Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 271: Return to Wucheng


"Little guy, come here. {[August 1? ((<文 <(W] WW.81ZW.COM) Guo Ba couldn't help but walked over, and didn't wait for the little guy who didn't have the blood to awaken to come over and directly The little fire **** beast hugged.

The small fire **** beast looked at Guo bad helplessly. Guo bad took a silver needle from his body and pierced the soft meat on the paws of the small fire **** beast. The other three Vulcan beasts looked at Guo Bad with a hint of vigilance.

"No wonder the blood can't be awakened." A drop of blood dripped on the back of Guo Bad's hand. Guo Bad only felt a heat on the back of his hand, and immediately understood why the blood of the little fire **** animal could not be awakened.

"It followed me, I came to think of a way to heal it, or I was killed by the blood in my body ten years later. There are only two ways. What do you do?" Guo Bad put the little guy on the ground and looked at it. The parents asked.

Two Vulcan beasts stunned God, it is fortunate that one of the two children can recover, but let their children follow Guo bad, they are somewhat reluctant, the two big heads gently kissed the little Vulcan beast with their heads As if to say something.

"Old seniors, please come back. Our Tiandaozong and Shushan have some relationship. If the disciples of Shushan go down, you can go to Wucheng or the imperial medical museum of the imperial capital to find me. Of course, I will come to Shushan again if I have a chance." Guo Bad said, Take Yuer and Kong Fei out of the Shenwu Palace.

"Guo's bad friend is very simple. Should he listen to our suggestion that Shushan has been practicing swordsmanship since ancient times? Why do we have to fight for these two things?" Zhang Bujing said softly.

"No surprise, I think we should really sum up the problems of Shushan over the years." Fei Tianyang said softly, his eyes fell on the three Vulcan beasts, and the Vulcan beasts rarely left the medicine tower. Guo bad, and one more, so he felt Guo bad again.

"Guo Bad Xiaoyou left Shushan with a few fangs. In recent months, all the pharmacists in the medicine tower have to be closed. The incident of Wuji Peak shows that someone has troubled us in Shushan. Even if the sword Qi Shuangzong should be together. "Zhang Yaochi said with a smile. The happiest of these days is the pharmacist of the medicine tower. The children of Vulcan Beast seem to have more talent for fire control than their parents. Juveniles, have been far away from the parents of fire beasts in terms of fire control.

Out of the Shenwu Palace, the three of Guo Bad appeared again on the Promise Peak. Several of them were obviously anxious, but they were unable to board the Shenwu Palace. So a few people negotiated to take turns guarding the others, and the others entered the fixed state. Cultivate, these days are not idle.

"Brother, you can count back. These days, I have promoted the formation method to the Shenwu Temple. If you do not come back, we will go up." Guo Tongyuan felt the change of formation method for the first time, and then saw Guo Gangsan People came out of the formation.

"Master." Meteor woke up from the second set, looking at Guo Bad with a smile.

"I'm really envious, my destiny is absolutely the first **** of cultivation." Guo Bad looked at the meteorite and said with a smile, "Ready to go back with me, or follow his senior?"

"I have already told the master, and I will follow the second master later." Meteor said with a smile. "Brother Kong Fei's body recovered. Meteer can recover this time. Meteor must thank brother Fei."

"There are no outsiders, you are the apprentice of the bad grandfather, I have to mingle with you in the future." Kong Feiyu said with a smile.

"Things are done. We have delayed many days in Shushan. When a few of them wake up, let's prepare to return to the imperial capital." Guo Bad said with a smile, and after they returned to the imperial capital, it was almost time to prepare for marriage with Lin Shuang. .

"Comfortable, this place is really a good place for cultivation." After almost three hours, Xue Dazhu woke up last, and then saw a few people around himself, scratching his head scratchingly, "Bad Lord, when will you come back? Ah. "

"It's been a day since I came back, and it looks like you've gained a lot this time. Let's go back to the emperor." Guo said with a smile.

Several people separated at the foot of Shushan. Meteor took Guo Guo's car and gave it to Guo Bad. The two people felt relieved in their hearts. They also had a rest and did not need to help Meteer to seek medical treatment. The Erdao people returned to the Shushan school and were going to take a break to go to Japan for a break. This time, the Sakura team was very upset. With the character of the Erdao people, unhappiness and enmity, how can they become a avenue.

"Boss, shall we go back to Wucheng first, or go directly to Emperor Capital?" Kong Fei, who walked to the high junction, asked softly.

"Go back to Wucheng first, then go to Didu. To go to Didu, you have to bring your grandfather and grandma." Guo said with a smile, and a group of six flew towards Wucheng.

"Master Qin, I have worked hard recently, and we are back." Several people from Guo Bad stepped down from the car and just met Qin Fengfeng, who was walking around. Guo Bad looked at some tired old man, and his heart was touched somewhat.

"But I'm back. You're here. I have to go back to Zhoushan. My old brother and trustee from Zhoushan took a letter a few days ago and asked me to go back quickly and tell me something important." Qin Fengyu said with a smile, Guo Bad nodded slightly, and then handed Qin Fengyu a jade bottle.

"Qin Ye, you are now a virtual Dan realm. I do n’t know Zhoushan, although Reiki is better than here, but I want to go further into the Jindan period. Reiki alone is not enough. There are three Qiankun Buqi Dan in it. If I can help you step into the realm of Jin Dan, it depends on the good fortune of the old man. "Guo said with a smile, Qin Fengyu shivered.

Jin Danqi, mortals do n’t understand what it means, but how can martial arts people not know it? Various ancient books are passed on, Jin Danqi may be the real beginning of martial arts. Qin Fengyu never thought that he could enter Jindan Realm, after all, the hidden illness on his body affects his strength, but now Guo Bad has given him everything he needs.

"Boy, the old man wouldn't say much if he was thankful. Where there is a need for the old man, one can just say something." Qin Fengqing said softly, "The old man is leaving today, I believe we will see you again."

"Ye Qin, I still want you to go to Didu's wedding, but it's okay to miss it this time. The kid's next wedding must be Qin Ye, haha." Guo said with a smile, Qin Fengyu also laughed, before his eyes This teenager is indeed unusual.

"I need to talk to you about something today." In the evening when the medical center was closed, Guo Bad called all the students in the medical center together. "Everyone has worked hard these days, and I believe that everyone has improved their medical skills."

"Boss, what the **** are you and He Mo married, but still owe us a feast, haha." Chen Jiadi said with a smile, the other students also laughed, and returned to He Mo's face in the infirmary Brushed red.

"Want to eat, how about a whole table for you tonight, haha, but there is still a good thing I will tell you first." Guo bad said with a smile, "I will be closed for one day without a medical museum. What I have learned from you these days After the assessment, ten people will follow me to the imperial capital. We will open a branch in the imperial capital.

Guo Bad's words fell, and all the students were violently excited. Although Wucheng was large, it was indeed worse than the Imperial City. The influence of the Imperial City was far more powerful than that of Wucheng, or the Emperor was a bigger one. stage.

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