Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 414: Aunt Guo Fanyu

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the spectators below the ring could not help but trembled. This Chusov was so abnormal that they could see that the original intact ring was worthy of his memory. A crack appeared under the attack, and then the whole ring was like a piece of glass, and it broke down. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M

"Chelia is over! This Chusov is too perverted." Some people in the crowd sighed. At the moment when the ring platform broke, many people couldn't see clearly, but those who could see clearly couldn't help it. Said two words to the person who just sighed: silly x.

The fragments of the ring fell into the crater, and everyone could see the situation in the air. One man and one woman, one tall and one short were suspended in the air. Chusov's fist was blocked by the palm of Celia, and Celia had a face. Looking at Chusov with a smile, everyone was shocked. Such a powerful punch was blocked by Celia.

"Captain Chusov, I took your trick, and let me go down." Celia said, blocking Chusov's palm and grabbing Chusov's wrist, then a control turned 360 degrees Chusov was dropped from the air by Celia.

"Hurry up!" Someone in the crowd shouted in exclamation. Yes, Chusov rushed to the crowd below the ring like a cannonball. Everyone couldn't help but marvel when they avoided, this woman named Celia What a power it is, it's terrible.

Guo Bad shook his head and looked at Chusov who was thrown over by Celia. If he didn't help, Chusov was afraid of a serious crime this time. Think about this large piece of injury and he would still have to heal by then. Just save him.

"Little girl, go and stay aside." Guo Bad finished speaking to Xiao Lingmo, and he flew up and jumped up, directly facing Chusov who flew in.


"Did the Huaxia people take the wrong medicine, and this situation went so far as to block it, haha, the team championship of this martial arts team should be the Anglo-American team." Someone whispered, but the words did not fall, he was taken in midair The scene calmed down.

Like a basketball player, Guo Gang spun high-flying Chusov up in the air. After about a minute, Chusuofu and Guo Gang steadily landed on the ground at the same time. Fine sweat, Chusov's condition is much worse.

"Kekeke, brother Nangong, you helped me again." Chusov said pale, although he was not injured by Celia on the ring, but if he was thrown to the ground at the last time, I'm afraid it might be worth it this time. Seriously injured. "That Celia is very strong. I'm not an opponent in terms of strength. I really don't know how a woman did it. Brother Nangong must be careful in the finals."

"What kind of power, she is not the power master, but she is trying to take advantage of it, Chusov, you go to rest first, this Celia is for your face, otherwise your Russian miracle can go down alive There are not many people in the ring. "Guo said with a grin, Chusuofu stunned God, and didn't ask much. Since the rules were set at the beginning of the game, the Anglo-American team won this game.

"Congratulations to the champion of the first half of the Anglo-American League event. The finals are set for the following morning. The Anglo-American team will play against the China Powers team. I hope everyone will prepare for it." Davis said with a smile, Lord Celia came, Sure enough, it swept the opponent, and he couldn't help sighing. I knew that the Chinese were so strong, and they should apply to the Bishop for personal competition, and let the Holy See send them over.

Celia came down from the ring and went directly to Guo Bad. The familiar feeling came to her heart again, and even made her feel a little heartache, but she couldn't tell what the young man had to do with herself. Celia Aben wanted to say something, but said nothing, and walked straight back to the rest area of ​​the US team.

"Relax Guo Guo, I know this person is your aunt. Since I have taken possession of your body, I will figure out what is going on. Rest assured." Reading Xin Zhenjun ’s last trace of God ’s body He said softly that the sense of silence had calmed down.

Guo Bad watched Celia walk back to the rest area. She didn't stay outside and took Xiao Lingmo back to the rest area of ​​the Huaxia people.

"Aunt, now that she is Guo Bad, this Celia is her aunt, and I'll take care of it." Read Xin Zhenjun said softly, and he knew in his heart that this matter must be resolved, or he would really rise again One day in the heavens, this problem will be their biggest obstacle.

"Father, how's it going, I'm Guo Bad." After about half an hour's rest, Guo Bad directly called the phone that Grandpa Guo noticed.

"Shit boy, I heard Xiaoyuan they said, this time you did a good job. You won the top three in the individual competition, yes, good, but the first in the team competition, you must win, be regarded as the old man pleased your kid "Guo whispered over the phone.

"My father said that it was strange. Didn't you watch the live broadcast of the game? I have something to ask you." Guo Bad said softly. "You have to make sure you don't get too excited, and I don't really think so."

"Say anything, old man, I have n’t seen any big scenes. I have n’t watched your live video. Your grandma wo n’t let me watch it. If it ’s too horrible, it ’s strange and scary. I'm calling. "Guo Liu said with a smile.

"Look at this photo on the phone, is it my aunt!" Guo Gang directly took a snapped picture of Celia to Guo's attention. There was a panic over the phone, and there was no sound for a long time.

"Little bad, little bad, where did this picture come from? I need to know everything." Guo Liuyi said loudly, and over the phone, an old woman whispered.

"Tell grandma first, aunt is okay, let grandma stop crying. I'll fix things, but will the old man tell me about my aunt first, otherwise I don't know how to tell you." Guo Badly whispered to the phone, the Guo family and his wife were good to their cheap grandson, and Zhenxin Zhenjun was also good to the second old man.

"Before, Fanyu rarely went home and was always outside. I know that the organization she used to work for is called the Conservation World Volunteer Union. She can come back about once a year, and she floats outside until your parents get married that year. Fan Jade stayed at home for a long time. "Guo Liuyi said softly.

"Later, there was a car accident, and Fanyu looked at you at home. Until you were six years old, Fanyu received a call and did not return. My grandma and I finally contacted Fanyu once six years ago. Until the U.S. government transmitted Fan Jade's death report back to China, my trustee went to the United States once and did not see Fan Jade's body. I feel that Fan Jade has not died, but we dare not think about what she is doing now. That's it, "Guo Liuyi said softly.

"This person is now called Celia, who is a member of the American power group, and also our biggest opponent in the group game the day after tomorrow." Guo Gang directly told Guo Fanyu's current identity of Guo Fanyu.

"Little bad, I know your ability is not average, don't hurt your aunt, in fact, I want you to fight for a black hole, just to find Vatican Jade. Now that you have the whereabouts of Vatican Jade, it doesn't matter what you win , I just hope you and Fanyu can be good. "Guo Liu said softly over the phone.

"I see, I will take my aunt back to Huaxia, and leave the matter here to me."

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