Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 266: Battle of Medicine Towers

"Old seniors, it seems that Shushan did not retain people like this before. (? [{[八一 中文 {W] W> W〉.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M〉" Guo Bad Laughing and looking at Zhang Yaochi said.

"I don't care, you can't leave anyway." Zhang Yaochi exclaimed, blocked in front of Guo Bad.

"Bad brother, we have to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and you quickly win this crazy old man, let's go." Yuer said with a smile that the world would not mess up. The people in Shushan widened their eyes.

"Grandpa, you are in charge of the medicine tower. This little friend is a disciple of Tian Daozong. You can't embarrass him." Zhang Bujing couldn't help but say.

"Get off, your kid knows the fart, do you know the value of the elixir you send to the medicine tower? Get off, he has to go to the medicine tower to compare with me. If he wins, I won't stop him . "Zhang Yaochi said loudly.

"Little friend, otherwise you go to the medicine tower with my grandpa, you can rest assured, no matter if the refining or winning of the refining medicine, I will find a way to get you out of Shushan." Zhang Bujing whispered Guo bad aside .

"Mr. Zhang, as long as you can guarantee that I won your grandfather, it will be good for me if he is not here." Guo badly stood in front of Zhang Yaochi with a smile. "Old seniors, can I refine them and let them pay?" Here's your elixir. Even if you win this test? "

"Yes, as long as you can make such elixir, the old man concedes." Zhang Yaochi said loudly. Although the three different elixir of different colors just now, Zhang Yaochi himself could not make it, but he could Feeling the mysterious support of elixir, then look at Guo Bad, according to his age, it is impossible to have such ability.

The Shushan Medicine Tower is not in the Shenwu Hall. Guo Gang knew the location of the Medicine Tower that year, and regardless of Zhang Yaozhi, he went straight towards the medicine tower.

"Some of you even told an outsider about the medicine tower. What benefits did you receive from him?" Zhang Yaochi said loudly to Zhang Bujing and Fei Tianyang, and then hurried to catch up with Guo Bad.

"We didn't say that Guo Bad is a disciple of Tian Daozong, who has something to do with us in Shushan. He knows that the medicine tower is not an exaggeration." Zhang Bujing said aloud, and walked towards the medicine tower.

"At that time, Wou Zizi's formation of these arrays seemed to work. After so many years, they could still teleport." Guo Bad looked at the array of Shenwu Palace and went to the medicine tower, he couldn't help thinking about it secretly.

"Boy, knowing where the medicine tower can be, and have the ability to break the array to go to the medicine tower." Zhang Yaochi said with a hint of jokes.

"Old man, you can see it clearly. I still want to seduce the young man in this formation. I really don't know what you think." Guo Bad is not calling any old senior, saying, walking in front of a clearing, walking around Qixing A moment later, in the midst of the air, it was like magic, and a door appeared, and Guo Bad jumped in directly.

"Boy, how do you know so much about the secrets of Shushan, who are you, Tiandaozong, I have never heard of it." Zhang Yaochi said loudly and jumped in.

"Frotta, I knew it was so overbearing. I left it to my descendants. Hey, it was not worthwhile to change a Frotta to the Shushan 诛 Excalibur." Guo bad couldn't help but think secretly .

"Boy, come in!" Zhang Yaochi looked at the contemplative Guo Bad, and said with a hint of pride, this medicine tower is the best thing in the Chinese martial arts world. The medicine tower is stronger than the Shenwu Hall. This is Shushan. proud.

"Grandma's, it's really a martial art." After Guo Bad entered, a scent of medicine rushed towards him, and then Guo Bad looked at the rows of medicine cabinets, which made Guo Bad widened his eyes, knowing that Shu Shan had a deep foundation, did not Thinking of the inheritance of this millennium turned out to be so profound.

"Grandma, these medicinal materials are much stronger than the medicine room of the ghost doctor. Grandma's, these are a waste of medicinal materials for Shushan, not even the true fire of Samadhi. You are a waste of these medicinal materials. I am Lei Feng. It is live Lei Feng, and these things are not wasted unless I take them away. "Guo Bad cried in excitement.

"Little guy, let's make up for Shushan Medicine Tower." Zhang Yaochi said proudly.

"There are a lot of things, but it's a waste to give you pharmacists." Guo Bad didn't look at Zhang Yaozhi, and his eyes fell on a quaint medicine cabinet deep in the medicine tower. The contents inside should be regarded as the whole earth. I ca n’t help but I ca n’t help it, Guo Guo really ca n’t help it. Even when I was in the Tang Dynasty, I had n’t seen so many good things. The medicines in it were just placed in the heaven. Top grade herbs.

"Shit boy, if you can win me on the refining medicine, I will let you choose ten of the medicinal materials in this medicine tower, and the old man will worship you as a teacher, how about it?" Zhang Yaochi was not angry and said loudly.

"What if I lose?" Guo asked with a grin.

"Lost? If you lose, you have to take me to your heavenly ancestors to meet your seniors, and then just give me ten or five of those elixir. Zhang Yao said with a smile.

"Old senior, I took this bet. If no one of your pharmacists in Shushan can win the kid, as the old senior said, I will randomly choose ten herbs for this medicinal tower. As a reward, I will Here are ten pills of tricolor. ”Guo said with a smile.

"If you can win the boy, I will give you the Shushan pie for the prescription of panax sylvestris. As for seeing our predecessors in Tiandaozong, then I am sorry, all my masters in Tiandaozong are closed, you will not see them, of course. If you want to win me, that's basically impossible, haha. "Guo Bad said with a laugh.

"Haha, boy, I appreciate you more and more now. In this case, wait a moment, I will let all the pharmacists of the medicine tower come over." Zhang Yaozhi said with a smile, Zhang Bujing asked people to ask the others of the medicine tower Pharmacist.

"What? Someone came to the medicine tower to cause trouble? We will go immediately. We really don't know what to do. Which guy is it?" A few guys who drank on the top of the medicine tower heard the news and ran directly to the medicine tower.

"Zhang Yaochi, who wants to challenge our medicine tower, since you are here, we will not follow the fun, you quickly get the people, let's go drink." Cheng Dakun, the medicine refining of the medicine tower is second only to Zhang Yaozhi's guy Said with a smile.

"Da Kun, this little friend is a disciple of Tian Daozong, and we have something to do with Shushan. Today you should know that I got a few excellent elixir from the hands of this little friend. Today's refining competition is Let's compare the medicine tower with this little friend. "Zhang Yaochi said with a smile.

"Lao Zhang, when did you get used to bullying children? I don't participate, he's only a few years old, and he won't be glorious." Another old man with a medicine tower said with a smile.

"The kung fu on the mouth is very powerful, then you dare to bet. If the bad brother wins you all, we can pick whatever the medicine tower is." Yuer looked at a group of Shushan pharmacists with high eyes and asked loudly .

"If this boy can win our Shushan Yaozong, the whole medicine tower will be fine for you." Cheng Dakun said loudly, Zhang Bujing and Fei Tianyang could not stop him, but shook his head helplessly, although he did not know Guo What is the strength of the bad refining medicine, but just starting to fight with Guo bad martial arts, you can feel that this young man is definitely not ordinary. In case he really luckily won, it depends on where the faces of your group of old guys are.

"Haha, since Shu Shan wants to give us this medicine tower, then we're welcome." Guo Bad said with a smile, "Let's start, everyone's time is precious."

"Heavenly King Ding, offering." Zhang Yaochi shook his head when he heard Cheng Dakun's bet on the medicine tower, but since he promised, he went all out. He really didn't believe Guo Guo. Win him in refining.

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