Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 258: Add a block to God

The meteorite looked at the dark-faced man who couldn't help but ran to Guo Gang, not much, and pulled Guo Gang to his master. {[Bayi Chinese Network M

"Little meteorite, really sensible." Guo Bad said with a sigh. "Fuji senior, according to the strength of that dogman, it is impossible to sneak attack on you successfully, how did you do it. Come on, you don't move first , I will help you to get some poison out of your body first, otherwise your work will be finished. "

The two people didn't speak. Since Guo bad said that he could help him, he would definitely help. The whole Huaxia talked about medical skills, and the two people thought that Guo bad was the first.

"The seniors received a good apprentice, Master Tongyuan, you first look at Meteor, I will give the seniors a needle." After finishing, Guo Gang took out a box of purple sandalwood from his body. Will take out this set of pins.

"It's nothing to look at, full of destiny, God takes its charm, boss, don't tell me that you are ready to control such things." Guo Tongyuan asked with wide eyes and looked at Guo Bad who didn't bother himself.

"Without such a loud voice, my brother is really terrific. I can see the fault of Meteor at a glance. It seems that my brother also has a solution to the lack of soul, and I am more confident." Guo Bad laughed, not under his hand. In idleness, all the efforts of the eighty-one silver needles fell on Fuji people.

"Fujie, you can make up for this poison if you have used it well. If you want to take a gamble and suppress the snake venom in your body, it will definitely not be a lot easier when you become a master." Guo Bad asked with a smile, at this time Fuji is already much better, at least able to speak normally.

"Ahem, Guo bad little friends, I ca n’t take good things like this. If the little friends need them, just get them out and leave them. It ’s a blessing that this time it ’s not dead. The old man does n’t think about it. "Fujio said with a grin on his face, but Guo Bad laughed.

"Since the seniors do n’t want it, the kid took it by himself." Then, Guo Gang took out a long needle again and pierced it along the arm of Fujio. Then he added an extra jade bottle and black snake venom in his hand. Bit by bit left behind the silver needle.

"It looks like we have to take the time to go to Japan to see which friend is preparing for the next big game." Guo Bad said to himself.

"When will the little friends go, shouting the old man, this time the cherry blossom group gave the old man such a big gift, and he didn't go to indecent assault, how can I have to give them a big gift." Fujie said fiercely It seems that this time really irritated Fuji people. "Guo bad friends, there is something unknown in the old way. What are these Japanese ninjas coming to Wuji to prepare to steal?"

"The seniors are standing on this endless peak. Don't you know what the guardian is?" Guo Yi stunned and asked with a smile.

"Ahem, ashamed to say, Lao Dao has nothing to do with a few old guys from Shushan Jianzong, but little is known about the secrets of Shu Shan." Fujie said with a red face.

"Swords of Shushan? There are two cases of Shushan. There is such an important place for Wu Jifeng that seniors lead several juniors to guard it. Is there anything wrong with Shushan?" Guo Bad said softly. Could it be their double-fighting martial arts once every millennium? "

"Little friend, Shushan's Shuangzong martial arts is a secret. Who do you hear about this?" Fujio's turn was shocked this time. Shushan Shuangzong martial arts, not even his Shushan elder Qing Allowed to enter the Shenwu Palace.

Guo Gang no longer said that Shushan's double sect martial arts is indeed a secret, but for Chen Qingyuan at that time, this is not a secret. The founder of Shushan was Jiang Wuji, who had a good relationship with Chen Qingyuan at the time. Chen Qingyuan advised Jiang Wuji not to create any Jianzong Qisong, but Jiang Wuji was not the master of persuasion. He insisted on dividing Shushan into two Jianqis. In the millennium, he decided to head Shushan.

"Fujie, first get the injuries on your body, and then help the meteorites. I will take you to see the Shushan Shenwu Palace. It is not a secret that has not been passed on. For tens of thousands of years, it ’s just those broken things that come and go." Bad smile said, no two people no longer ask more, Guo bad has a lot of secrets, think about being able to get this Baqi snake venom, looking at the whole of China, I am afraid that only he can do it.

Although the Baqi snake venom can be solved, the process is still very troublesome. The snake venom is discharged along the silver needle. However, since the snake venom is not going to be used, it must be completely drained. Guo bad took the material on the spot and made it on the endless peak. A big pit filled Xue Dazhu and Kong Fei with water, and then they mixed some medicines and put them in. The two were not tortured, but the eight-venomous snake venom on their body was cleaned. He can also be considered a blessing because of misfortune. After so much tossing, his strength improved by one point.

"Little friend, this time the old man owes you a favor." The two men changed their clothes and said to Guo Bad with a smile.

"Myself, if you owe it, you see it." Guo Bad said with a smile. He felt pretty good about the two people. The key is that they received a perfect apprentice. This opportunity is impossible to find.

"It's getting late today, let's have something to eat." Guo said with a smile. The two big men volunteered to engage in wood. The most important thing in Shushan is wood, but on the top of Shushan, it will ignite. People like Guo Bad dare to do this.

"Little friend, I have to tell you something. I have a good relationship with Shushan Jianzong Zhang Bujing. Can you return the box that Little Japan did not steal?" Fuji said with a smile.

"You mean Tongyang Tianshu? To be honest, this thing does not need Shushan, the whole Huaxia is also useful to me and Yuer, you don't need to worry about this, wait for the Wushen point, I will get those old cow noses." Guo bad With a smile, he said, don't the two people have a black line on their faces, does the priest hate others calling his old cow nose?

"Oh, senior, don't sit in the right seat, I didn't say you." Guo bad smiled and said, "Let's eat first, after we're full, we'll start helping the meteor to regain that charm soul tomorrow morning, for this Charm, boy, it took a lot of work. "

When the two people heard Guo Gang say this, he suddenly came to the spirit. He did n’t know how much effort Guo Guo spent, but he turned over Shu Shan and several other big mountains in Huaxia in order to get everything Guo Guo wanted. Over and over again, the human relationship is not owed, but it's all made up.

"Boss, you don't drink much today. I can tell you that this is not easy to do. If it doesn't work well, dare to dare to get in." Guo Tongyuan whispered while watching Guo Bad. God must take what you take away. Add it, you are so awesome, aren't you adding a block to God?

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