Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 427: Black market auction (4)

"Brother, this is the first time you have participated in an auction. Actually, this one hundred thousand dollars is not given to the auction house. If you can tell the authenticity of the item, if other people are meaningless, all the appraisal fees paid by everyone will be given to you. .Eight {One Novel [<[<

Guo Bad smiled deeply in his thumb. This method of appraisal is really good. It can not only leave the appraisal fee, but also improve the credibility of the auction. It is very high.

Alice's words fell, and indeed a few people stepped onto the podium. Three minutes later, a middle-aged man with eyes broke four sketches out of authenticity, and several others raised their thumbs, three true and one false. There was no loss at the auction. Several hundred thousand dollars of other people belonged to this middle-aged man, and everyone said nothing.

"Mr. Schroder has 18 million, is there any higher, if not, these six Picasso sketches belong to Mr. Schroder." Alice said with a smile, Xiao Ling Mo pouted his mouth, no It's just a few sketches. I can't believe it at such a high price.

The auction was fast. Thirty lots were over. Alice went to the backstage. When she walked up again, she changed her clothes. The whole auction boiled again. Guo badly nodded and suddenly thought of Russ. Vegas's twin sisters.

"I'm still thinking about it. If Miss Alice presides over the normal auction by herself, her physical strength will be too much. I didn't expect my brother to prepare otherwise." Guo said with a smile, Vittorio's eyes widened, Alice Few people know about the three sisters, and Guo Gu didn't expect it to be recognized as soon as she took office.

"My brother has a good eyesight. It was Alice just now, and now it is Emaya. There is a girl in the background called Alyssa. They are triple sisters. Each of them auctions 30 items, so it won't be too much. Tired. "Vittorio said with a smile, Guo nodded badly, Xiao Ling Mo Mei stared, his meaning was very clear.

"Little girl, don't stare, but the items auctioned below have something you like, don't miss it." Guo Bad reminded with a smile, Xiao Ling Mo looked at the podium.

"The next lot is also an ancient jade from Huaxia, with a reserve price of three million US dollars, and each time the price increase is not less than 30,000, everyone starts." Emaya said with a smile.

"Miss Alice, this ancient jade looks similar to the one just now. It seems to be not as good as the previous one. I don't know why the reserve price of this ancient jade is three times higher than the previous one." Emma's voice had just dropped, and an Indian businessman in the middle of the seat asked with a smile.

"I'm not very good at explaining this issue. Many of these reserve prices have been set by the appraisers at the auction. If anyone here can give a satisfactory answer, Alice is willing to personally give $ 500,000 as the answer. Thanks. "Emma said with a smile. She was familiar with the situation before her and said that she was Alice. It was naturally Vitorio who asked them to do so. Of course, the 500,000 US dollars were not used by her.

Several people were eager to try, but in the presence of so many people, many of them quit, and if it was okay to convince everyone and everyone was unconvinced, it would be a shame.

"What's hard to say about this thing, let me tell you that the first ancient jade is the Han Dynasty ancient jade. It is a funeral item, the thing worn by the dead, and the quality of the jade itself is also average. Now it is auctioned. This ancient jade is a piece of ornaments. I do n’t know the age, but it ’s not something taken out of the coffin, and the quality is much higher than the first one. Can you understand this explanation? ”Xiao Lingmo Walking out of the box, holding a microphone in his hand, he said aloud, a group of people came over and Xiao Lingmo was naturally not stage frightened. Think about it, now it is also the champion of the martial arts club. This scene is trivial.

Guo Bad nodded slightly. Although Xiao Lingmo's explanation was very rough, Gui said the fundamental difference between the two jade stones, but he explained the reason for the reserve price of three million yuan.

Several Chinese people in the audience and some people who have researched ancient Chinese jade nodded. They also mean the same thing, but let them speak in front of so many people, but they couldn't say it.

"Thank you for your explanation. Since everyone agrees with this explanation, Alice's 500,000 will be given to this little sister." Emaya said with a smile.

"Sister Alice, don't worry about giving me this money. The reserve price is 3 million, and I pay 5 million. This decoration is not bad in my bedroom. It doesn't look good in European and American bedrooms. Grab it with me, okay. "The little girl said with a smile.

Not to mention, five million, the little girl really took this ancient jade. There were a few people who wanted to snap it, but they were stopped by the people around them. Out of the box, this little girl is not ordinary.

"This is a piece of precious jade stone. We do n’t dare to guarantee if there is anything in it, but this stone was indeed delivered from Taixia Laokeng of Huaxia. The reserve price is one million US dollars, everyone can Bet. "Emaya said with a smile.

"Brother, you can also shoot this thing, can I go up to see it." There are hundreds of things away from the shadow box, Taiyun's stone, then go and see, maybe you can pick up a leak.

"Just go up, everyone in the box can go up, others need to pay some money to see it, but when it comes time, the people from our auction house give the result that there is probably nothing in this stone, I It's a wake-up call for my brother. "Vittorio said with a smile, Guo Bad nodded slightly and walked on.

"I'll also check it out!" The teenager in a box next to him also went down. In a short time, 36 luxury boxes went down for twelve people. Xiao Lingmo naturally didn't go down. What ’s so beautiful about a stone, she Now I was thinking whether the bad brother passed for the beauty. Fortunately, Guo bad doesn't know what the little girl thinks, otherwise she must knock on the little girl again.

"Fuck, it won't be so clever. If you just look at a stone, you can run into first-class Baoyu and take it down. This good thing can't be left to this group of foreign devils." Guo Bad went to the podium and glanced briefly The texture of the stone suddenly became conclusive.

"What, a broken stone is also offered for auction, hey." The boy sighed, and the fart returned to the box, but there were two people who seemed to have some research on the original stone and were ready to photograph it.

"Bad brother, I remember that you have a lot of precious jade. You still can't grab this stone." Guo Bad walked into the box, Xiaoling Mo asked with a smile.

"Grab, just looked at the stone, it ’s okay to sell it, there should be something in it, and 10 million US dollars can be won without losing money." Guo said with a smile, Vittorio swelled the research, this stone They thought that it would be good to be able to do it without streaming. Guo Gua didn't expect that 10 million would not be lost.

"1.2 million, I have heard that there is a Yushan in Huaxia, and I have no time to pass. Today I want to buy this stone and practice my hands." A black man said with a smile.

"1.5 million, Jefferson, I'm really embarrassed. I feel like this stone is calling me. I want to buy a bet," said a white man next to the black man.

"Five million!" Guo Bad said loudly in the box. The two disputed people sat directly in the position and it was OK to bet two to three million for one bet, and five million to bet on a stone. They also There is no such great courage.

"Master, the Chinese man in Vittorio's box is not simple. He called for five million. I feel there may be good things in the stone." An old man in a box next to Guo Bad box said softly.

"Seven million." The teenager heard the old man say this, and he was not polite. He directly added two million, but Guo Guo was stunned. Didn't the kid just be afraid to show interest? Why did he suddenly increase the price?

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