Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 452: Source of sin

"Boss, three today!" While staying at the base for a while in the morning, when preparing to go to Building 1, Chen Jiadi walked back to the base and said softly to Guo Bad, three more people died. Bayi Middle School √ Wen Wang W ★ www ★. 81z く W. √CoM√

"How are the emotions of the other people in Building No. 1?" Guo Bad asked softly. If he continued like this, once people get confused, the next things will be more difficult.

"Everyone is calm, because we pass by every day, and the situation is not too bad, but ..." Chen Jiadi wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

"But if you can't control the current death situation, people's hearts will be chaotic, right?" Guo Bad shook his head and said that there were people who died for three days in a row. These people did not have riots, which is a blessing. Emperor Chen Jiadi nodded after listening to Guo Bad.

"Let's go and take a look at Building No.1. In the past two days, I have mixed several kinds of medicinal materials. Try it first, I hope it will have some effect." .

"Xu Gang, can you say that Dr. Guo can cure us? In recent days, we have been dead every day. The medicine we take doesn't work at all." In the first building, several middle-aged people whispered around Xu Gang.

"I can't say clearly about this, but the people in the medical team come here every day. They definitely didn't give up on us. Let's wait and see. Anyway, we are now waiting to die." Xu Gang said softly, and everyone nodded.

"Don't drink, this Chinese medicine is too difficult to drink. I won't drink it, anyway, it's dead." A young man suddenly stood up and shouted loudly. The people who were with him who were preparing to drink Chinese medicine looked at each other and looked at each other. The cup was on the ground.

Guo Bad shook his head slightly, and the things he worried about were still alive.

Several people from Xu Gang looked at Guo Bad and came up one after another, but because of the words of the youth just now, a few of them changed their eyes.

"This is the traditional Chinese medicine that has been dispensed recently. After it is boiled, let the people in the later stages of infection take it first. The child's dosage is halved. Before the boil, the previous Chinese medicine is cleaned." Guo Bad said softly, Xu Gang nodded after taking the Chinese medicine.

"Uncle Xu, he is a liar. Don't believe him. He can't help us treat the disease at all. I won't drink this medicine. I won't drink any medicine in the future." The young man just shouted loudly, and the crowd behind him talked. .

"Dr. Guo is not a liar. You look at me. I was sent in with the two people who died today. At that time, my condition was even worse than them. You look at me now. It's much better." A girl Standing up and shouting, Chen Jiadi nodded slightly towards the girl.

Guo Gang immediately understood what was going on. Chen Jiadi took the elixir to this girl, stating that the elixir he had given to Chen Jiadi worked, but it was just an excitement and Guo bad's face sank again. Down, the elixir for Chen Jiadi is not expensive, but it is simply unrealistic to refining in large quantities. There is only one biggest difference between elixir and traditional Chinese medicine. The bad one can use it.

The words of the girl made a group of people widen their eyes. Many people knew this beautiful girl. When she entered the building, the situation was really worse than now. This also means that Guo ’s bad medicine is effective, and the group is mental again. stand up.

"Let's boil Chinese medicine first. People have different constitutions. I can't guarantee the same effect." Guo Bad said softly, and a group of people nodded.

"Ji Di, please let the girl follow us back to the base and go to the base to do a little favor." After Guo bad said, he walked out of Building No. 1 and was busy again in Building No. 1.

"Xiao Qing, let's go and follow us to the base. I said that the boss must be able to cure you." Chen Jiadi said excitedly, pulling Xiao Qing quickly to follow Guo bad.

"You take this elixir, don't give it to her, she won't have any effect if she eats it again." Guo Bad looked at Chen Jiadi and said softly, "After returning to the base, you take two servings of Chinese medicine each time. One of you, the elixir can only temporarily suppress the plague, and cannot fundamentally solve it. We have to continue to think of ways. "Guo Bad said softly, and then was calmed down by a scene upstairs not far away.

It was on fire. Nearly 50 meters from the first building, black smoke was emitted from the tenth floor of a rough building. Guo Bad was able to see someone jumping from the tenth floor downstairs. Guo Bad shook his head, We must find a way to control the plague and stabilize the emotions of all infected and suspected infections, otherwise chaos will occur.

For three days, Guo bad asked Sutu to follow his own medicine in the back building, but the situation in the other upstairs was much worse than that in the first building. Fights, alcoholism, and even various violations. Guo The bad heart is becoming more and more unreliable, and he can feel that if this Chinese medicine has been changed three times and there is no obvious effect, these people will be unable to bear it.

"Su Tu, what's going on there, isn't it suspected of being infected there? Why did you open the door?" Guo Bad looked at it a hundred meters away, and opened a large open space on the iron net, which opened a large one. Kouzi looked at Su Tu and asked.

"Every Saturday, they will send the infected people they think to the quarantine area, but it seems that someone on the suspected area is heard to put medicines here, and more and more people have come to the quarantine area to get medicines." Su Tu said softly.

"We have too few people. I don't know when Qiu Lao will be able to find the source of the plague. If you can't find that thing, the disaster is just beginning." Guo Bad could not help but said, Su Tu nodded. .

"Sir, sir, we found the place you said that made us most uncomfortable. Master Qiu and Master Li stood there and let me inform you." Just as Guo Gang and Su Tu chat, Mao The head rushed to his side, and regardless of Su Tu's approach, he said excitedly to Guo Bad.

"Mao Tau, you made a contribution this time." When Guo Bad heard Mao Tau's words, he felt a joy in his heart and found the source of the plague. At first, he can handle this thing, at least to ensure that the plague will not spread widely, so everything is fine. Too much.

"Boss, here, this monkey can talk." Su Tu stared at his hair and widened his eyes.

"What's wrong with the talking monkey? Su Tu, you don't know what's left, I will tell you slowly in the future." Then, Guo Gang pulled Su Tu, regardless of the shocked Su Tu, and directly The sword rose, Sutu yelled, and the little monkey looked at the human with a scornful look.

For about three minutes, under the guidance of the little monkey, Guo bad stopped at a cave on the top of the mountain.

"Small bad, you have done a good job with this thing. Mao Tau and Hu Da have saved us a lot of energy. It should be what you are looking for, but with your current strength, you can also die if you go in." Qiu Shixin looked at Guo Bad Yujian came and said softly.

"Two seniors, you have a lot of knowledge, what should you do about this matter, and the two have any methods, don't hide them." Guo Bad looked at Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin softly.

"The source of the plague is also known as the source of sin. If you can get him, you will naturally get great merit. Presumably, you know this, but you want to remove the source of sin. From ancient times to now, it seems that no one has It was successful, but I remember the plague before Lao Li's head and I were sealed ten thousand years ago. Heaven had come up with a wizard and came up with an excellent solution to the source of evil. "

"any solution?"

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