Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 275: Slay Guo bad

In a humble courtyard house in the imperial capital, a man and a woman sat facing each other, and there was no light in the house, but it could be seen that the woman was in good shape, but she didn't know how old she was. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W> W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. Com

"Hei Feng, Guo Tian is dead. What else do you want? It ’s so difficult for Wucheng to conceal the past. What else do you want to do? We can still provoke that kid, but now we can't provoke it." The woman said loudly that the woman was not someone else, it was the woman on the top floor of Wucheng.

"Are you my brother? When you said that, everything would help me. Are you afraid of that kid now?" Heifeng asked, looking at the middle-aged man.

"There are two imperial capitals in Huaxia, one is the imperial capital during the day, and the other is the imperial capital during the night. I do n’t care how to toss during the day, but at night, the imperial capital belongs only to me." Maybe you ca n’t help saying that There was a neurosis, but some people did dare to say such a thing 50 years ago, and no one dared to refute it. The imperial Heijia, or Huaxia Heijia, an extremely rare surname, rules the underground forces of Huaxia.

The middle-aged man now is the young master of the Heijia family, Heiqilin, and the woman in Wucheng is the only woman of the Heijia generation, the younger sister of Heiqilin, Heifeng.

"Hei Feng, I warn you, the Hei family is no longer the Hei family of that year. The boy has a good relationship with the Tyrannosaurus. He went to Shushan a few days ago. Although I don't know what to do, I am sure that this boy and Shushan The relationship is also good. The imperial capital was destroyed a few days ago, and the kid has a great relationship with him. He really is not what we can afford now. "Hei Qilin shook his head and said.

"I asked Piqian Shiqian to steal a few students from the non-medical hall at the airport. I don't care who he is with, I will make him a little bit uncomfortable and clean him up a little bit." Hei Feng Gritted his teeth and said.

"Now that your mind is determined, then I tell you, if something goes wrong, take it on yourself, my good sister." After speaking, Hei Qilin left the courtyard, Hei Feng slowly closed his eyes, and a peace A man with a very similar appearance to Guo Bad appeared in his mind. "Guo Tian, ​​you hurt me that year, and I will get it back from your son little by little."

The hospital is about an hour's drive from the airport. Chen Jiadi and Cao Qiankun successfully found five people in Sutu at the airport. After a few words of humiliation, they were about to drive back. The current car couldn't move. Several people After looking around for a long time, he couldn't find out what was wrong with the car, and Chen Jiadi reluctantly called Guo Bad's phone.

"Ji Di, come back as soon as you receive it." Guo Bad said to the phone with a smile.

"Boss, the man got it, but the car broke down. We were all at the airport. There are no taxis around. We can't go back." Chen Jiadi said flushed.

"Both your car and Qiankun are broken?" Guo Bad asked softly.

"Well, nothing can be found, it's broken." Chen Jiadi whispered, "Boss, you have to eat first, and we'll think of a way."

"Take a fart, you'll be waiting in situ, I'll be right there." Guo Bad shouted loudly. The car that Chen Jiadi and Cao Qiankun drove was from the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Uncertainly, even if there is no oil, the battery and solar panel can guarantee the vehicle to travel a thousand kilometers. As long as the main components are not damaged, the car will not have any problems, but now the two cars broke down at the same time, it seems that it is indeed Someone is asking for trouble, and it's not small.

"Brother, what's the situation?" Xuanyuan Tengfei asked softly, and a group of people at the table looked at Guo Bad together, and the students who were not in the medical library did not seem to be so angry with the owner.

"You eat and drink well, I'll go out." Guo Bad said with a smile, "I don't have to follow, I'll take care of this myself." Guo Bad looked at the Xuanyuan who was about to follow and took off and waved him to sit Down.

The Bugatti Veyron that Jia Yuan gave to Guo Bad at the beginning rushed out of the infirmary and headed for the Imperial Capital Airport.

"Sister, the boy drove out by himself. There aren't many opportunities like this." A man in black whispered to the phone on a high-rise building opposite the Medical Museum.

"Contact Black Tiger. The last car accident wasn't solved. Let's do it again this time." Hei Feng said with squinting eyes. She lied to Hei Qilin. She designed this bureau for a long time. The boy will definitely pick up the person in person, and then let the bad accident of Guo Gang's death happen again in the morning, but this time they are no longer the one who only knows drag racing, Wu Cheng, the four evils, but the heaven. Xun Xian read Xin Zhenjun.

"Does anyone want to calculate me, how do I feel uncomfortable." Guo bad car flying, the scene of Guo bad car accident repeatedly appeared in his mind, Guo bad could not help but think.

"Tiger, people have already gone to the airport. If you do n’t do it, you wo n’t have such a good chance." On the surrounding mountain near the airport, a man in black whispered softly to someone who did n’t look like grandpa. Said that this man was only one meter five and his body was thin. I really don't know why he was wearing a suit that was so out of place.

"This kid made me lose 100 million yuan, and he has to die this time." Then, the black tiger opened the iron box around him, assembled the contents of the box, and took a very powerful sniper rifle. Out of hand.

"The performance of this car is much better than that of that year. Bulletproof tires and bulletproof glass. It looks like I have to use something good for privacy." A 13-centimeter child popped out of the black tiger. In his hand, he picked up the bullet, dragged his next head, lifted the bullet, and tested the performance of the bullet in a unique way.

"Boy, try Tiger Master, the mother-in-law radioactive bomb. If you are still alive, Tiger Tiger vowed not to bother you." Black Tiger said softly, set up a sniper rifle and aimed at the Bugatti Veyron flying high. .

"Hei Feng, after this shot, the tiger will not owe you anything." He said, closing one eye, the wind and temperature appeared in his mind one by one, "Oh!" The bullet was fired, and the target was no longer a wheel. The bullet's trajectory flew directly to Guo's bad head.

"Here, there is a problem." Just as the bullet flew out, Guo badly shook his head and looked up to see the bullet coming towards his head.

"Close the booth and get things done." Black Tiger's eyes left the sniper rifle, disassembled his sniper rifle, and put the parts into the iron box. He was sure that he hadn't missed a shot, it must be the head of Guo Zhong.

"Tell Hei Feng, I've got things done. The billions let her get me the card as soon as possible. This kid is no longer the little guy in Wucheng that year. He is dead, and the emperor will definitely be chaotic. I have to go to avoid the wind. Head. "Black Tiger packed up his sniper rifle and said to the man in black with a smile.

"A billion shots, this money is really easy to make." The man in black couldn't help but sighed, "Oh!" The Bugatti Veyron hit a high fence, rolled over a few heads and hit the mountain. A loud noise exploded. Even if Guo Bad was not hit by a gun just now, he must be dead this time.

"Okay, tell Black Tiger, let him go out and avoid, and I will give him the card for a while." Hei Feng said excitedly to the phone. "Dead, haha, finally dead, Guo Tian, ​​your son is dead, you and that bitch's child are dead, haha."

In the most prosperous area of ​​Emperor Capital, a young man deposited a wooden box in Citibank Emperor Branch. The contents inside it were a small ancestral file, because the black card was presented, and Citibank people had no right to open it. Something, the young man went through a formality and walked to a nearby cafe.

"Tiger, Xiaoye ’s life is worth a lot more than before, it is already a billion, but my Bugatti Veyron is almost worth this price. Do you pay Xiaoye ’s car first?

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