Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 426: Black market auction (3)

"Oh, my god, when Vittorio became so powerful, I remember he was just a guy hollowed out by a woman, how could that be, there must be a problem with that table. {(八 {一 中文 W) W} W >.) 8) 1] Z〉 W}.> COM ”, many of them knew Vittorio, who had not been so powerful before.

"This is the inner strength of Huaxia. It seems that this guy really took the magic drug of Huaxia." Yamamoto Guiyi said softly from the stage.

"Vitorio, I believe what you said, but don't delay everyone's time now, and hurry up to start today's auction. I have prepared 10 billion U.S. dollars and hope this time will allow me to spend all of it." Southeast Asia The rich businessman shouted, others nodded, and Vittorio smiled slightly.

"Ivan auction, start." As the words fell, Vittorio stepped off the podium and walked straight to his box. A beautiful golden beauty appeared on the podium.

"Bad brother, wipe the saliva, did you forget about the words of Sister Yuer." Xiao Lingmo looked straight at Guo Bad and couldn't help but said, but it was not only Guo Bad who looked straight. Mo Beifeng would be watching the stage without blinking.

"Well, Alice is pretty good!" Vittorio went into the box, looked at Mo Beifeng's expression, and said with a smile.

"Chick, ten million, how about staying with me all night after the auction," a rich man in the front row yelled.

Alice was not angry, she shook her head slightly, and her professional outfit was dazzled by a group of people in the front row. "Mr. Jette, I hope you can buy your favorite things at this auction. If you want Invite Alice to dinner. Alice can think about it, but if you think of something else, I think Mr. Jeter had better talk with Mr. Vittorio, because I am his person. "

A word from Alice calmed down Jet, who was the son of the mafia boss's son. Although they had money, they didn't live enough.

"Miss Alice, we still look forward to this auction more, or hurry up to start the auction." Jette said with a smile, the momentum just disappeared.

"The auction is starting. Below is the first lot. One white tiger tiger skin. This tiger skin is slightly different from the usual tiger skin auction. You can see for yourself that this tiger skin has no flaws, even a pinhole. No, and this tiger skin was peeled off while the tiger was alive, ensuring that the hair on this tiger skin will not fall off. "Alice said with a smile, a tiger skin was provoked by several people with tools, In the middle of the podium there is a 3d effect of tiger skin.

"It's a good thing. It can peel the tiger skin alive. The owner of this tiger skin is definitely not simple." Several old men whispered in the audience.

"The base price is three million dollars, and the price increase must not be less than 100,000 dollars each time, let's start." Alice said with a smile.

"Five million, this tiger skin is good. I think if I can put it in the living room of my new home, I think it will be good." An old man around sixty said with a smile.

"Six million, such things should not be stepped on the ground, they should be more useful." A young man not far away said with a smile.

"Eight million, I have already reached this age, and generally want what I want." The old man said with a smile.

"Ten ten million, sometimes you want something that may not be available, and young people know this." The young man said with a smile.

"Fifteen million!" The old man didn't say much, and looked at the young man with a smile after shouting the price.

"Perfect tiger skin, I'm afraid there is only one of them in the world, 20 million." The young man said with a smile. The old man shook his head and shouted 15 million. The old man already knew that he was bargaining with emotion. Now, the response to shouting 20 million has completely exceeded the scope that the old man can bear. After all, although there is money, no one's money is brought by the wind, and the old man gives up.

"For the third time of 20 million, congratulations to Mr. Regis for taking the first lot of this auction. As a reward, we will give Mr. Regis a 50% chance. You only need to pay us a thousand Wan, this perfect tiger skin is yours. "Alice said with a smile. The young man took out a black card and drew a swipe on the stool at hand. The transfer of ten million yuan was completed, and the tiger skin belonged to him.

"What did the Ivan family do? They actually gave Riggers a 50% discount, which is not like the old Vittorio style." The crowd talked, and there have been discounts in the past, but generally the biggest discount But ten percent, I didn't expect to hit a double fold directly this time.

"After a while to go to Ukraine to pull something, it is always right to have a good relationship with the son of the Ukrainian foreign minister, 10 million, which is the money of several armored vehicles." Vittorio said with a smile, go to Ukraine to pull something In addition to various guns, what else can be pulled.

Guo Bad and Mo Beifeng naturally did not talk about these things, and they could openly conduct black market auctions in Italy. Such a thing alone is far from complete without some guns and ammunition support.

"The second lot is from the mysterious Huaxia, a piece of ancient jade from the Han Dynasty, with gold showing riches, and jade to ensure safety. This piece of ancient jade has been identified by the auction trustee, and it is indeed the ancient jade of the Han Dynasty. One million dollars, each time the price increase is not less than 10,000 dollars, let's get started. "Alice said with a smile.

"One and a half million." A Jin merchant from Huaxia said with a smile. "My father had a lot of research on ancient jade in the Han Dynasty. I believe that the things at the Iwan auction are all genuine."

"Two million dollars, Chen, sorry, I also like this ancient jade of your Chinese people, I hope you can cut love. You have a lot of Chinese things like this, let me." A white man smiled. Said.

"Wells, if you buy this thing, you may not be able to handle it well. There are many sayings about this ancient jade. If you really want it, then I will not grab it from you." Huaxia, who always loves face People didn't raise fares, so that a group of people stopped.

"Two million, is there any higher, if not, this ancient jade belongs to Mr. Wells." Alice said with a smile, Guo Gang nodded in the box, and the Huaxia with the surname Chen opened it. The price of 1.5 million dollars is not low. This ancient jade is indeed an ancient jade of the Han Dynasty, but it can be seen from the pictures that the quality of the ancient jade is average, and the two million in Wales is a little higher. In addition, Speaking of Panyu, there are indeed many sayings.

"Chen, after the auction, you still have to learn about ancient jade. I hope that you can come to my manor as a guest." Wells said with a smile. Two million bought a favorite ancient jade. To him money is small, and it doesn't matter if you spend more or less.

At this time, Guo Bad suddenly realized why such a black market auction would be favored by so many people, because not only can he buy his favorite things, but also have the opportunity to form a cooperative relationship with the rich around the world. For it.

"The third lot is seven of Picasso's early sketches. Three of them have been confirmed to be Mr. Picasso's true works. The other four are somewhat disagreeable by the appraiser. Of course, friends who like to collect can come up and take a look. , One hundred thousand dollars per person. "Alice said with a smile.

"Brother Vittorio, it will cost you to go up and give you an identification."

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