Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 272: Emperor Capital

"Boss, is it necessary to open a medical museum in Didu so soon?" Emperor Chen Jia couldn't help but asked that these months of staying in Wuchang's medical center had made him re-acquainted with Chinese medicine, although he had previously studied Western medicine, but very talented in traditional Chinese medicine, now it can stand on its own. Bayi novel

"Adi, although you have n’t studied Chinese medicine for a long time, but you are very talented in Chinese medicine. Let ’s make good use today. The Emperor ’s Medical Museum will open. It will definitely have more patients than Wucheng. Guo Bad said softly, "All of you have made great progress in these months. For this assessment, I hope you can come out in your best condition. Of course, whether you can go or not Imperial City, you are all the best doctors. In the future, Haicheng, Kinmen, and many large cities in China will open medical museums. You will go to become the owner of each branch. "

"Boss, your assessment is actually to see the current strength, then let's start directly." Xiao Qian said with a smile, others nodded.

Guo Bad looked at a dozen students and nodded with satisfaction. The first group of students he selected was very successful. Whether it was a student of Chinese Medicine or a student of Western Medicine, he was very talented in medicine and he was very satisfied.

Guo Bad was not idle, he directly made twenty tables, and put the prepared things on the table one by one.

"This assessment is divided into two parts, a written test and a practical one. Now, we will take a written test, one for each person, and hand it over to me after writing." Guo badly said.

Twenty students stood in front of the desk one by one. After a while, the expressions of the people were different. "Boss, I've finished writing, but this question is a bit simple." Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Give it in after finishing writing, I'll take a look at it." Guo Bad said with a smile, and Lu Feng quickly stepped forward and handed in the papers.

"Fengzi, you stay in Wucheng first, I know you have questions in your heart, stand by one side and wait for them to finish." Guo bad smiled.

Lu Feng nodded slightly. Maybe someone said he would refute it, but for the owner who is not a medical museum, his boss, he is 100% convinced to take it orally. Since Guo Gang said that he wants to stay in Wucheng, he would definitely There are reasons to keep him in Wucheng.

Almost half an hour, everyone submitted the papers. Guo Gang looked very fast, and divided the paper into two parts in about five minutes.

"Boss, how? We haven't been lazy lately." Cao Qiankun said with a smile, "Although we used to study Western medicine before, but these days, we are also suffocating in Chinese medicine. We hope that the boss can consider us Students in Western Medicine. "

"Qian Kun, you are wrong. You are all students in the Medical Museum," Guo said with a smile. "You look at each other in the test paper. What is the difference between the two magpies I separated, and then tell me your answers."

"Lv Feng, there is something wrong with your prescription." Liu Yaoshi said quietly while looking at Lv Feng's test paper. "If you use Gastrodia elata and Sanxingcao together, will it affect the efficacy of Sanxingcao? In addition, you need to consider Whether the patient is a man or a woman or a child, and their physical condition. "

With Liu Yaoshi's words, Lu Feng's face turned red. About Guo bad's writing, he has seen the most recently. Most men only get this disease, but there are very few women who will suffer from it. Sick, men and women's medication is really different.

"He Mo, there are some problems with your prescription. If you do not cooperate with acupuncture, you need to change some of the herbs in the prescription." Chen Jiadi said softly, He Mo nodded gently, according to Chen Jiadi, the effect is indeed Will improve a lot, Guo bad heard Chen Jiadi's prescription, nodded gently.

After almost an hour of discussion, there were no problems with the prescriptions of Liu Yaoshi, Leng Shuang, and Chen Jiadi. The others had some problems.

"Introduce a person to you, his name is Meteor, my disciple. Today ’s second question comes from Meteor." Guo Bad analyzed all the papers, called Meteor next to him, and said with a smile.

"Brothers and sisters, you can come to Meteor once and write down the symptoms of Meteor's veins." Meteor said with a smile. Since the return of Phantom Soul, Meteor's personality has changed greatly. In the past few years, following the moment that the two have learned, the fascinating soul returned to its place, and all of them were fully integrated.

Several people in Liu Yaoshi took turns to give the pulse to Meteor. Basically, everyone shook their heads and shook their heads to the side, and was unable to write.

"Master, I already know their ability to control the pulse." When the last person completed the pulse, Meteor stood up and said with a smile, "Then I announced that they would follow us to the capital."

Guo Bad nodded slightly, then Meteor divided the 20 people into two groups, pointed at the ten people on the side of Chen Jiadi and Liu Yaoshi and nodded gently.

"Little Meteorite, tell me the reason for your choice, otherwise there are a few brothers and sisters who are a little bit unconvinced." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"I have n’t studied Chinese medicine with Master Guo bad. I used to contact Master Fuji before, but it was only when Master Fuji gave me a pulse. The older brother and sister felt worse when they took the pulse. It ’s the communication between the finger and the vein. You may not feel it, but I can. You can recall that although the veins of Meteor are clear, there will be a big jump in about ten seconds. Is it true that some of you have not touched? It was a big jump just now. "Meteor said with a smile, at this time the ten people who were still a little bit dissatisfied nodded slightly.

Then twenty students separately said the symptoms of the meteorite they got when they took the pulse of meteorite. At first, everyone didn't feel anything. Later, everyone realized that the twelve-year-old was the real genius. He was able to Feel free to change your own pulse, and clearly remember the pulse he gave to twenty people, so that these students who are not in the medical museum can walk out of the sky again.

"Tomorrow morning I will go to Emperor Capital. The matter on the Wucheng side will be handed over to He Mo first. Uncle Zhou and Dazhu stay in Wucheng. It is estimated that nobody dares to make trouble. You will all come to Emperor Capital on the day of your brother's wedding. , Then I will give you something good. "Guo bad smiled.

In the evening, Guo bad made a delicious table. The whole hospital was very lively. The strength of Kong Fei surprised Zhou Tianyang. It turned out that they were all in the state of light. Now Kong Fei is better than himself, making Zhou Tianyang envious.

"Boss, where did you get the little lion? Are you going to keep it in our hospital?" The vulcan beast brought by Guo Gang was put in his bedroom by the flesh outside. Xiang led the little guy out, just happened to be watched by Su Tu. Fortunately, the little guy was pretty good, otherwise he wouldn't be in trouble.

"It's such a cute little guy. I'll carry it over." With that said, Liu Yaoshi went to hold the fire **** beast, Guo bad got up and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

"Ah! I'm scalded." Liu Yaoshi's hands just touched the Vulcan Beast, and a painful pain came from his fingers. Regardless of whether you are a beauty or not, Vulcan Beast is ready to hug yourself when he sees a guy older than himself , I raised the temperature of my body.

"Crush and apply this elixir to your hands." Guo Bad got up and handed a green emerald elixir to Liu Yaoshi, and hugged the vulcan beast by himself. "Smell boy, please give me trouble when you come."

"Boss, what is this? Is it hungry?" Jia Xiaoxiao asked softly.

Vulcan beast seemed to understand Jia Xiaoxiao's words, and nodded violently, Guo bad directly made a large piece of meat and threw it to the little vulcan beast. The little guy ate it with two small claws. The cold meat turned out to be hot, and several eyes widened.

"The museum owner, is this little guy a **** beast?" Liu Yaoshi asked softly as he looked at the fire **** beast.

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