Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 441: Chaos bell rings

The awakening of the blood of the six spirit beasts lasted for an entire hour, because the matrix has already been activated, Guo bad only needs to spend some energy to stabilize the matrix, but he also has a rest, but after another hour, Guo bad's face Somewhat ugly. [?Eight

When the blood awakening of the tiger two, the gorilla four, and the leopard five among the six spirit beasts was about to fail, it was unexpected that they were driven by the power of the blood of the other three spirit beasts, and started to awaken again, making Guo bad Faintly felt an ominous sign.

"Booming!" The thunder roared across the sky, and Guo Bad could not help shrinking his head. Xiong San and Wolf Liu took the lead in completing the blood awakening. They are no longer a simple spirit beast. The blood awakening, if pure The power of competition, they are already comparable to the masters of the human opening period.

"That's what I mean. The blood was awakened and I didn't give up. It was even more powerful to absorb the power of the sky. You are looking for death!" Guo Bad suddenly felt that more moonlight was gathered in the formation, Guo Bad can't help shouting loudly, at this time all six spirit beasts have completed the blood awakening.

"Mao Tau, come out soon, I have something to tell these guys, they don't understand what I say." Guo Bad hurriedly shouted into the treasure room, but Mao Tau didn't move anything, Guo The bad was completely aggressive.

"Damn it, monkey. Go and call Sun Monkey. I remember that after reading Zhenxinjun ’s ascension, he followed the monkey. After the ascension, the monkey also took good care of him. Did n’t the monkey tell him to read it? Should the use of the power to win the sky be enough? "Chang'e shouted to Wu Gang above the moon palace.

"Boss, this matter has nothing to do with me. I told him when I first practiced that he must pay attention when using the power of heaven. Who knows how crazy he is today?" Wu Gang He hasn't gone to Sun Wukong yet. Sun Wukong has already appeared in the Moon Palace, looking at the situation on Huoyun Island heavily.

"It can't be concealed, it must be concealed, that guy must know it, but he doesn't know if he cares." Chang'e shook his head and said, at this time a coercion came to the moon palace.

"Since coming out, people are my people, but they are just some of the power of the sky. That thing is not useful to you. Why don't you let this boy toss around the world once?" Chang'e said with a smile.

"Fairy, it's a bit too much of you to do this. Since I came to you, I'll give you face, and you will take care of yourself." An old voice said to Chang'e.

"Huh, this is calling me face, old Hongjun, are you still going to read the joke?" Chang'e shouted into the void, and the old ancestor of Hongjun also appeared in the Moon Palace, "God, gosh, shout on earth If you are a grandfather, you really think you are a grandfather. They are both eighteenth-day power, can't the two of us still keep a kid on earth? "

"Hong Jun, do you care about this?" The old voice sounded again.

"Regardless, people are not mine. I don't care, but the fairy said, I think it's better to give the fairy a face. It's better to give the fairy an hour. If the six little guys can transform successfully, it can be regarded as their chance." Hong Jun ancestor said with a smile.

"Then I will give the fairy a face, and an hour will be an hour." The old voice sounded again, and Chang'e's face did not look good at all.

Guo Bad naturally didn't know what happened to Yue Gong. The six spirit beasts fully hit the transformation period. Guo Bad's grasp of the formation method required more and more consciousness. Almost half an hour, Guo Bad himself had fully integrated into the big In the battlefield, the six spirit beasts can only succeed, not fail, or if Guo is not dead, he will be seriously injured.

"Asshole, for a few beasts, it looks like such a big risk. It seems to be too nourishing to live in the world, but you have died before you gave the old lady. The old lady is too bad." Chang'e said with gritted teeth. Wu Gang could not help shrinking his head. The boss's temper was known to him. This reading true prince would not die this time. He would take care of him when he ascended to heaven.

"Hongjun ancestor, you have been with me for such a long time. Since everyone is here today, is it right to return the monkey's stuff to the monkey?" Sun Wukong laughed and walked to Hongjun ancestor and said with a smile.

"I don't know what the fight over the Buddha said. You don't seem to have anything here for the old man." Hongjun ancestor said with a smile.

"Let ’s not tell anyone secretly, I know your life, you have no father and no mother, and you jumped out of the crack of the stone. At that time, you were taught by the Bodhi ancestor, and taught him to follow him. The road has the current practice. Although monkeys have no father and mother, it is time to return the monkey's unrooted stones to monkeys. "Sun Wukong said in a hurry.

"It turned out that the victory of the Buddha is about the rootless stone. I bet with Bodhi the same day, he lost this rootless stone to me. Today, if you want it, you should go with your master." Zu said with a beard.

"Old ancestor, it's boring to say this. You and the master bet that day, there should be an agreement. If the other day I reach the strength of the twelfth heaven, this rootless stone will be returned to the old grandson. Yes. "Sun Wukong said looking at his ancestor Hongjun.

"Monkey, you also know our agreement. You will not be able to walk this rootless stone until you reach the Twelfth Heaven, but your current strength is afraid that there is still a gap from the Twelveth Heaven." Hongjun ancestor looked Laughing at the situation in the Nether.

"Since the ancestor acknowledged this gambling agreement, that person who took part in it took away his unrooted stone." After Wu Wukong said, the golden hoop stick in his hand was sacrificed, and then the golden hoop stick danced in the moon palace. Sun Wukong's space is taboo.

"The top ten iron rules, the source of power, Lao Sun has fully realized the way of strength, so use this way to authenticate the hybrid yuan." Sun Wukong roared, and the golden hoop slammed into the taboo set by Chang'e. The original unbreakable taboo was smashed by Sun Wukong, Wu Gang not far away widened for research, and Erlang Zhenjun, Yang Jun who had meditated in his own residence, also appeared in the Moon Palace.

"Yang Ye, monkey authentication has been mixed, we can't beat him in the future." Wu Gang whispered, Yang Ye nodded, Tian Gong is most likely to break through the twelve-day battles Wu Gang, Yang Yan and Sun Wukong, after Sun Wukong certified Yuan And broke the final balance.

"Hahahaha, Xiao Wukong, no, it should be Qi Tiansheng, fighting over the Buddha, congratulations, hahahaha." Chang'e said with a laugh, her grandfather Hongjun frowned, and waved his hand. None of the stones appeared in front of everyone.

"Fairy, it turns out that you are in the next game of chess. An hour has come and the monkey thing will come here first. I will cut off the power of grabbing the sky." The voice of the old voice sounded again.

"Cut off the power to win the sky, the kid who reads the mind will definitely die. If so, let me ring the chaotic bell and send him a ride." Then, Chang'e added an extra clock, and a group of people glared. Closed eyes.

"Chang'e, big deal. I'm giving him an hour, and put this thing away." The old voice sounded again, but Chang's sleeves were already knocking on the chaotic clock.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Chang'e squinted and looked at Hongjun's ancestor and the one in the void. "You have also said that I have the most face for my mother, and when you see the monkey break through, you want to bully me A woman? You are too much! "

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