Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 273: This point

Guo Bad explained to everyone the issue of the Vulcan Beast, and didn't say much. After all, this little guy couldn't let too many people know that the Vulcan Beast was an anti-natural existence in the world. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

A good dinner. Guo Gang explained something to everyone. Everyone cleaned the table and went back to bed. In the early morning the next day, Guo Gang took ten people directly to the capital, and ten days left. In time, he will marry Lin Shuang, of course, these ten days have to get things done in the imperial medical hall.

Guo Bad and his party were not very active, but still caused a lot of sensation in the imperial capital. Xuanyuan and Nangong did not say that other second-tier families also gathered in the ancient family. This ancient family is certainly not the ancient family of the year. Gu Yun, the owner of the ancient family, is no longer a member of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, but the relationship between the Tyrannosaurus Religion and the ancient family is very close now, because the best yard next to the ancient house is not a small yard. The place of the medical museum.

"Gu Yun, Wucheng Wuyikan I went a few days ago, and I don't think you should be busy. The furniture in Wucheng Wuyiguan is full of purple sandalwood, not to mention the workmanship, just those purple gold sandalwood If you want to get everything together, you probably have to go to the king's tomb over the imperial capital. "Kong Fei said with a smile.

"I don't know where Xiaowei got so many purple gold sandalwood. I asked his righteous brother. They didn't know either. Jia Yuan said that he only cares for the decoration, and the thing is brought in by himself." Gu Yun was helpless. He shook his head and said.

"Then wait for the little bad to come back and do it yourself. You put the medicines brought by these big families and our Tyrannosaurus Regiment first. Then the medicine cabinet is put in and directly put in, and the medical museum will open." Kong Fei said with a smile, and several people were busy again.

"Several brothers are still busy. It looks like I'm going to eat at my infirmary today." At five o'clock in the afternoon, Guo Bad and his party parked the car directly at the entrance of Emperor's Medical Center. The older brothers in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, busy with dispensing medicine, said with a smile.

"Ha ha, little bad, you can count it back. Now a few of us dare not go back to Tyrannosaurus Mountain. As long as we go back, the King of Dragons keeps chanting. See if you have come back with us recently." Xing Tian said with a smile. .

"I don't have time recently. The hospital will open here. The kid will get married after ten days. I think the Dragon King should be able to go down the mountain." Guo said with a smile. "I have worked hard for some brothers recently, and I gave them at night. Everyone make something delicious. "

"Brother Guo bad, aren't you back? People?" When several people talked, they came in from the outside, and several big men came in. Niu Meng led the soldiers of the May 31st Army and came in directly. "Brother, if you don't come back, the old guys of the May 31 Army will have to toss us to death."

In the past few days when Guo Bad went to Shushan, although the members of the May 31st Army knew where Guo Bad had gone, they could not contact Guo Bad. The military area was approaching. Several old guys were really looking forward to getting some more elixir. The strength of the military region will be further improved, so that the old guys in other military regions will look good.

"Brother, although you haven't opened the medical center yet, we have all sent the gifts, but the Chinese medicine here is part of our May Day." Niu Meng whispered, and a few people laughed.

"Elixir is easy to solve. I went to Shushan this time to harvest a lot. You go back and tell the master of May 31. When the boy opens the medical museum, I will prepare the elixir for everyone." Guo Bad said with a smile. , Shushan and his party, not to mention those high-quality medicinal materials, other high-quality medicinal materials are enough to make themselves toss for a while.

There are many people and powerful people. Guo Gang took the students who are not in the medical school with the Tyrannosaurus Regiment and May 31st people for about two hours. He has divided the herbs into good medicine. Guo Gang was calmed down by the quality of these herbs. A group All the traditional Chinese medicines obtained by laymen are fine, and there is no adulteration at all.

But then I think about it. The major families of May 31 and the Imperial City received medicines in Huaxia. If it wasn't tired of any medicine supplier, they would definitely not provide them with fake medicines. Most of the medicines in Tyrannosaurus were Collected on Tyrannosaurus Mountain, there will be no fake.

"Brother, let's eat well, tinkering with these things is more tiring than cultivation." Several people in Xingtian couldn't help squatting on the ground, but there was a little meaning of the leader of the Tyrannosaurus Rex team.

