are you doing here at Promise?" Muto asked loudly.

"Little devil, don't you think it's ridiculous to say such things in our Huaxia? What am I doing here? Are you stupid? Don't you see? Little Master comes to the rescue, and by the way cleans you up." Guo Bad said loudly He is not idle, he feels that the two people are not poisoned lightly, and he will definitely not be able to handle it at one and a half. He can only stabilize the heart of the two people first, and then slowly fix the two people who have solved the annoying person in front of him. Poisonous on Taoists.

"Senior, take this elixir, don't use your inner strength anymore, otherwise the kid can't guarantee that he can save you 100%." ​​Guo Bad said and passed a emerald green elixir to Fuji.

"Be careful, this guy is a Japanese ninja. According to his strength, he should be famous for his name, which is equivalent to the realm of light." Fujio took the medicine and rushed into his mind with a coolness. He glanced at Muto. , Could not help reminding.

"You're shameful enough to make people poison, hey, look at how I packed him." Guo Bad said stepping forward, looked at Muto dogman with a smirk, "This poison is called Baqi snake venom. It seems to be the snake venom of the Japanese Yagi snake. Recently, I was busy with the affairs of China. When my business is done, I just lack a courage. I will go to Japan to remove the snake courage of the Yaki snake. "

"Baga, arrogant boy, you can't be disrespectful to the zombie god." After that, Muto Inu suddenly disappeared into place.

"Did you just show me the fur of the space, and dare to show it in front of Lao Tzu? Give it to me." Guo Bad said, waving his big hand, and slapping directly on Muto's face, Muto was hiding from himself. He was beaten out in the space.

"Impossible, how can you show me." Muto growled loudly, how can he not believe it, this young man under 20 years old has such ability, Huaxia he is not the first time, nor is it the first A clash with a martial arts student in China, but Guo's bad strength shocked him completely.

"It's nice to say that my name is Xing Xiayi, and that I'm not good enough to say it is pretense. If you don't have any strength, then it is not shameful. Just like you are now, pretend to be unsuccessful. Guo said with a grin, and the two couldn't help laughing.

"Ba-ga, you Chinese will pretend to be a ghost and kill me." Said, Muto dog husband disappeared again, but after a while, Guo bad slapped him again, originally intended to attack Guo bad Muto Dogman, here's a look on both sides, and the whole face is swollen.

"No, you can't use jutsu anymore. This kid is not weak. I have to lay him down with Hachi snake venom first." Muto Inu thought to himself, with his hands behind his back, a delicate steel bottle holding his hand.

"Boy, die." Muto yelled, a lunge rushed to Guo Bad, and his right hand turned his fist into Guo Bad. Guo Bad's eyes became aware of Muto's intent. His palm was fake, and the steel bottle behind him was the killing trick. It seemed that he wanted to use poison to deal with himself, and suddenly a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

With a bang, Guo Bad punched Muto's palm in the palm of his hand, and then saw Muto's dog looking at Guo Bad with a smile, and the steel bottle in his left hand was violently opened by himself, and a black liquid was scattered To Guo bad.

"Stink boy, you're not dead this time." Muto Inu was beaten by Guo Bad's fist for more than 30 meters, but he saw the Baqi snake venom sticking to Guo Bad, and Muto Inu couldn't help but loudly Said.

"Baqi snake venom, a bit interesting." Guo Bad frowned slightly, a emerald green elixir in his mouth.

Muto dog husband is not anxious to attack, the boy's strength is obviously inferior to that of the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest can only use a tenth of the strength of the snake venom. It is estimated that the boy will die in a short time. Guo Bad looked at the expectant Muto dog husband, and smiled secretly in his heart. Within ten minutes, he already knew how the eight venomous snake venoms were, and the snake venom in the world was a big copy. Such a snake venom had no effect on Guo bad However, Guo Bad's next performance shocked the two.

"Good sinister snake venom, me, I can't do it anymore." Guo Bad said, first squatting on the ground with one butt, and then rolling up on the ground, his face slowly turned black, and his painful expression was beyond words.

"Haha, stinky boy, know that the great **** of Qi Qi is terrible. This snake venom alone will kill your life. In your Huaxia words, how do you pretend to be forced? Do, haha. "Muto said with a laugh, stopped looking at Guo Bad and Fujie, and walked straight to an insignificant stone table of Wuji.

"The man said that he needed to turn the stone table in this direction, and he didn't know if it was true or false." Muto said to himself, turning the stone table a few times, and then, when he heard a pop, a delicate picture appeared under the stone table. Small wooden box.

"Tongyang Tianshu." Muto Inuchi said to himself, Guo bad got up all of a sudden, what Tongyang Tianshu is, it is estimated that no one knows it, or that the whole Huaxia should not be known by anyone. At that time, the ancestor of Shushan Wuji was ascended to heaven, and he left this thing to future generations, so unbelievable.

"Boy, you, are you okay?" Guo Aimeng stood up, startled Muto dog husband, Guo bad face has returned to normal, standing behind Muto dog husband as if nothing was wrong.

"Rely on, you wouldn't think that the poison would be able to get the little man to do it. I won't tell you more, give me something, and then tell me who made you come, and the little man will leave you a whole body." Guo He said with a bad smile, at this time Yuer took the Meteor five people to the Promise Peak.

"Boy, who are you? I have to take this thing away. How can our Sakura team promise others that they can't do it." Muto shouted loudly, but only for a moment, Guo bad rushed to Muto In front of the husband, he grabbed the golden box and kicked it fiercely before leaving.

"Big wife, you can get him the rest of things, and see who directed him to steal things at this Promise Peak." Guo Bad said to Yuer, sitting on the stone table with the brocade box himself.

"Hmm, I never thought of a good thing." Although Yuer said so by her mouth, she still walked to the surprised Mutu dog husband. Guo Tongyuan stared at the brocade box. Although he didn't know what Tong Yang Tianshu said by Guo Bad, but he could feel it, it was absolutely extraordinary.

"Bad brother, people are dead." Just as Guo Gang was preparing to open the box, Yuer said loudly to Guo Gang, "He is dead, but he is dead. Some people do not want us to check To what. "

"It's getting more and more interesting."

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