Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 287: Fortune of China

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the people in front of the Museum did not diminish themselves. Many reporters even reported in front of the Museum. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM

"This handsome guy, did you come to see the doctor in the hospital?" Wang Jiajia, a reporter from Didu News Network, walked to a young man in his twenties who was standing in line and asked with a smile.

"Seeing a doctor? No, no, no, I'm not sick. I just listened to a call from my classmate and said that there are many beauties in the medical hall. I came to see them." The young man smiled at the camera and said Got a poss.

"How many people look at beauties like you?" Wang Jiajia frowned, but still asked with a smile for professional reasons.

"I don't know. I uploaded a few photos of the opening of the Medical Museum in the Imperial College Forum. There are many beautiful women on it, so there are a lot of students from the universities in Imperial College." The youth said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you for this classmate." After Wang Jiajia spoke, she walked towards the Infirmary.

"Beauty girl, if you come to see a doctor, please queue up." Wang Jiajia was stopped by a disciple of the ancient family just after arriving at the door of the infirmary.

"I can't find the owner of the medical museum, you have a problem with the current process." Wang Jiajia said loudly, "Tell me to talk to you, let me in."

The Gujia teenager looked at the good-looking woman in front of her, but she still adhered to the principle and did not let Wang Jiajia go in directly. It looked good, but compared with the beauty of the library owner who had cut the ribbon, it was still much worse.

"Bad Lord, there is a woman outside looking for you, saying that we have problems with the process of the medical center, it seems to be a reporter." The Gujia teenager still found someone to guard at the door first, and trot all the way to find Guo Bad.

"Reporter? Go, I'll take a look." Guo Bad said with a smile, there are problems in the process, it seems that there are really some problems. Although the last time the opening of the Medical Museum in Wucheng was not as big as before, the impact at that time was not great. Most of them are in front of me, do I have to show them off?

"I'm Guo Bad. I'm the owner of the medical museum. I don't know if you said that our process is wrong this time, what is wrong. If the beauty said something is true, this Xueji Dan will give it to you." Go to Wang Jiajia and smile.

"Everyone said that the owner of the medical museum is a teenager. I didn't expect it to be real." Wang Jiajia sighed while looking at Guo Bad. "Know, my name is Wang Jiajia. I am the reporter of Didu Evening News. A long team, but not all of them are coming to see a doctor. Should n’t you be in a medical museum, should you think of a way to get the sick or seriously ill to get treatment first. In addition, Wucheng No Medical Museum opens Although I didn't show up, I heard from a friend in Wucheng that the owner of the museum, Guan Guo, healed ten people on the spot and opened the eyes of the people at that time. Could this time let the people of our capital see the magic of Chinese medicine? "

Guo Bad looked at Wang Jiajia in front of him, and handed the jade box in his hand to Wang Jiajia. "Little four, take Wang Meimei to the medical hall, and let the people of the Imperial Evening News go in together." He went straight out.

"Fang Xing, I remember that you have a big speaker on your car, remove it for me, I use it." Guo Bad said loudly, looking at Xing Tian, ​​who was standing next to the non-medical hall, Xing Tian was also polite, and got it directly from the car I gave a set of loudspeakers. Although I don't know what Guo Bad wants him to do, I'll give it to him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Guo Bad, the curator of the non-medical pavilion. Thank you very much for coming to the medical pavilion today, but if you are not a friend for the purpose of seeing a doctor, I don't want to line up here. I hope to see more doctors. Opportunity is given to those who need to see a doctor. "Guo Bad said aloud, the voice spread far, the voice fell, the applause thundered, of course, many people lowered their heads.

"Some friends want to go to the hospital without me, maybe for other purposes, but there are gains and losses. For all patients who visit the hospital without me, we will set up patient files. If people who are not sick just come here for fun, I These people will be added to the blacklist of the infirmary, and such people will always be included in the six innocents in the infirmary. The family and friends of these people will also be included in the inexperienced people in the incomplete. "Guo's bad voice spread to the crowd, and many people slowly withdrew from the queuing crowd. No one dared to guarantee that he would not deal with the medical museum all his life.

"One more thing, please rest assured that all patients who can not be treated by the medical museum will be fully treated regardless of whether they have money or no money. This is my commitment to all patients who come to the hospital to see the doctor. It was originally scheduled in the morning. The elixir auction will be held in Gujia tomorrow morning. Those with financial means can go to Gujia to participate in the auction. In that case, 70% of the proceeds from the non-medical museum auction will be used for medical and child education in remote areas. I hope everyone will supervise. "Guo Bad finished, some people could not help but shed tears.

"One last thing, you can tell your friends or relatives that if you have any incurable diseases, try it at the Medical Museum. If it ca n’t be solved by the Medical Museum, you will give out a million medical aids to the patient. "Guo bad put this sentence out, so that the emotions of people outside the medical museum reached a **.

Guo Bad looked at the big brand of the invisible medical museum, and a powerful merit passed into the sea of ​​his consciousness. At the peak of the opening period, Guo Bad's realm steadily stopped at the peak of the opening period.

Guo Bad walked into the medical hall, and the medical team outside was getting longer and longer. The ancient family even prepared a small hospital specially for some seriously ill patients to rest in it. Some people in the crowd also began to give way to each other, making the condition serious. Of people entered the infirmary in advance.

"Boss, this Guo is very bad. It is much stronger than Guo Tian." Li Dafu drove back to the Chinese doctor, and then he drove to the near the infirmary. Although he didn't get off, just now Guo bad words really surprised him, can dare to have such a commitment to patients, this bad Guo is not ordinary.

"Full support is given to the non-medical museum. It is fortunate that Huaxia has this medical museum." Huaxia No. 1 is not a pedantic person. What age is he now? He is not afraid of the Guo family usurping power. If the Guo family wanted to sit there In this position, he was seated long ago.

Of course, the opening of the Medical Museum in the Imperial Capital has also touched the interests of many people. Many efforts were made in this conference by the Western Medical Association of China to discuss some countermeasures.

"Non-medical halls now only open two medical halls in Didu and Wucheng. Many of our patients have already begun to try traditional Chinese medicine treatment. It is undeniable that traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of advantages, but if you say to this kid, Western medicine will fail, and sooner or later it will be completely replaced by traditional Chinese medicine. "An old man pointed at Guo Bad on the big screen and said with a smile.

"Ren Lao, I don't think you are too worried." Liu Zihua, the director of the Imperial City Hospital, said with a smile, "It is just a private medical institution. At that time, those western doctors in Wucheng didn't fix them. I don't believe that their Chinese medicine can solve all the problems. I have asked the hospital people to transfer several incurable patients to the hospital. If they can be cured in the non-medical hall, that is the credit of our Imperial City Hospital. OK, then give our patients a million, kill two birds with one stone. "

"Lao Liu, you are not bad at this move. It seems that I have to arrange arrangements for the people below." Another old man could not help but said, but there are a few doctors in the Western Medical Association frowning, obviously A few people were a little dissatisfied.

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