Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 276: Guo bad is not dead

The voice is not loud, but the young man on the other side was so fierce that he couldn't think of it. Guo Gang would appear in front of himself at this time. He didn't know how Guo Gang recognized him, but now, in the heart of Heihu Cold. (August? Novel Network W> W] W} .81ZW.COM

"This friend, are you talking to me again?" Heihu looked around calmly, then asked Guo badly with a smile.

"Jie Guer is afraid of the same Chen, and when he comes from two angles, he sees him, and when he meets with ugly, he meets with Chen, and he meets with each other, but when he meets with each other, he meets with each other. Correspondingly, your face should not have been met. This is a bad thing, "Guo said with a smile.

"Little brother will still look at me? But today I don't have time. This is my business card. You can contact me next week." Heihu said, taking out a bronzing business card from his body.

"Chu Yuntian, haha, what a good name, Lord Tiger, these means of killing you are useless to me. Now follow me. I promise not to kill them. If you do n’t follow me, I will slowly find the killing door. "No one stays." Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes, black tiger's business card was poisonous, but how could this trick trick Guo Guo's old rivers and lakes.

"Are you really Guo Bad?" Black Tiger shook his head helplessly, got up and stood up, and asked Guo Bad with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, I can't drink this coffee. I'll take you to a good place." Guo Bad said with a smile. The two walked directly to an Aston Martin. The black tiger opened the door and Guo Bad sat and drove. At the table, Black Tiger sat on the co-pilot.

"If you have any questions, you can ask now." Guo Bad looked at Heihu with a smile.

Black Tiger took off the mask on his face. A nearly forty-year-old face appeared in front of Guo Gang. He was surprised how Guo Gang saw his original face through this man's leather mask. The emperor had it 30 years ago. The phase teacher showed him the face, which is basically the same as Guo Bad said. His face is indeed the face of Tiansha Lone Star.

"Do I have any flaws? Where did you know my name? And my skin mask, how did you see my face?" Black Tiger asked softly.

"Is n’t your car accident planned by you one year ago? There is no airtight wall in the world. I did n’t go to you that year. It does n’t mean I do n’t know who wants to kill me. Go on. "Guo said with a smile," You are not flawed, but I will follow you when you come down from the mountain. How can I find the wrong person, as for your face, that person's leather mask is the rest of my play Now, do you mean it? "After Guo Bad said, the black tiger looked up in a flash, Guo Guo in front of him looked like a new person.

"You, how did you do that, is your face also a mask?" Heihu couldn't help but look at a face exactly like himself.

"Some things that aren't good enough, can't get on the table, let's go to Xiang Yunfeng to talk." Guo Bad said with a smile, "I'll make a call first, you will sleep, it will be a while."

"Fei brother, you drive to find a few people to pick up the students who are not in the medical school. There is a delay on my way." Guo Bad dialed Xuanyuan Tengfei's phone. This time, the phone rang again. Jia Yuan.

"Old fourth, where are you now? Is it all right?" Jia Yuan asked nervously.

"What can I do? My medical center will open soon. You and Ye Yao and Sheng brother say that the medical center will not be open at that time. If you don't come, your brother will not have to do it." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Old fourth, you are all right. Is your Bugatti lent to anyone? You better call and ask, the car is broken." Jia Yuan said softly.

"I see, brother, I still have something to do, let's talk when you come to the emperor." Guo bad finished, and hung up the phone directly.

"Hey, hey!" Jia Yuan shouted several times in succession, only to hear the beeping sound over there, "No, I have to say something to Yao Yao, this kid won't be doing anything else in the capital "Jia Yuan's call didn't matter. The entire emperor was nervous again. The incident of Guo Bad's Bugatti accident soon spread to the emperor. Guo Bad's phone kept thinking of it. Later, Guo Bad directly shut down the phone. .

"Sister Yuer, Guo bad is all right." He Mo received a call from his grandfather, and he was so nervous that he couldn't call Guo bad. He could only call the ancient home and then contact Yuer.

"What can he do, nothing is fine, you tell Wucheng, Guo bad is all right, this matter is trouble, is not the phone power off, is it all right?" Yuer held a crystal clear I took a sip of radish and said loudly, although she didn't know what happened to Guo Bad, but Guo Bad's breath didn't change at all, what could happen.

"Hei Feng, didn't you say that you just contacted the burglar door. What happened? The kid is dead?" Hei Qilin called Hei Feng's phone and asked loudly.

"Yes, he's dead, Guo Tian's son is dead, haha, Heihu didn't let me down this time, haha." Heifeng said loudly, "You don't want to shoot, I don't force you, now he is still dead, Haha. "

"Hei Feng, you're in a terrible disaster. Go, hurry, go to the United States, go immediately, you go on my private jet, don't wait." Black Qilin roared loudly.

"This is like my brother, you can rest assured. If there is any trouble, I will not affect you." Hei Feng said softly, "Brother, am I really not as good as that woman? Why Guo Tian would leave me And go. "

"Hei Feng, go to the United States first. Anyway, you are the best in my eyes." Hei Qilin finished and hung up.

"His son is dead, and I have no meaning to stay in Huaxia. Guo Tian, ​​everything is retribution. You treated me like that, this is the retribution for you." Hei Feng finished and disappeared in the courtyard.

"Yao Brother, you don't need to contact the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. The fourth child is okay. I just talked to him over the phone." Jia Yuan murmured Li Yao who found a somber look in Li Yao's villa, not even Jia Yuan knew that. Li Yao was found out through some special channels for the real murder of Guo bad car accident, and told Guo bad that Guo bad didn't let Li Yao take revenge. As a result, there is a car accident again, how can Li Yao not hate it.

"What? What are you talking about? The fourth is okay? Are you sure the answer is the fourth?" Li Yao widened his eyes and looked at Jia Yuan and asked, the phone under his hand was still ringing.

"Li Yao, what are you talking about? Guo bad is all right, who is the person around you?" He asked loudly on the phone.

"Fang Xing, Guo Bad is okay, but the phone is off. Let ’s talk about it when Guo Bad comes back. Now, head-to-head with that organization will have a great impact on the imperial capital, and even the whole of China." Li Yao dialed Xing Tian's phone , Said softly, Tyrannosaurus knew that Guo was all right, everything was okay to discuss, and it was this call of Li Yao that calmed down a storm in the entire imperial capital.

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