Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 267: Careless

With the shout of Zhang Yaochi, a medicine tripod with a diameter of about one meter appeared in front of several people. The dragon-shaped engravings with different shapes of nine heads came to life, making the people in the medicine tower feel a hint of coercion. Eight W]. ] 81ZW. Com

"It's a good thing. The old goods of Wujizi still have some inventory." Guo Bad said secretly in his heart. It's no wonder that when he ascended to heaven in the past, he was a magic weapon when he resisted Jiuyin Thunder. The magic weapon was scattered. At that time, there were not many things left to his tribe, but the Promise was not the same. When Liu Fury Thunder fell, he knew that he had no problem resisting the Thunder, and all the things that could be left to his disciples were left to his disciples. This also created a thousand-year event in Shushan.

"Boy, how about my medicine tripod." Zhang Yaochi stared at Guo Ding, staring at Yao tripod, and asked with a smile.

"Yao Ding is not bad, but you can't show the full strength of Yao Ding." Guo Bad said with a smile, "refine the medicine, you will know what I mean in a moment."

"I can't use the full strength of Yao Ding, can you?" Zhang Yaochi thought secretly, unhappy, if your predecessor of Tiandaozong said that, the old man would listen, you little one, what? what.

Zhang Yaochi is not much. He took the medicines needed for refining elixir one by one from the medicine cabinet of the medicine tower. Guo Bad nodded gently. The old man seemed to be able to deal with the elixir. Guo Bad was almost able to determine what it was. It should be a small ancient recipe left by Wuji.

"Old seniors, if you want to remedy, you can't do without fire. I remember in our ancient books of Tiandaozong, the ancestor of Shushan Wuji has caught two Vulcan beasts, and I don't know if this Vulcan beast is still alive." Guo Badxiao He said that from the moment he entered the medicine tower, he felt the breath of the two Vulcan beasts. In that year, the Promise caught the Vulcan beasts and displayed it in front of Chen Qingyuan for a long time. It was not until Chen Qingyuan harvested the Fengxiang fire. Of course, Chen Qingyuan's ascension to the realm of heaven uses the true fire of Samadhi from the old lord of heaven.

"You, you know even the Vulcan Beast? Who are you!" Zhang Yaochi's eyes widened, let alone outsiders. Many disciples in Shushan did not know the existence of the Vulcan Beast. How can it not be surprising.

Guo Bad did n’t explain much. This medicine tower was the horror he gave to the Promise. He knew where the Vulcan beast was now. The only thing he thought now was whether the vulcan beast would recognize him. Compare some. The perception of alien beasts is far stronger than that of humans.

"Please Vulcan Beast." Zhang Yaochi looked at the medicine tower and shouted loudly. He could hear from the sound. Zhang Yaochi had absolute devotion to the two Vulcan beasts.

With the shout of Zhang Yaochi, all but the Guo Yao and Yu'er all closed their eyes slowly, waiting for the appearance of the Vulcan Beast.

"Bad brother, this breath seems to be the breath of the heavenly beast from the fire beast, is it possible that this fire **** beast is a descendant of the fire beast from the fire beast?" Yuer asked softly, Guo Bad first frowned, then nodded joyfully, himself How could it be unexpected that the breath of the Vulcan Beast does have something to do with the fire beast. At that time, he and the Taishang Laojun had a good relationship with the fire beast. Maybe you could flicker the Vulcan beast for your own use. Too strenuous.

After a while, the temperature of the medicine tower suddenly increased. The two were almost the size of a lion, and their whole body was red. Two beasts with handsome looks appeared in front of several people. Zhang Yaochi bowed deeply at them, Vulcan Beast. Gently nodded, then his eyes fell on Yuer.

"Big guy, what are you looking at!" Yuer said without a fear of the two big guys.

"Two little guys, looking at my daughter-in-law like this, the little man is angry." Guo Bad said with a smile at the two Vulcan beasts. At this time, the two Vulcan beasts were stunned, and then stared at them. Guo bad.

"This is the fire sacred beast of our Shushan, it must not be rude." The pharmacist of several medicine towers said loudly.

"Get away from the fire, free and easy, you are just some blood, scaring people." Guo bad smiled and said that the momentum of the two Vulcan beasts suddenly weakened.

"Hurry up and remedy, we have to go back to the imperial capital." Yu'er said to Guo Bad, "Bad brother, are you going to hit the attention of these two guys?"

"Hey, big wife, don't you think it's fun to get a big guy back in the medical hall?" Guo Bad said with a smile, and the two vulcan beasts took a step forward and made an intimate move against Guo Bad. Let the people of Shushan widen their eyes. "Old man, remedy it."

Zhang Yaochi nodded slightly, two Vulcan beasts stood on both sides of the Heavenly King Ding in Kowloon, and then the two Vulcans opened their mouths. Two hot breaths surrounded the medicine Ding stably, and Zhang Yaochi was not idle. The medicine in his hand was quickly thrown into the medicine tripod.

"These two big men were not the two captured by Promise, they should be the descendants of the two Vulcan beasts, otherwise it would be impossible to recognize me." Guo Bad said softly, Yuer nodded with a smile.

"But they still inherited the blood of their fathers or grandpas. How much they can feel my presence." Guo bad smiled and said, "I will get them something delicious in a while, these two little guys stay in this medicine tower It was also aggrieved, so go out with the little man. "

Zhang Yaochi really did a lot of work in refining medicine. Almost all the time, a fragrant medicine came out from the medicine tripod. Guo bad came to this Dan embryo has formed, if you can successfully become Dan, The quality should be good, at least it is good in this world.

The two vulcan beasts smelled the scent of Yao Ding, and they also cooperated with Zhang Yaozhi for many years. The temperature of Yao Ding rose by one point, and the three Dan embryos in Yao Ding flew and the original rough surface became smooth. Zhang Yaochi yelled, then jumped up, opened the lid of Ding, quickly grabbed Ding with one hand, and then landed on the ground steadily. At this time, the two vulcan beasts also sucked the flame into their mouths.

"Grandpa, your old alchemy is even more powerful. This time, Cheng Dan will give us the sword sect." Zhang Bujing walked over and said with a smile. He was afraid to leave the elixir given by Guo Bad, but he himself He did dare to ask for the elixir made by Grandpa.

"Grandfather Zhang, this thing is still with our air sects. The air sects are mainly practicing qi, with the help of elixir, they can do more with less." Fei Tianyang said in a hurry.

"Little friend, I'm going to spend the time of refining medicine." Zhang Yaochi didn't tell the two suzerains more, and said to Guo Bad with a smile.

"This should be called ventilating dan, it's of good quality, and it's good enough to sell it." Guo Bad glanced at the dan ya in Zhang Yaochi's hands and said with a smile, "but if talking about the strength of the old senior's refining medicine, I'll forgive the younger , Soaring. "

Guo bad words are like a drop of water dripping into a pot of hot oil. The pharmacists in the medicine tower have widened their eyes, and even the pharmacist looked at Guo bad unhappyly and was ready to start. In fact, I knew that Guo bad would follow the medicine tower. People started to try medicine, they were very upset with this teenager.

"Little friend, sometimes you do n’t want to say too much, do n’t get it back then it ’s ugly." Zhang Yaochi was really angry this time, squinting and watching Guo Gang said, "The old man is still saying that If you can win the old man, the old man worships you as a teacher, but if you lose, then you will take the old man to meet your elders from the Heavenly Sect. "

"Several ventilating dans and tongmai dans are much worse than each other. It's really sloppy." At this time, Yu'er was annoying and made up for it.

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