Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 442: Good fate

"Om! Om! Om!" Chaos Bell sounded again. The monkey had passed out of the blood of Chaos Zhongzhen's seven tricks. The ancestor of Hongjun sacrificed a magic weapon, which could block the sound wave from Chaos Bell. Force blocks sound waves. {[August 1st? ((<文 <(W] WW.81ZW.COM

The Chaos Clock has a role in confirming the masters of mixed yuan, but has no effect on others. After the Chaos Clock rings three times, Chang'e puts it back. "If you want to take back the power of the sky, take it back, I don't care." Having said that, he stretched out his dead Sun Wukong and went into the Moon Palace.

"Mao Tiao, if you don't come out again, the little man is over." God looked at Chang'e and went back. He just ate a dark loss just now, and naturally he couldn't say anything. He cut off the power of the sky, and the moonlight on earth suddenly became dim Down, Guo Bad felt the change of the moonlight for the first time and shouted.

"Why did my sister suddenly have such a big temper? Some old guys must have angered her again." Yuer said quietly, looking at the moon, and she still didn't know Guo's bad situation.

"Your group of greedy guys, the moonlight is gone, you can't complete the transformation, and the little master can't continue to hold the formation for you." Guo Bad roared, preparing to recover the consciousness, and at the same time, his hair came out of the hole. The middle came out, and six Jiucai Pills were stuffed into six metamorphosis stages to get half of the six beasts.

"My lord, it's enough to take back the consciousness, they can't die." Mao Tau said loudly to Guo Bad, Guo Bad retracted the consciousness, spit out blood, and fainted directly. At the last moment of faintness, Guo Baden I couldn't help but curse, grandma, no one has been here for so long. On this island, the little master passed out twice. After speaking, Guo Dan's original virtual dan was broken again. This time the congenital late cultivation is gone.

As soon as Guo Gang fainted and died, Yuer, who was thinking about Yue Gong, felt a pain in her heart, a sweet taste appeared in her mouth, and Yuer's blood was squeezed back.

"What happened to the bad brother, where is he? Was the sister so angry because of the bad brother's matter?" Yuer said secretly, stuffing her mouth with a panacea, sitting cross-legged, almost an hour, his face Only a trace of blood slowly appeared.

However, Guo Bad was not so lucky. On Huoyun Island, he was in a coma for 49 days, and finally opened his eyes slowly on the morning of the 50th day. The lazy hair suddenly jumped up. .

"Master, sir, you woke up, you finally woke up." Mao Tau shouted excitedly.

"What about those guys, are they all right?" Guo Bad asked softly.

"It's okay, they're all in Houshan. They all turned into human figures. This time it's all up to the adults. The adults have the grace to rebuild them." Mao Tau said excitedly, this time he talked to the right people, the adults just woke up Come, regardless of your safety, still thinking about the six spirit beasts, good people, really great people.

In fact, naturally, Mao Tau wo n’t understand the meaning of the sentence that Guo Gang asked just now. Grandma ’s was pitted by six beasts. If a few guys die, it ’s okay. If they do n’t die, they ’ll definitely clean up when they recover. However, Mao Tau doesn't understand that Guo is broken.

"Gorilla Four, Lord, wake up and call the remaining five." Mao Tau saw the figure of Gorilla not far away, shouted at the gorilla, and the orangutan stunned God, then disappeared on the hill. In the woods, for almost two minutes, the whole mountain seemed to explode. Various types of birds and beasts roamed around. It was not six spirit beasts who came to Guo Gang, but the six looks were not handsome, but they still returned. A decent man.

"Put on your clothes, put on your clothes first. You little stature masters are not rare." Guo's black face shouted to the six people, only then did he know that he was in trouble and the gourd could not be opened. He didn't even have the strength of the late innate.

Six people heard Guo Bad's voice, and ran back to Houshan again, about ten minutes or so. Six people returned to Guo Bad's front. Clothes, be regarded as clothes. The tiger wore a tiger skin, and the bear skin was tied to it. Xiong San is undoubtedly the most unacceptable to Guo Bad is Leopard Five. The leopard skin on his body seems to have just been removed and blood is dripping, but this is much better than six naked men.

"Thank you, Lord, for remaking." Six big men, kneeling in front of Guo Bad, said loudly.

"Come up, it's all your own chance, but then the moonlight disappeared, how did you complete the final transformation." Guo Bad could not help but ask.

The little monkey got up and jumped on Hu Da's shoulder. He was so excited about the situation at the time. Guo Bad nodded slightly. The six guys were really lucky.

Huaxing Danguo can also be made bad, but the guy who just wants to awaken the bloodline is not good at all. It is luck for six big guys. Mao Tau found a gourd in the treasure room, which is just right There are six exquisite transformation dandelions, which just solved the urgent needs of the six guys and made them successful.

"Shit luck, it's really **** luck. Six **** stepped on the **** and walked away with luck." Guo Bad said secretly in his heart, but he couldn't say so, and shouted six people directly. It ’s impossible to break the battlefield and go back to the inadequate medical museum, but now I'm stuck on the island.

"Brother Mo, it's been a year, hasn't there been the whereabouts of Brother Guo Bad? This year's Ivan auction will start again, and I want to invite you to continue to be a guest." Vittorio knows through some special channels. After talking about Guo Bad, he called to ask Mo Beifeng because the reason was that he wanted to contact Guo Bad again for some elixir.

It is said that the Japanese spent 1.6 billion US dollars to take away a Xueji Dan. After one year, together with many Korean masters who have established Chinese medicine, they decomposed the ingredients of elixir. As a result, the decomposed ingredients let Everyone was taken aback. Although the medicinal materials are precious, no matter how they are combined and refined, after all, they have not come up with a substitute, and they end up in failure.

"Raphael, is there still the whereabouts of that Chinese?" The Bishop of Darkness in the United States asked Raphael with a look of anger.

"Guo's plane was involved in an accident. The little **** the plane and another Huaxia man survived by chance. The Guo Gu has been missing for a year. I'm afraid it's dead." Raphael said softly. "And the guy who ruined my Angel Sword at the time, we sent a lot of people to Huaxia, and this person seems to have disappeared. If I hadn't seen both of them, I even suspect they are the same person."

"Dead? Stupid, all of you will die. He won't die. Get out. There is nothing for you here." A strong coercion appeared on Raphael and the bishop, and the two fled. Ran away.

"This elixir has the smell of Samadhi fire, too old Laojun, too old Laojun began to get involved in human affairs." A man in black appeared to himself in the hall of the dark Holy See, said, "No matter who gets involved in human affairs, it is impossible to stop the big demons from rising again."

"Five Elements Mixed Umbrella, Huoyun's magic figure, avoiding water beads, King Kong's magic circle, Huoyun Zhenjun, I took these things, anyway, you can't go to the Nether to get these things, so I won't wait until I return to heaven These things are half yours. "After spending another three months on the island, Guo Bad broke through the innate realm again and entered the opening period, and then opened the treasure room with the help of six successfully transformed spirit beasts and placed the inside. Ransacked.

"Good destiny, good destiny, the old man no longer needs to worry about those things on Huoyun Island." At the moment when Guo Bad and his team of seven people and one monkey opened the Huoyun Island seal, the mansion of Huoyun Zhenjun, which had been closed for 10,000 years, was passed on. With a sound, Huoyun Zhenjun exited.

"When is Dad going home?" A little girl over one year old was playing with Yuer behind in the non-medical hall. When she was tired, she asked softly on a stool.

"Xiao Mengmeng, your father has been back recently." Yuer was in a good mood today, because she felt that the big bad guy had nothing to do, and she was about to return.

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