Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 453: Beauty in the hole

Guo Bad and Qiu Li chatted with the three, and Su Tu, who came from Guo Bad's Royal Sword, vomited for a long time. At this time, he also raised his ears to listen to Qiu Daoyuan's approach to the plague. Eight ★ a Chinese network W√w√W. 81zW. CoM

"Everything in the world now has yin and yang. The source of this evil is extremely yin. If you want to deal with it, you must take out the thing that is yang. That guy named Longhua that year seemed to have got it in Wanlong Realm. Nine dragon eyes directly sealed the source of sin. This is the best way we have seen to deal with the source of sin. If you have such a thing, it is not a problem to deal with this source of sin. "

"Ahem, Qiu Lao, why don't you say that after the boy's strength proves, he can raise the hand to show the source of evil." Guo Bad whispered, the nine longan is still the longan of Wanlong Realm, even if he was In the court of heaven, I didn't dare to go to Wanlongyu to ask for longan like this.

Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin shook their heads helplessly. There are other ways to deal with the source of evil, but the strength of these people alone cannot deal with the source of evil.

"Can't wait, I have to go in and see what the source of sin is." Guo badly thought for a while, and stood up sharply and said. "Tiger, I need you to come in with me, there is a little care."

"Small bad, you can't go in, Tigers can't go in either. Although they will not be infected by the plague outside, they will definitely die after they go in." Guo bad voice just came, Guo Fanyu has walked ten meters away from them. Outside the place.

"Aunt, why are you here?" Guo Bad walked towards Guo Fanyu and couldn't help asking, what Guo Fanyu said when he appeared there was only one reason. This is the evil Shui Yunzi told Guo Fanyu Source things.

"Boy, you promised Lao Tzu to release Lao Tzu, and now you have to go in to die, Lao Tzu naturally disagrees." A voice entered Guo's bad mind, not who Shui Yunzi would be.

"Senior, you are the ancestor of the water. This plague is related to the world, and I do n’t know if there is any good way for the senior. If not, the kid must have a look. Otherwise, if the world ’s creatures are covered with charcoal, think of me as a military Caused by cause and effect will surely trap me. "Guo Bad Chuanyin said.

"Now the number of people infected with the plague is only one million, which indicates that the source of sin is only childhood, and it is not impossible to deal with him. If you want to go in, I will be with you, but you have a lot of treasures, you can try Go to seal him. Although the source of evil cannot be completely eliminated, it is absolutely feasible to seal him for thousands of years. At that time, you may have flew into heaven, and then asked for some longan, and then suppress him completely. "Shui Yun Zi said softly.

"Seal for ten thousand years? The predecessor said softly. I am now just the strength of the peak of Chengdan period. It is impossible to seal the source of sin for ten thousand years." Guo Bad shook his head and said.

"Hey, isn't there me? Of course, you have to contribute something to seal the source of evil." Shui Yunzi said with a smile.

"What do I need? I don't have anything in the sun." Guo Bad said softly.

"Yin and Yang twin jade, as long as you are willing to contribute the pair of yin and Yang twin jade, I have a firm grasp on the source of the evil of the seal. It will be easier for you to deal with the plague before you. Of course, it depends on your willingness to contribute. Out of this pair of yin and yang twin jade, if I am, the old man can't bear it. Whatever lives in the world is nothing to do with me. "Shui Yunzi said with a smile.

"It's not too late, let's go in now. This yin and yang twin jade was originally a leak. If it could save the world, I wouldn't have taken it out." Guo said with a smile, and went straight to Qiu Daoyuan.

"Boss, do you say you want to go in with Aunt Fanyu? No, this is not possible, otherwise, I will go in with you, Aunt Fanyu is waiting outside. Grandpa Qiu Li Ye, you two have a word, You can't let the boss take risks like this. "Su Tu exclaimed.

"Be careful, protect your law from the outside, if you can fix the source of evil, boyfriend, you have the merit." Qiu Daoyuan said with a smile, Li Shixin nodded, and Guo Bad ordered a few words, The six big men nodded in succession, and Guo Bad took out an elixir in his mouth, turned around, and Guo Fanyu entered the cave.

"Senior, you promised the kid that day that you would n’t occupy your aunt ’s consciousness, but now you are a promise." Entering the cave, Guo Bad felt a hint of coldness, watching his aunt was not uncomfortable, could not bear it Live said.

"Boy, I don't have the consciousness of your aunt. We are separated. I haven't affected her at all. I don't believe you ask your aunt." Shui Yunzi said with a smile, then his aunt turned to look at I myself, "Little bad, I said long ago that you are not my nephew. Even if the small bad is so good, how can it be better than the elder brother, but now I really hope you are my good nephew."

"Ahem, aunt, I am just a strange adventure, not who your nephew can be. You should know the current situation. There is a person in your body who is more powerful than the emperor of the heavenly jade. You will be fine." It is said that Guo Bad did not expect that the second person in the world who believed that he was a fairy turned out to be Guo Fanyu.

"Boy, take out all the things you displayed a few days ago. The five-element hybrid umbrella and the fire cloud and magic map are good things, which can resist the filth in it." Shui Yunzi reminded Guo badly nodded, and a bell-shaped umbrella-like thing opened. Guo Bad took a deep breath and was quite comfortable.

After walking for about 30 minutes, Guo Bad felt that the small bells on the five-element mixed-yuan umbrella rang. Guo bad slowly retracted the mixed-yuan umbrella. He had never seen the source of evil, but I heard people say before However, this guy has spirituality, and it is estimated that Guo has already known their existence.

"Hahahaha, someone found it here, hahahaha." There was a burst of laughter in the cave, and Guo Bad and Guo Fanyu stopped at the same time.

"Come in, you have already come to the door, why don't you come in." It was a man's voice just now. At this time, the voice became a woman. The voice was extremely charming. Guo Ai took a deep breath and stabilized his mind, but did not continue. Meaning walking forward.

"Hey, brother and sister, come in, welcome to our house." A child's voice came out.

"Senior, what do you know now?" Guo Bad Chuanyin asked.

"I didn't want to hit the source of this evil. I can already spit it out, little bad, this time I'm troublesome." Shui Yunzi said softly, "Go in, you have already come here, we have no way out, if there is danger, I I can feel that there is a puddle in it. If you ca n’t get him, you can jump into the water and find a way to introduce him into the puddle. You have water beads on your body and Lao Tzu under the water. It's easy to pack him at that time. Now. "

Guo Bad and Shui Yunzi communicated a few words, and the two walked forward at the same time. A woman was lying on a stone bed, in a white dress, as if she was unlucky, indescribably charming.

"I didn't expect to be a handsome boy. I don't know what happened to me?" The woman said quietly as she looked at Guo Bad.

"Come here is to find a beautiful sister. My sister made such a big noise. I naturally have to come and see."

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