"Some hard work, Emperor Jia, call a few people to come and serve the dishes." Guo Bad said with a smile, after a while, a temporary table was filled with food, and a few Tyrannosaurus guys could Regardless of whether people have come or not, they have already started to eat, and a few people who are not willing to be outdone, have not waited for Guo to be bad, and have begun to flourish.

"Have a few of you hurry up and eat, this group of guys are eating fast, I will not toss anymore without my brother for a while." Guo Bad smiled at Chen Jiadi and said, walking to the faucet and washing his hands.

"Little guy, are you ready to eat more?" Guo Bad felt the movement of the little fire **** beast and said with a smile, "Go on, grab what you want to eat, don't burn yourself, the blood is not awakened, but it is quite edible what."

The small fire **** beast rushed to the table, rushing towards a piece of honey bear's paw just picked up by Gu Yun, grabbed the big one's paw directly, and went back to Guo Bad to eat. stand up.

"What!" Gu Yun shouted loudly, and then watched a red-haired little thing beside Guo Bad, watching Guo Bad's smirk, and Gu Yun who was about to start quickly quit. "Boy, where did you get this little pet? It sells well. Let me play for a few days."

"Gu Brother, you can't play this stuff, let's have a quick meal." Guo Bad said with a smile, and a few students in the non-medical hall laughed, and made everyone else look blank.

The small fire **** beast eats quickly, and then you are not polite. When you see what you want to eat, no matter who caught it, you jump up and grab it. A few people eat at a dinner.

"Gu brother, you can let people clean up some rooms and arrange the students in our non-medical hall. I have to clean up here." Guo Bad said to Gu Yun with a smile, Tyrannosaurus Regiment and a few people from May 31 I also went to the Gujia with them. Only Guo Ai and Yuer remained in the courtyard of the non-medical hall.

"Big wife, are you full? Let's move and digest?" Guo said badly, looking at Yu'er.

"Asshole, stallion, you want to digest yourself and go out for a few laps, your aunt has no time to accompany you." Yuer said with a stare, small face crimson.

"Yu'er, don't you think it's crooked? I mean, we're not here in the medical museum, but it's also in the imperial capital. The furniture in this non-medical center has to rely on Yuer," Guo said with a smile.

"Bad guy, big bad guy." Yuer shouted, cursing loudly, Guo Gang didn't say much, there was a lot of wood in Laojun's gourd, and it filled the whole yard for a while.

"You open a medical museum, you marry a daughter-in-law, and let your auntie help, bad guys, big bad guys." Yuer said with his mouth, his hands were not idle, a small dagger fluttered on the wood, and it took a while. , Piece of furniture has been formed, Guo bad once again gave Yuer a thumbs up, this hand is absolutely a must.

The two kept busy until three o'clock in the morning. One yard was full of furniture. Guo bad admired Yuer's craftsmanship. Yuer admired Guo bad's wild imagination in furniture modeling. Going to the room, tomorrow's physical work will be done by people. Guo Bad looked at the sky slightly bright, and directly pulled Yuer into the room, and then the house was full of spring.

"Stallion, it's almost ten o'clock when I get up." In fact, at eight o'clock, the two heard people entering the courtyard of the infirmary, and they did n’t need to know that they were the students in the infirmary. Several of the dragon group also came, and then several big men in May Three.

"I also talked about the furniture yesterday. I didn't expect to get it overnight. How did Guo Bad do it? I called the surrounding monitors. Guo Bad didn't leave the yard at all." Gu Yun couldn't help but say.

"These things are too heavy, we will not move first." Chen Jiadi said honestly, several students nodded, Niu Meng and others looked east and west, their hands never left the yard. Furniture.

"Grandma, leave it alone. When I get married, I need to set up furniture with my brother. This thing is definitely more face-to-face." Niu Meng couldn't help but said, the others nodded.

"A set of furniture? Little Mengzi, do you know what this is done? Purple gold sandalwood, you go to your house and ask your father to see if he has any stock of this thing. If you want a set, you really breathe. I do n’t need much anymore. There is a piece of scraps. I ’ll discuss it with Guo Bad later. This thing belongs to me. ”Xing Tian said with a smile, which was about the size of a wooden pile that Jia Yuan was going to take away. .

"That piece is mine." Niu Meng also quickly took a piece of scrap.

"Is this the best group of soldiers in Huaxia? Why is it so exciting?" Chen Jiadi couldn't help muttering.

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