Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 274: Hacking rules

Guo Gang took Yuer out of the room and was seduced by the people in front of him. The Tyrannosaurus Regiment and the May 31st group each held a few pieces of wood left over from the furniture yesterday, looking proud. Looking at Guo bad. Bayi Chinese [[ W> W ?. ) 8) 1] Z> W ?. Com

"What do you mean, brother?" Guo asked with a grin, Yuer couldn't laugh anymore, Niu Meng's high-end casual clothes had been bulging with wood, and small pieces of wood were full of slaps. whole body.

"Brother, brother and sister, don't laugh, these things are good things, you should have heard of purple gold sandalwood, sandalwood sandalwood, it's a pity to throw this thing." Niu Meng said with a blush.

"Meng brother, you can take these things if you want, but do you have to help me get these furniture in the house first? Our students who are not medical staff can't move it." Guo said with a smile, Niu Meng looked After seeing some of the fierce men in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, he nodded lightly, and put a pile of sandalwood blocks on his body neatly, and shouted Jia Xiaoxiao deliberately.

"Little sister, I ca n’t do the work of moving the furniture. You can help me look at these things. When my brother is busy, he will take you to a luxury street and get you a donkey bag. That ’s the LV. Niu Meng said with a smile, Jia Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, the big man in front of him was very interesting.

Several other people also found the students in the infirmary looking at the purple sandalwood they occupied, making Guo Bad and Yu'er can't help laughing.

"Little guy, don't run around, what excitement are you excited." Several people in May 31 carried the furniture, and the little fire **** beast started to jump on and off the furniture, no one would let it move.

"Husband, this little beast is very knowledgeable. This ancient beast is much more sensitive to good things than ordinary people." Yuer said with a smile, Guo Bad nodded slightly, suddenly thought of something, a smirk on his face.

"Shhh!" Guo Bad whistled, the little fire **** beast stunned God, and flew to Guo Bad's side, looking at Guo Bad with anticipation.

"This is for you." Guo Bad found three elixir from his body and discharged it on the table.

The little guy looked at the three pills that looked the same on the table, walked over and smelled them, and in the end he was very happy to put the strongest one in his mouth, and looked at Guo bad with satisfaction.

"Bad brother, how is this little guy's perception of Reiki is much stronger than ordinary people?" Yuer asked with a smile.

"The jade core is used up. After busy with this period of time, I took the little guy out and went around to find a good jade core, haha." Guo said with a smile, "The perception of good things is really strong, but still stupid A little bit, if I were Lao Tzu, I would take all three of the elixir in one breath. "

The little guy seemed to understand Guo's bad words, and his eyes widened. The recent elixir had not been swallowed, and his expression became even more funny. Several people who did not move the furniture laughed again.

Almost tossed to twelve o'clock, a few people still wanted Guo Bad to get something to eat. Guo Bad didn't have such great effort to directly take a group of people to a hotel not far from the medical center. More than 30 people made three tables. However, before the meal was finished, the whole hall was full of people. Xuanyuan Tengfei took a group of Xuanyuan family disciples to the hotel and opened a table next to Guo Gang. The other family members worked hard for a while. The whole hotel was round.

"Brother, I knew you were back yesterday, and the old man urged me to come over again and again. I asked for this meal today, you have to give me this opportunity." Xuanyuan Tengfei said with a smile, "You really have to go to my house to spare time Look, you're done drinking your sister-in-law, and the little guy in your stomach has been dishonest recently. "

Little Nezha, he almost forgot about him. It looks like he has to go to Xuanyuan's house recently, and Guo bad thought to himself.

"After I opened the Medical Museum, I went to Xuanyuan's house to show my sister-in-law. My brother has been busy recently. You can see if Xuanyuan's family is idle and okay, come to the medical museum to help." Guo Bad said with a smile, Xuanyuan took off quickly, "Brother, I'm fine recently, I'm here to help you."

