Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 288: Not bad money

"Mr. Liu, Meng, I don't think we need to do this. They are all practicing medicine to save people. Now Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can be regarded as well water and river water, not to mention that Western medicine does need improvement in some aspects.? Bayi Middle School

"Small paragraph, you are still too young. If you wait for TCM to really get up, Western medicine will be over. Then you will know why we keep suppressing TCM." Liu Zihua shook his head and said.

"Mr. Liu, I and Yun Feng have similar thoughts. Actually, think about the history of medical exhibitions. It seems that when Chinese medicine was powerful, it did not crowd out Chinese medicine. Why should we go to their troubles? Moreover, the limitations of traditional Chinese medicine treatment are very limited. Small, I think we can now contact the owner of that non-medical museum to see if there is a place where Chinese and western medicine can be combined. "Duan Yunfeng said with a middle-aged man who was about the same age as him.

The two of them are classmates of the Pennsylvania Medical College. They are both generations of doctors at home and have traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. They have little knowledge of the portal to medicine. They have contacted doctors first. Therefore, when they were western medical associations, they did something for the elderly. They disagree.

"Liu Jiancheng, how long have you been in contact with Western medicine, not to mention that you spend most of your time abroad and it is not clear about domestic affairs. Your field is brain surgery and neurosurgery, and there is not much intersection with Chinese medicine. If you are like us, You know how many troubles we will lose if the medical museum is really big this time, "Liu Zihua said loudly.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Duan, if you have the idea of ​​uniting with Chinese medicine, I don't think you should stay with the Western Medicine Association. The situation in Huaxia is not the same as when you were in the United States. Maybe the Huaxia Western Medicine Association can't accommodate you. Two great Buddhas. "Ren Tianjiang, the president of the Imperial Western Medical Association, from Duan Yunfeng and Liu Chengjian, they did not like the two proud young people when they returned to China. They took this opportunity to drive them out of the Western medical profession and see Where can they tolerate them.

"If Ren Lao said this, then we will leave. As for the hospital, our contract will expire immediately. At that time, we will not sign a contract with the Imperial Capital Yunshan Hospital." Liu Chengjian and Duan Fengyun looked at each other, this In the past few years, Ren Tianjiang wore them with small shoes. Since they said they were open, the two are very confident in their own strength. Here, there is no place for the grandfather to leave the grandfather, and the grandfather does not wait.

Duan Fengyun and Liu Chengjian walked out of the Western Medicine Association without looking back. Both of them suddenly felt relaxed, thinking about drinking and celebrating, and suddenly saw the ambulance of the Imperial City Hospital going in the direction of the infirmary. People also took a taxi directly towards the infirmary.

After Guo Gang's words just now, some patients even started to classify their own patients outside of the non-medical hall, so that the doctors in the non-medical hall were treated a lot faster, and some poor treatments also appeared during the period. Several elderly people of the Chinese Medical Association resolved the problem after consultation. Guo took a shot only once during the bad period and directly treated a severe epilepsy patient with a silver needle, which caused Wang Jiajia at the scene to widen his eyes.

"Guo Guanzhu, I don't know if you can take some time. I want to give you an exclusive interview." Wang Jiajia looked at Guo Gang who was not too busy, walked over and asked quietly, she didn't know why, she always felt that Guo Gang had something on her body. The special temperament of the stock attracted itself.

"I'm afraid today. If there is an urgent patient, I must help immediately." Guo Bad said with a smile. "If I need to cooperate, then three days later, there should not be so many in the medical museum. Patient, I have more time. "

"If there is an urgent patient, you can go to help, I just ask a few questions casually." Wang Jiajia said impatiently, Guo bad nodded helplessly, if the woman is reluctant, it is really helpless.

"Guo Guan, your age should not be as old as me. In our impression, many TCM physicians should be like the teachers of the Chinese Medicine Association to make a difference. Who did you learn about medicine? You said you were being treated for any incurable diseases just now, is that true? "Wang Jiajia asked with a smile.

"There are geniuses in any profession. Some of these students like us are not in the medical museum. Some of them have been in contact with Chinese medicine for only a few months, but now they can help patients solve many problems with Chinese medicine. My age may not be as big as yours, but Many things cannot be defined by age. "Guo Bad said with a smile.

"As for who I am studying from, I am not good at telling you this question. Everyone needs some sex. I just need to be a good doctor." Guo Bad said with a smile. Who is the teacher? At that time, several theologians in the Tang Dynasty had some friendship with themselves. Later, Sun Dasheng also helped himself and taught himself some medical things. Alchemy was later learned by Tai Shang Lao Jun. This thing tells you, do you believe it?

"If it is **, then I don't ask much, but there is a question that everyone may like to know, and the owner of Guo Guan needs to tell us." Wang Jiajia asked with a smile, "I am in Wucheng's Medical Center I ’ve heard people say, and I ’ve been confirmed that Qicheng, which does not receive the income of the medical museum, is used for children ’s education and medical treatment. It ’s very high, or is there another profit point in the hospital? ”

"Other profit points? No, the medicines in the medical museum are all the best Chinese medicines we choose from the market. The price we give patients is basically the price of our medicines. You can verify this at any time, even if you encounter Difficult households, we will not charge any fees, of course, sometimes there are some patients with better economic conditions will give more consultations. "Guo bad smiled and said," I know what you want to ask, why I Do this? Because I don't lose money. "

Wang Jiajia's eyes widened, and it really is not bad money. Besides, let alone say that the medicinal materials sent today are just one hour. Wang Jiajia counted in an hour just now, it has passed 100,000 yuan, and chat with students who are not medical staff. She knows that all treatments in the non-medical museum can be comparable to the treatments of experts in any hospital in Didu, but where does this bad money come from?

"You do n’t need to ask, it seems that you did not do your homework before this interview. I am not a rich second generation, at best a little rich third generation, but since I opened the medical museum, I have no more points with the old man. Money, if you want to know how my money came, then after today ’s busy day, we do n’t go to the elixir auction in the medical museum, and you know why I ’m so generous, because I ’m not bad at money, haha "Guo badly couldn't help but smile.

"Ji Emperor, see it. The girl you just said you like, got in touch with the curator again. You see the curator laughed a lot **." Cao Qiankun and Chen Jiadi went to drink water together, just looking When Guo Bad thought he was a pure smile.

"Rely on, it's impossible. Although this reporter Wang Jiajia is okay, but compared to the boss's women, it is not a grade at all. Is it possible that the boss has no bottom line?" Chen Jiadi couldn't help but said, thirty The distance of several meters may not be heard by others, but it is too loud for Guo Bad.

"Fuck, I laughed at me." Guo Bad secretly cursed, "Chen Jiadi, Cao Qiankun, the medical museum is so busy today. What are you talking about, hurry to work, Lao Tzu is rich, not The wind is blowing. You have to get a hundred patients before work. If you ca n’t do that, your salary will be deducted this month. "

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