Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 413: Chusov VS Celia

Yamamoto's words fell, the four ninjas on the ground disappeared, and six Japanese formed a strange formation toward the American power group. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O} M?

"Harris, strike me at three o'clock." Celia said loudly, and Harris leapt up, and a ninja was really dragged down by him at three o'clock. Celia disappeared before the crowd, and when she reappeared, she stood directly in the middle of the formation of six Japanese.

"Sculpture of worms," ​​Celia said loudly in Chinese, and then the Japanese formation was destroyed. Not only six Japanese, but at least twelve Japanese ninjas fell from the air.

"Baga, use a hidden weapon." Yamamoto Gui shouted loudly, but then, Yamamoto Guiyi's face changed, "No, we admit defeat, we admit defeat."

Laser guns, yes, at this time Celia had two more laser guns in her hands and went straight to Yamamoto. Since you Japanese are playing tricks, I'm also not polite, bang two shots, two Japanese The psionicist no longer had a breath, Celia looked at Yamamoto Gou with a smile, and then two shots. Two ninjas in the air were shot down.

"We concede, all the ninjas have left the ring." Yamamoto Go shouted loudly, yes, this time Japan sent only six psionicists, and twelve Sakura group's Shang Ni, all controlled by space. Or they wanted to win the group first, but they miscalculated.

"The Japanese seriously violated the rules of the Budokai and cancelled their qualifications for the Budokai. The Japanese need to compensate the organizing committee for one trillion dollars in organizational expenses. If the Japanese do not agree, the Japanese will be permanently cancelled. To qualify for the martial arts martial arts league, the United States will expel all Japanese powers in the United States. "Davis said aloud, Yamamoto resignedly jumped from the ring with several Japanese surviving powers.

"Mr. Davis, we need the organizing committee to give us a reasonable explanation. We were defeated by Japanese talents, but the fact is that the Japanese violated the rules of the Martial Arts Association." South Korean captain Jin Changlie came to Davis said loudly.

"One hundred billion dollars in compensation. If you are not satisfied, then I can give you a chance for the Korean power group. You can re-select six people to compete with the British and American United teams. If you win, then you can get with Russia. Fight for the first chance in the first half. "Davis squinted.

Jin Chang's face was heavy, and the Americans showed their strength. They saw that they had no chance of winning against the British and American United teams, but now they have a hard taste of riding a tiger.

"Five billion dollars, give me a reply in ten seconds. Miss Celia, if the Koreans go to the ring again, I hope that the British and American Union can go all out without mercy." Davis said loudly.

"I agree!" Jin Changlie hurriedly shouted that 50 billion US dollars was earned in vain, although they did not lack money. Davis smiled slightly, the Japanese one trillion dollars will surely be handed in, even if they did not hope to get a name in the power martial arts, but they definitely did not dare to oppose the power martial arts organization committee because they knew Who is behind the organizing committee.

The Anglo-American team came down from the ring, Chusov went to Celia, and Chusov's breath that was completely stolen felt pretty good. Celia nodded with a smile.

"This is a laser gun, but the Russian sages can rest assured. As long as you do n’t violate the rules, I wo n’t violate them. You see, it ’s the Japanese who have so many ninjas all at once. Yes, "Celia said with a smile.

"Miss Celia, I hope our first half final can be reached." Chusoff said with a smile, then pulled his teammates aside.

"After the battle with the Anglo-American team in the afternoon, if something is abnormal, immediately abstain, the Anglo-American woman is very unusual." Chusov said softly to the other five abilities in Russia. Five people nodded all together, a woman who dared to take out a laser gun on the ring, regardless of her strength, had such courage, it was definitely not an ordinary person.

After the game between the Anglo-American team and the Japanese, Guo Gang narrowed his eyes. This woman is indeed Guo Bad ’s aunt, but why is this so? A word suddenly appeared in Guo Bad ’s mind, slavery The technique of slavery cannot be achieved. Some people in the dark Holy See learned that the technique of slavery of the great devil could not be achieved.

At the end of the morning game, a group of people left the ring and went to the rest area to eat as usual. But this time, as before, they did not see Celia. Guo Bad shook his head with a hint of doubt.

"Chusov, do what you can." At the end of lunch, Guo Gang whispered in Chusov's ear. Chusov nodded. At 2 pm, the final of the first half begins, and the winner will have the power of Huaxia. Compete for the first place in the team competition.

Six British and American teams flew directly to the ring, Chusov shook his head uncontrollably. There are two space controllers in the British and American team, but this is the first time to fly directly to the ring.

"Chusov, my lord helps you once, let's go up." With a wave of Guo's bad hand, six big men flew to the ring together. Chusov's eyes widened again. This is Huaxia. The true strength of man is too powerful.

"Captain Chusov, since you said a little bit before the game, let's change the comparison in this group game. I didn't participate in the personal game. You can also see the strength of our other players. We might as well let them all rest. Let ’s try it out. If I lose, our entire team will lose even if you lose, so will you, too. ”Celia said with a smile.

Chusov nodded slightly. This is the best method of comparison. He has broken the limit of degrees. Now he is the master of both power and degree. Even if he loses to Celia, he will definitely protect himself. ability.

"Captain Chusov doesn't need to keep his hands. Let me see what the strength of the individual matchmaker is." Celia said with a smile. The other five people on both sides had given way to the ring, Chusov yelled and his coat turned. For the fragments, the scary muscles appeared in the air when they looked at them, and then rushed towards Celia.

"Burning bear, it's really a banging bear." Celia smiled as soon as Chusov met Celia, Celia disappeared in place, then appeared next to Chusov the next moment, A knife hit on Chusov's shoulder, and a tearful pain made Chusov's head sweat cold.

This woman is really not simple. It seems that a knife hand gently contains such terrible energy. If it had not been three times as much as her own strength, I am afraid that the knife hand has already solved herself.

"Roar!" Chusov yelled again, his figure flickered, and he ran to a corner of the ring, staring at Celia with his eyes shut. Guo Wei from the audience shook his head, Chusov was not his aunt. His opponent even felt that if he did not use some special means, he would not win Celia alone.

"Miss Celia, try my strongest blow. This is of course realized by my strength improvement. If you can stop it, I will give in." Chusoff said softly, and his whole body momentum rose again, Guo Bad eyes widened, this explosive bear was more powerful than he imagined, and he even knew how to use the power of blood.

"Miss Celia, my trick is called Boom Bear Real Body. Once I use it, I can't close it myself, I hope you can block it." Chusov finished, the air on the whole platform changed, West Lea frowned slightly, but this time she didn't dodge, she stretched out her hand and put on a defensive posture.

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