Guo Bad smiled and nodded, and then a group of emperor's second ancestors and third ancestors gathered around Guo Bad to express their desire to come to the medical museum to help, making the hotel owner's eyes wide. It turned out that this young boy is today's positive Oh God.

They were full of food and drink. Several people in Xingtian got Guo Bad's promise, and the matter of not being treated in the hospital was basically resolved. Several people quickly returned to Tyrone Mountain to return to life. Some people also went to revive some old men, but There are not a few people who do not have a medical museum. Xuanyuan Tengfei leads a group of emperors with heads and faces to help like grandchildren in a medical museum.

After an afternoon of tossing, the upper and lower floors of the Medical Center were cleaned up. These two ancestors and three ancestors who followed Xuanyuan's take off were also really effective. Those who have never worked at home have thoroughly experienced a work today. Pleasure. "

"Don't leave with my brother, my brother is in charge of cooking today." Guo Bad smiled and looked at a group of people in the courtyard, Xuanyuan Tengfei shouted a group of people, their eyes widened sharply, this is not a medical museum The layout brightened their eyes, and I couldn't believe how long it took for so long to have such an effect.

"Lao Qi, the ground was dragged by the two of us. You are so clean, haha." A young man of twenty-five or six said with a smile. In fact, he wanted to express the mood of that kind of furniture, but could not express it.

Guo bad smiled and nodded, and didn't ask these people to help. In less than half an hour, the restaurant table was filled with food, and of course, wine, meat and wine swayed a group of people directly. In the room, a group of people looked at the table full of food and smiled sillyly.

"Brother Tengfei, is this wine really the wine of the last auction? I can't drink any money now, but I didn't expect me to drink, hehe." A young man said to Xuanyuan Tengfei with a smile.

"Look at your excitement, follow the bad brother, eat and drink without asking." Xuanyuan Tengfei said with a smile, could not help but pick up a piece of jerky and put it in his mouth, attracting everyone's dissatisfaction.

"Boss, we are at Didu Airport. Please see if you can come and pick us up." The Emperor Medical Center opened three days later. Guo Gang felt that the ten people he brought were not enough. He called and sent He Mo to send five students. I was so busy today that I forgot about them.

"Sutu, come here for the five of you. I have something to do here, but I'm not done yet." Guo Bad said to the phone with a smile.

"I said, big brother, give me the phone, I really have to go home." Su Tu didn't speak over there, Guo bad heard a strange voice.

"Fellow man, I'll talk to my boss for another minute and I'll return the phone immediately." Su Tu said with a touch of apology, "Boss, all five of our valuables were stolen, and now I can't take a taxi. , A mobile phone borrowed by a fellow, if you are not busy, come and pick us up. "After speaking, Su Tu's phone hangs up, and the phone is awful.

"Boss, I heard Su Tu's voice just now. Is there anything wrong? Or I'll take a look." Chen Jiadi, sitting on the left of Guo Bad, said softly.

"You and Qiankun passed together, and one drove a car to the airport of Emperor Capital, and took them over first." Guo Bad said softly. His medical center was going to open. It seemed that the opening would not be as smooth as he thought. .

"Brother, what's the matter? Don't you need to show up with your brother?" Xuanyuan Tengfei saw some Ni Duan and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing. Several students from Wucheng came to the capital and the money was stolen. Let's eat first and wait for them to come later." Guo said with a smile, but he was very upset.

At that time, the ancestor of the stolen door did not dare to break the ground on his own. Now that someone stole the door to find his own trouble, Guo Guo was very upset. According to common sense, even if someone is going to steal a few students, it is impossible to steal all five of them, leaving them some room. This is the rule left by stolen doors in the past. In case there is something, keep a hand for yourself, I did not expect that these people are so desperate this time, it seems they are directed at themselves.

"Brother, someone will come to pick them up. Will we continue to leave them a line and let them go back?" The "township" of Sutu just faced a whole body in a corner not far from the five of Sutu. Up and down, the middle-aged man in a suit asked softly.

"Continue, Hei Feng has such a high price, we have to break the door this time."

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